Hallowe'en evening at the two school gymnasiums, Howard andi Stolp, ti Iplayground and Recreation board ha! announced that private individual *and civic bodies have requested tha the parties be."continueci andi havg guaranteed the funcis necessary t( conduct them this year. Village President C. P. Dubbs wai one-of the. most entbusiaetic baickeî of the parties and personally donate( ,25 toward deferring the expenses And. among the :organizations- tha- have contributed to the funci are th4 ,Wiimette Rotary club, the ,Vi1meti Optimîst club, the WVonan's club, thg WVomans Catholic club, andi Howard, LIogan Parent-Teacher association. Awm-wda For Costumes The parties will. be -held as usua on Hallowe'en evening, October. Y at éboth Stolp. andi Howard gyrn. nasiums. Both gytnnasiums- will bi open at 7 o'clock although the-partkie will flot, begin officially until 7.3( o'clock, wben- a parade of aIl maske( witcbes, goblinsý, owls, cats, andi othei HalIowe 'èn sprites will be hiel at eaci gymnasium. The paraders who ar( wvearing costumes andi are' masked wil. be eligible for opue of the sixty boxeý of catidy.thaàt are to he given tco thc nearers of the i.nolsi t tpicallIv Tl lowe*en ýcostumes. The Recreation coiniittiee îia ning the Hallowe'en prograni, headr eci by Mrs. Herbertj. 1eachi. 65!1 Washington avenue, lias decreed thai only masked costumie wearers %vill-be eligible for prizes whiicli lhave. hcec (istrihuteci as follo%%s : tlirtv-six for the individuals wearing thie nost original and typicall\- Hal;owe'en cos- turnes, and tthirtNy-fotur for the couplez wearing thce most original andtyia .1%,Hallowe'en costumles, Show Movies '1'1î p.rograin of centert.aixmcnieit ti .vear will be. featured hY- tw0, feature nioxing .pîctures and i stij>pie nientary éornic -strips donated I v the Teatr< del. Lago tlxrouglx thxe ourtesy of Sa.i- C. 'Meyers, the owner. ýMr. * Mev crs lias- annouinced tthat hoth fea- ture' ' Iitur-es will he six reels i letxgthi andi~vl be gtt;raniteeci to bi, exciting, enouigh to lxo)Il v.otttful at- tention even on such hIlectic occasion, as I-allove'en night parties. Adlded entertainmnent wilI 'he an ac- 'Is as Is at ;e as 's d S. 't le le al NUvmber 1and Z, of next week..1 Eigbt teains ili be permitteci in each o-f two leagues termeci A and B. The A lèague wiIl accommodate al teamns who lhave fast players andi de_ sire strong compétition andi the B league will accommodate teams who desire to, j)lay basketball for the belle-1 fits of the game without particularly desiring to become experts at> the gaine. The ýB league will, meet, on Tuesday evening at: the Howard gym- nasim and ion Wednesdav evening at the Stoflp gyMniasiurn., Thie A league will meet on WVedniesdav ev ening at the Howard gynxnasium andi on e7 nesdlay. evening at the Stolp gym- nasium.before the B leagues gaines are playeci. Organizationis or grouips of .indivi- duals are eligible to enter teamis-in the leagues andi the saine organiza- tion may enter teains iin each league. An entry fée is required aiaid nxust be ini the Recreation office hefore to- f jP. *a5.i: Hô-vardl Tuesday: 7 p. ii.-M\en's basketbal. B3league.! Howard gymnnasiuu. rs arnd was- a member at fhis death, the. members rd have adopted the fol- Iitions : S -An AlI-Wlse and Beni- eficent Providence has seen> fit to 're-. WEDNESDAY: i. ov 1e from aamont 'us, our ioved frienfi 7 p.nx-~Mens bsktbal. lagu"land co-worker, STACY C. BENNETT, 1) ë's bskeballA lege'-and, Howard gymnasium.' WHREREAS we, the niembers o)f tive 7 p. m.-Aero club for boys. ýStohp Wllmette -Piayground and Recreation gymnaium..board, have had the privilege of a clo-se gyrnasim.'association,,wlth hlm for rnany year, 8 P. m.-Meni's basketball. A league. and have had the opportflnlty to ohserv4. Stol1) gylninasium. and profit by his splendid character and unseifish -devotion to the interests o'f Thuraday: his community, as well asý his fellow- 7 P. .-GirIs'ý gyminasiuln class. mnan in general, anld Howad gmnasum.WHEREAS In the death or STACY C'. Howad gyinasnin.BENNETT, The Wilmette Piayground 8 1. mi.-Ladies' gyînnasium clIa!.s.: and Recreation board has lost a re- Howar gynnasim'. -pected îa'd vaIued ýmember, 'andth eommunity . n general, a wonderful Friday: - haracter and falthful citizen, NOW, THEREFOREý BEITRE- 7 p. in.-North Shore Basket hall; SOLVED: league. l-Iowvard. gymnasium. .That The ýWimette, Piayground'.atnd 7 1)., n.-Ping Pong club, mee ting. Recreation Board, in regular session as- iHoward scîxool attic. sem bled,. do hereby express its. de!epesi.t ,-,-- --orrow in the dea'th of ou good friend 10011.p. im-Cness and kChecker Clui),,tnd fellow-worker, STACýY C.B - ~O norow oon neetiixg. Howard school ,e%%illg yroum. NETT, and extend ts heart-feit svmyn- ci - -- pathy and coudolencé to bis fainily aind ioved ones, with whom we inourn, jZ Iuesday <Jsiers in-- and further, 'e W trA .p WQmen s Basketball to 1>11IT RESi>Osprea llj ~wihl sher egiri Play November 7.tilie recorde of this Board, and that :f Tuesday evening wl se in the, eoi)v be presented to his famitlly hya le 932- 11933 fali andl winiter ,program or Only one basketball, league for" menîiber of this Board in, perboîl. aduIts, conducted by the inxettc woen will be organizecidur ing thé Plygoud ndReretin oad.It1932-1933 season, which w1%711 begin Done ai. the regular Meeting of thé. Playroud'ad Rereaionboai Monay venig, oveber , a th NWilrnette Playground and Recreation will be the seÀVent1i season of activi ona eeigNvebr7,a teUard, thls l2th day of October, A.D. ties. andi the first for wvhich there wîîî Stolp gy-mnasiunx. The league will: 1932.Inet t' b carestoth prtcians n hemeet on successive Mondays at the Wiln1et, Playground and Rec-rea.tin b v ars spotea icgains inludelsni'ylnsun einig t roard,. R. H. Johnston, chairmnail ; 'Hàr- varios sprts ad ganes ticlued snie ýriniasiL. Leach, ningaen'y Fowler, Georg,,e E. on the yearly calendar. The season o'cl)ck. - al,'Daniel M. Davis, secretary. will continue for twenty n-eeks from' Since the league inembershilp i,. )r November 1 to April 1, with a tweo limite'd to eight teanis, the nuinber'C Sweeks'. recess during the Christma.; of contestants permited -on one.teaux : C ess and LChecker Club -holidays. - h as. been extended f rom eighit to teni Opens Third Year Nov. 4 SAlthouglh curtailedi somevhat be- menibers, in order t-bat every girl The Chess andi Checker club. wilh -cause of reductions in the budget for vvho wishes to play basketball nxMay be opens its third vear of plav at the the ensuing year,, the 1932-1933 sea-I accommodated'. - oadsho rdvceig son . wil oçffer ten separate activities . Anacivance fee is required of each venxler 4. 77 o'clock..The club ,xxm-1 ini which'the-villagers may, participate, teami enterig the league which m nust - bers . ill effect a. p'ernxiatiwnî oirgani- Sthroughout the season. These. activi-, he paici by NXovember 1. -The, fee %vill izat'intîxiseananiahîlron efties' are open -to all residents more hie ue ohl eerteeIlso ounmn illepl dofaio V tan iféenyer-s-ofag ani eni Ithe league., Fees and, entry' apli1ca- tie cllibi) nemblers- dnring thé vear. 0 b)ership in eithe-r classes or teams- madearagdthog1heofc tions ina3'be sent to the Recreation Arrangements ivil 'also 'he iula(le for of Daniel M. Davis, director of 'rec-' o1c meitl adrsraini~co et vtioto-towîî iteaniS dur- -reation, 914 Central a;venuýe.' the league ma%.'lie made by telephorie ;i ing' the y'ear. .lv -\n rciît onf \il: cases111u0on guarantee of the teani captaîn inetei emtc ob inle In Il hechageshae benthat a fuili teain i embership .vill b. ftlîe ci,,])h1 paying the rc.quîiredl made nominal andi at the lowest pQs- secuireci and dulv 'entered l)efore the' ciitry fec. Abaktfc srqie -sible figure' thai *wilinsure anj eaueAo s: - *o cdiclb icner. whis dqirwil ~-acti'vitv's being partiallv self-suipport- " ___________ i o rvlgsi h nlg. * ~. ~ EGT' -cover alcosts fr1rvlgsi h EIGH VOLLEY BALL TEAMS club throughout the season, andi an indîvidual charge Nvill be made to . he Mrs. fH. J. Hickev. representative On'h' pi.<ht teanis cati hl' - -- 1 - .-. ... tive of the ýCentral-Laurel Parent- Icause.ot the bnnanial i wîcuities the '[cacher association; Mrs. 'Ray War- comrnittee met in- conductisig the pro-. ren, representative of thie ilnmeftc grami, it was decided to elixni nate' the .NWoman's club; andi Dudley'C. Stone doughnuts froni the' refreshieit i s t andi Miss Joe Skidmore of the Rec- this year. reation staff. Both p)arties will conclude at 10 Assistîng Mr. Davis at Howardl wilt, o'chock. iilg stailn eners: iDudley C. Stoiýe, Glen w:. Gatliercoal, andi MNIissJoe Skid.niore. Inqiliries iîiav be eithier inaileci or phioned to the Recreation office, 914 Ceni- tral avenue. mUit t b ntu edwithin teiit3-ftour l'ours after the gamne' is played i c Inust be accoinpanied by a $5 protest fee. If the protest is. sustaineci, the game must be replayeci anc the fee- will be retuirniec to the teani nxikingý the protest..