Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 15

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of ait tinemTployed ex-service minlEl Ridiculoius Misconceptions Mihnette, whether members of the We hear, even at this enlighitenied post or not, in the endeavor to find( moment, the most .extraodiîiary. jobs for tlîem. If you areci tis statements abouit Chiristion Science. class, please. note-or' if you knowý Just recently a man told mie that he of any tinemployed ex-service xîîai, understands that Christilan Science please pass die followin..g information teaclies a nman in finanicial trouble toe along to, hini, . Fili out thé forini e. v "imagine lie las ilo olr, and mail it to AboO Albionî~ and his worries will be over! Then.1 1167 -\Minette avenue, or to D. too,; there is the widely proclaimed 'Leachi, 1417 Forest avenuie-or' teleý- fallacy that the Christian Scientist, phone the saine information to thc;i.î docs absolutely notlîing foa sick at Wlct 57o \Vilincttc 3755.t man, and ini addition to sucli xigli- respectivelv: gence, 1 nakes. Matters wvorse by bid- Nainie ... ding- the sufferer to imagine hiniself wvelI, and he will be well. One hard- . ly need say to a body of thinking Addres> pj en and women that sudl concepts are absolutely erroneous, and sounid ....... asabsurd to the studenitof ,Christian Science as,,to the.outsider. It wvill ......... ......... > know that possibly no word occurs ....................J Iess, frequ"ently in the Christian. Sci- Married or single.................j ence literature, or, in the . conversa- I tion of the inforrned student of this ................. Science,, than the word "mgn. Ntil)r fdpnen .Ii- the Christian Science texfbook Nunber depndnts........we find that it appears only five ........... ........... tines. A Chiristian Scientist is more concerned with the littie. word Occupation............k-noW," for he learns tixat 1 h is. only that whichî lie knows that does- ....................things ;ý.in fact, that whiclî lie kniows. *Commander Dave Lcach lias an- ýo trutlî, according to the Scriptures, is that which will make hirn free. niounlced the following alpciiuitînenit, . Reverence for Christ Jeas for the coning year>: Adjutant, Stan- 'l wish. that ail who have. feit dis- ley M.L Peterson ; chiaplaiiî,. eon E.trle over the Christian Sientist's Ashilev; lhalth oi ficer, D)r. W. W. e>lçp of the words and workls of. the Saviour might read that wonderful. Hawkins ;. service officer, Albion 1) ehaptý-r lu. the Christianî Science text- Albrighit; judge advocat.e, WVilliam j{ R oo. $ience. and Healtlî with Key to Moxrison. Commiiittee c I a i r in iln. te cituires," entitled, "Atonemient Aîneicaism Le J. -Iasenuerand Euchaiat." These pages breathe athiletics,. WilliainîJ. 1Benuer; attend- Ilovei.rfo ie td pender nrefvenht ance, Fred \XV. Kidd; Bov cus To quote one of the statenients Curts E Cogroe; cvi ontctini thi.s ehapter, "The divinity of the Curts E. ClgrVe ciic ontctChrist ivas nmadenanifest ln the lin- ,Albcrt WV. Froehde; C. 'M. T. C. and.d manity of Je,.;us (P. 25p.1I(,ail think of R. O. 'T. C.,-1Dr.Harry E. Pine f0o writings aside froni teSeripture whlch set forth h1gher idleals and incite editor, FortY-Silx N e ws,. Stanton. to houer Christian livinig thanthi'lis x'e-. V\,an inwageiu; emiergtlncy re I C 1. markable chapter. James S. Barcus; eýntertajumelit.Ilas Chrlstiunity FaiIed! Ber, 0 Sul;vn;*. fnane, Le ý"But," says someone. -have wve îot BertO. ulUan;finace,1.e -~had nearly nineteen hundred years of O)rr; graves registration, Chiarles, il. Christianîty. and are flot the. great Dahtncke; hiistorian, William î Ni. problenia of being stili far froin solu- 0O1 Connell; house, Joseph H. Hleini- tion?" The only ans,-wer» to such a zei.; egiiatveWilian C.Conor:query la a defiite. No! We have flot zen;legslaive Wiliai C.Conor;hadl nineteen centuries of Jesus' chr-is- meinbership, D. J. ,L. Walther: tiantty. Par from i t !. It la a far euy niemnorials. Frank Osborne; national inedfroni the, ?ractical,. regene -atlng iSeniworth policeý report of the acci- dent.. Mrs. George M iddendc rf and lier daugliter, Amy, were riding with Miss Hudson. Mrs. Middeiidorf was' slightly injuredwhenshc Nvas throwný against the side of the car. Wi-th M'rs. Wright inilher car were Catherine Wright and 11rs. P. J..Myall of. Evanston. None o f the occupants wère. hurt. Both cars were f-lightly, (lanaged., J osepli E Ftienne, a nmet.ber, o(,f theî ,U. S., 'Coast Guard1 at Staten Island,. N. Y., lias beeti on a month's leave of' ab)sence, during wvhich time hie visited his parents,, Mrý. and Mrs., John Etienne, 1910 Washington avenue. He is re- t urning to Newv York n;ext Tuesday. Mrs. Paul Rensch, 1639 Highland avenue, Wilmette, entértained two, tables of bridge.at tea Monday. en e 'te-xtbook turns mortals from ît tinite. ilâterial sense of GQd toe -the- beautiful. eômnfortinz realization thgta the Great First Cause mnust be and la Love itself. Love Infinitely goôd, and eternally Kiving. giving, giving to Him creation. Somne persons becorne di- turbed %when they find that Mrs. Eddy speaks of God, Love. as divine Prin- eiple. "That setties il~!" they exciaim . "'I shall have iiothinz to do with a, sys- teni that refera to the Almighty as 'a tod OLD nmn. R teeth anid brokea Jew. elry. IghesS prloe-free est,. Miates. D. PAGLIARULO Je-,'.,. 116 WILMNETI!E AVENUE WILMETTE 1061 s HALLOWE'EN CANDIES The success of your party, cails for, a plentiful supply of our Iuscious candy. We offier anunusually large as- sortment of novel Hallo- we'en:Citndies and favors alt very reasonable prices. DUTCH MILL 1187 WILMETTE AVE. stores$ inEvanston, Glencoe. Lake Forestý Y.,, We Deliver SCIENCE AND HEALTH With Key te the Soriptures By MARY BAKER EDDY Publisbed by the TRUSTEES UNDER THE WILL 0F MARY BAKER EDDY The original, -standard, and only Text- book on Christian Science ýMind-hel-1 ing, in one volume of 700'pages. Labrary .Editilon, cloth.$0 Vest PocketEdtooz khaki, black or bine mo- rocco, Bible paper ...... 3.00 Students' Edition, with in- 4.00 107 Fa Painting - Decorating 1412 Elnwood Avenue. Wilmette I Phone V/iL 32 mette 2997 Res. Wal. Ih ec 28 andâ 29 'art Town - READ- THE WANT ADS Boston, S. A.

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