Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 12

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The miusic for neëxt Sunday %wlll be: Prelude -"Pielude" ý.. . DebussY Anthem-"l3less the Lord" .ý . Ivanofft Offertory--",Nllegro Cantabile-' Widol' Quartette--"'.%y Fatth Look., up to thee"...........Schneckee Violin obbligfatto b)y Robert Brown PostudeWonertPiece" ..Faulkes * Ail childi'en are wt1voit' ini our Church sehlool. >which meets eorli to the following sehiedule : Primary,. Juniori lntei-iièdilatëi and High achool *groups a :36, Nur.tqse-ry and Beginners at 10:45. The Board of -Religioums E dueation, willIlleet ?.onday at lp. ni.inthi churcli office., ePuesday, N,,vtenîler 1. the ('rescé lt crde m-111 meet with, Mrs. A. W. Craig, *"Il NInth xtrett Luneheon at 12 :30 wiII1 he followed hbY «Lprograni-and. sewlng. Mrs. P, E He-ndricks and -Mrs. cl. P. Ev,î v««i.ý il lie th(.sitighsess our reguhir Mid-Week service lias been wýithç(lra«wi aext.week in order (o permiit OUr Ipetbplts (o attend: hie Joint Home Boards and NMid-MWest egloniaj mneeti ng, tti .lie held fla the Firsýt Congre- gaionll hurch, Oak Park, on 'ruesdav, Wednesda-y, a nd Thursday,' Novemlber 'l. 2, and 3. Outstanding national. speaker's vrliI address these gatherlîgs,. * Aluilei meeting or the COzyCor-. ner cire(le w~ili be lheld 1brsaNo- *vemnber 3, at the home of àMrs. A. S Holway.ý, 1227 Elmwood avenue. Mrs.j Adojph Anderson .isî chairmian of the *luncheon committee, amsssted by Sirs. A R.- Sehuiberad Mrm. Williami Norýi.. The central cirelIe will neet foi. lunch.1- *onand swn at the home of Ms ~ A. Hop)f, 726<Nhin*th street. onFrdy Novenber 4. l'le assisting hsessare Mrs*'ý. C. 4. Crîenter and . .. *Wilson. 'l'lie ti rotig'h-tlî-W eek activ'itlcs for *boys and girls are ,scheduled as~ foliows.: Tuesday-4 1p. i.--Caiip Pire CGirls, Girl Scouts Tuesday-7:30 p. n.-Tr-oop No. 2, Boy Scouts Thursday-4 1). m-Jno hi èe -al Thursday-7 :15 1). n.-Senior ..,hoir re-. hearsal Thrsay7 3~p. n.-Troop.No. .1,'Boy Scouts Frlday-7 :,I P. #m.-Seior Camp Fire1 Method"istCh'rc-h t The mnse' sermon theme for. the 11f nlc worship eric on Sundav *morning wlli lie, '*The Courîse That Canl- flot Fail." The High School league wlll have a party Frlday evenlng, November 4, at 8 o'clock ln the Assembly room. The Woman's Aid society wlll hold its regular monthiy meeting Thursday, November 3 at the church. General Aid Sewling, at 1l0 a. m. Executive commit- tee meeting at 10 :30. The FIrst division wlll serve the luncheon at onon. Busi- ne."s meeting and program at 1:90 "Prohibition" is the topic for discu s- sion ln- the Friendly Circle class this Sunday morn ing at 9:45. Mrs. West. will dlscusis the Quarterly Lesson on Temi- perance, -and women of the class willl give the o'Utllne of the Wlckersh.am re- port, state the Democratic and Repub- lican platforms on the question, and out- line the attitude of the church toward It. Mvesdames Colgrove,' Varleèy, Matson, Cohran. L. W. Jones, and Martin will be the speakers.. Ail women of the church are linvited to attend this dis- cussion. This week, October .23-3l, im, known as .Girl Scout Week. The troops sponsor-ed by.this church, as well as those through- out -the country, are celebratlng in oné way. or another. The week opened for ouj G irl Scouts wlth a very lnspiring service, on Sudayaferoon. I s hoped that. the girls thinselves, as well as their adult frlends, may realize mnore fully -the joy of seouting 'ând wsf11 un- derstanrl ,tliat '*Girl Scouting Is not so much an organization as a way of liv- ing." The montb.ly meeting of the Woeman'sc Home Mlsslonary society , f ý Rock River conference will be held Wednes- day, November 2, in thia Eleanot club rooms of the Stevens building. Theý business meeting will be held at il 'clock, and reports of the national meeting will be- heard at 1:30. The secretaries of the Wilmette Auxiliary are urged to attend. ia btist Churcb Wlmnette and Forest avenue-., <'Ieorge D. Allison, mnlnster "A Church that Cares" Dr. Allison lias outlined the following sermon topics for the coming Sundays. Doriot miss the challenge, that goes out1 to YOU from the ehurch each week1 through these mpessages:- ýý 1 . .October 30-"'The Hymn of Hate or the Walk with God." November 6-"Noah's Ark !" JNovember 13 .. SksrprSoute, The Builders of i3ab-eI." November 20-"Abrahai-.a Friend of * classes Il a. m.-Secofld service and sermon Monday 7:45-Choir rehearsa1 Tuesday 7 :45-Church couni Wednesday 4 p. nm.-Classes for chlldl'en Thursday 2 p. m.-Ladies' Aid and Mis- sionarysociety:, Saturday 9 a. m.-Classýes for children. Our pulpit next Sunday will be oc- cupted by the Rev. J. IL1 Gockel whom we aIl love to hear. Let us have a record attendance to show Mr. Gockel that -we reallly appreciate his, coming and his fine- sermons. 0f1 course this, in- vitation is not only intended fpr every famlly of the church but for everyoine. Please joUinus. The Ladies'-Ai and Missionary eo- ciety will meet the lrst Thursday, in November at 2 p. mn. It is planned ho devote one-haîf, hour (to>Bible, study and ail members arel' asked to bring their Bible and> to lie at the meeting prompltly a 2 p. mn. "Harvest Frol! le eider, doughnuts. pumpkln pie, -games! Yes the Senio r Walther league Is giving just such a* party Thursday evening, October 27, in the Church Sunda'y school ;roiorn. 'All youang people of oui- church, their friends and our' Juniorts are Inivted to attend this novel entertainrnent. The Glenview soeiety. has been invited as our guests- and we will have a good time. Old elothes will be in vogue. so corne on all to the. "Harvees rolie."1 Many people have bee(n inqjui ring when the youn.g, folksa aIe going to present. another of their ever-inereasing liopu- lar plays. If you could sec these play- ers rehearslng *"Wel.oime H-ome, jirn- mie," you will save one evening the first part. 0f Decembler (to e their fine performance. We, will tell you morec about it later. Kenilworth Union lCenlworth avenue anîd Warwick rosa Dr. Herbert 1,. Millett, minister Dr. .Willett's subjert for Suriday, October 30, will be "a' Rough Road." The Chnrcli service la at il Wre~.~ill 1W Ibrea' ilipo rtant events in conInection with the uelebration of the fortieth an nlversaiy of the Kenil-. worth Union church. en undy, No- vember. 6, the anniversary servrice of worship at il o'clock, wlth a sermon by Dr. Willett on* "Four Decades Ijr Kenil- worth." On Wednesdây evening, No- vember. 9, the annivers.ary dinner., in ou,- Meln'si Bible class meets at !e :4(' o'cioa!k, studying the Gospel of John. Oui' Christian Endeavor socîety, will meet with E'dward Hill_ 1411 Giegorý' avenue, at 5:30 o'clock. Miss Elizabeth Frenchi will lead the meeting. The topic for diseussion wil be,. "Good,,and EvIl ln Our' Newsîaaipere.i" Ahl the young peo- pie are inivited to attend. Our miidwveek prlayer meeting xilbe held on Wednemday evening at 8 o'clock at the Worilanils club roons. We will study "fhie 'salffiqs ef the. Soôu," taking this week Plsaiim 2, "'the Song of the AnointeciOn. We invite you to join us ln (lus liour of stuclv and devot ion. The Cboru s choir will hold its Iirst rehit'aa'seti this 1"iday eeinOetober 28, at the' hîaai of Mr. and Me. En îiger, 1312 lliiiwofd, a venue, promptly at 7 o dloik. Al! wlîo have sigiied up for tlh.' ch<'iis iii*gî'd(<i t l)e pre'sen t an ii<l prompit. ~I1tlemeris ln iithe Auxiliary of* the ilre.ï3jterian.College of Christian Edu- cation may lac secured througli M~ Barker, 730 Central" avenue, dîiring October. The Ainnl Praise service of ih. Woinan's society will be, held on i'ues- day, Novemiber 8. The Annual Harvest Home diainea' Will be held on Tîuî'sday-evening, Novîmli- ner 10o. >E,*glish Luth eran. Greenleaf avenue at Seventh ,st i(e t. Wilmette *A House o! Worship Bey. Da.vlId R. Kabele, pa!t'.r SUN DAY SERVICES Sunday echool....... 9 :45 t. ni. Morning *worship . _>... Il11a. ni. Fireside vespers . '........... nu * r.May Belle H4agenow-Jw-cks4.n Director o! Music Speeial %usIc-.October «31 tl Fetstival Prelude:on Iltin Feste. Burg"...........1auJkets Anthem-1. il lift up minhe eyýes .:....-.................ogr Offertorv Anitheni-To God on'IHigh. be Thanks and Praise.......cius~ Postlu de--G'rain.d Choeur .....Iu Bois Choi'rrehe:tral Frida9Y.eveiiiing ut o'clock. The Chiic ago Conference of the Unîteti Lutheran church ln Amnerlut. will legial thefe. prograni of Evangelism wleth a mass meeting to be held Suiidaà ,ift.'1- Pî'elude depuartmE î r oe o htcue this year. The musical program arraOngedt by Mrs. Harvey Gr Scutay eve-.The* * iss Rounds, planist, and M.Otis, advertising.1 LirIScôu roo. I he tate convention nîeets Priday, soloist, are as follows: Prelude, "Pre- no h will be led by Saturday and Sunday of this week, Dr. lude ln G Mýajor," P nh afnothePot-i the Démiocratie, Allilson l? (o give 'two of the addresses. lude, "Grand Choeur" (D major). Gui!- is 'vice-cbairi charge of the Kolb is chair- r. C.: D. Ewer s 'i '-. 1LVJIuIUAu meet

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