Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 10

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vpvra compnpzy, ana I8Cy wereno disappointed. From the moment lie stepped onto the stage, hie held bis audience. with bis interesting lecture on "Primitive Sources of Opera." With b*is easy manniier and fluent speech, he told. us of the origin of prmitive musie up to the latter part of the sixteenth. century whien opera came into, being. A group of noble- mnen got. together to discuss Greek dramna and'decide(l the speech ofl Greek drama should'be chanted., -So it became the origin of the reçitative or.singing speech. Originally-primi- tive mati was anl ecstatic man iwith anl expressive soul anid when aroused burst'.forth into sbouting and leaping similar to a revolving wheè hc kept tueiniing to its highest pitch. Hc said ail of us had this ccstatic mati withinl us, viz, the h)athroomý singe r *Who goes through bis vocal exercise feeling exuberant over the dawn 0f another day. Wheni we. feel happy %ve hurst into song or sonietimnes, N% lbistlë. %\'len depressed, it is diff- cuit to arouse this ccstatic inax * within us, b)ut we shotulc cxcrcise tlîis power. miore particularly during these Thbis ecstatic miani was th e Ihope of the. people for al timcis. lI Greek history, lie as called B3acchus and at tîat lime leaping 1ecaine daticing_1 anid shoutiiîg becaine song. Froin these came rhythm nd id elody anîd primitive mati sôoiu fotind lie' -couild * putt the two together, -whicl i is the origin of all music; rhythmi beiiîg thec ecstatic pulse of your oivti soul, andl in elody its ornamnentation. Mr. Vant Grove gave an exaniple of this on the piano from one of the solos of; 'il T rovatore,." He, spoke of thîe Good-Fal.se prophets, the festival of Bacchus. the Rhapsodist and the',T ragedists who were the founders of our flrst draina; the degeneration of thetlieater jr' Rome;, the, Christian era, the Dark, Ages, and the songs of the Barons, the time of the minstrels and bard, inîmiiesingers, and ineistersingers. It was a. morning well spent and Mr. Vau Grove left us with a, feeling of satisfaction and a better apprecia- Howard auditorium. Dr. M. H. Si a hnd avN . e Pclhed wxii' 19As-erocal charity' work. fert, Wilmette healtb ahhc.W .Ptro,59 s comimissioner, bury avenuie, FEvatstoiî, vas drivixîg' he ways atîd means conimittee, of will discuss the healthi prograni as south on 1(cust road, Hoth cars 'er 1 hich Miss DorothSr Hall is chair- carried on by the school and villagü badly dainaged. Peterson' cscaped ni mari, assisted by Mrs. Gèorge Haiti- authorities; and hie will present tic jury. nahi, vice-chairman, 5isi charge of situation as revealed by physical ex- ftr dibente sale of tickets. Members of the Aferlihlad benattended yD crite aeteMssDos aniatinsof the' pupils. Mrs. E, att .Siet > rcmiteae te Mse oi De ii,, annouinces Matirn Hov ie r 0t eMontatiar»o 1'as Wôodcock, Marion Borr, Alvina Devlin, music chairmthé,Evanstoti hospital. Rei chmann, Vera Hoerber, 'Alice that music will be furîîished b>' Mrs. lie is tlîm .nwreciperatiing from Jms ni*lpeih r.Rt Edith Vivia .n's 1classes in piasno. bi f ms 'ugAndmrs.Buto . uth' Mrs. R .Dltrm h lîl -jIr. (publicity). welf are. chairman, ,is opening lier drvet iteet otirsinte lîl H a Ba ou dof -The commnittee empixasizes the fact Welfare magazine. Shie will be.prese- that credit is giveti the Auxiliary eut10tae sbsritioîsaxd t ~ V ital Information onl>' for tickets. sold 1outsidc the, box fer several current copies for sale., to Eývery Voter officsotlîaetfrie nsmy ecuereo The.executive board platns to hold By B. H. the or'niaio r by telephioning a receptioil for the. teachers itunlie- The ýNeig hbors of Kenilwortlî and, i ss. Doris \Voodcock, Wilinctte 609, diately followitîg the P. T. A. pro- 'the Kenilworth League of Wotnen or Mfrs. John A. Youtng, Xilmnette gram. This occasion .will afford an Voters held a veryr interesting joint ,212. 'excellent opportUtîity for ntothcers, mneetinîg on Tuesday, October 18, in1 'The Nýight of June 13" is a iamnily new in the coi.nniiipity, to get_ ac- the I<etilworth assembly hall. draina. "Famnily" becatise there is tiot quainttd. with thielocal 1 members, The prograni cons igted of a talk byv a niother, father, child or grand(- both mothers aîîd teaclîrs.-E. A. B, Mrs. Quincy Wrighît, president o: parent %vlîo wïll tot thoroughly cnjoy ________________ thCok Coin ty league « wl'gv a the 'story and. cast, it is cxpiaitîvd. b)rief, conicise 1)ackgrotid of the réal- It lias been rate(,'as moe-of Para- Frederick, G. Merrili .'l i vital information a voter shouild 'nou t's best filmns.Of the Ycar(1iv Die Prm H artAttck ;oscssiflie is tovtPneliety rook, L-ila Lee, Cliarlie Ruiggles. Frelerck Gadiir Xieril, fome She cîuphiasized thie differenit poit,(',enle Raymiond, Fratîiccs I)ee, NMar-, Freerck aruerMeril, fotierof vicw ho lbe haken 1w the voter wvhetm Bioland and Açlrie.itie AlIlen miake p resident (if Kcnilkvorth,. died ;st Sat- cîîoosn mefo iiiisfatv.f-noutndgcst- tirda%,at St.. Francis liospital in Ev- 1- ig 9fr diitaie f i*ohsadn at as coîîîparcd to those% for. legis-- The Junior AiiaEýrv inivites *al atshtiofa eat ttck Tc ~'s 1 aive ositionis, and also, said tixat villagers to take advantage of this, y'ears old an,. had heenin net-sneapesident lias great iliîativv oCul showinig of "'Flic _Night of Jutie mett bsiessii LaSale trct orrega rdilng ou r foreign policy, lic 13" andl announiccs tîtat tickts il m1ore tIan thirtv y'ea rs. sliotild l)c chosen with. a vi 1ew oho b e godo a oft tl 0rcengîs Be f (re Înovinîg ho EMcsuîdi r- abilîtv ntot only to mect îresent prob- rîlis W14 tht.lioti. if 415 Es'sex leins albroad b)ut those which arc Begin Gy m Prog.ramn- ini p4ad. Keilwuortlî 'FInir Lvatist.on ad- lootîîing in the inot distant ftutre.,K nlot y nsu dres, \vas. 820 l iii fot (tstreet. Mr. NMrs. *Wright's l*-îalk lwots entircîv wenl~as a tilttNt ( Chicagoan a.td tîQu1-partisan and the kcyxiote' ofbr Te'atnon ndccig ym a inîtiibcr oft tue .'Un 'nlRat club. address wvas "a more enlighitencd tiasiinni prograin for boys ah tthe Ketuil- Il [c k ilrvivc(dl h\ 1w, \\idt "y, Mrs. elçctora'ce." ,worth Memorial gyminasilini il1 he- I,îlitauti 'lîeIps l MViri . ano two uatugn- ters Eli~'lw %014)ln is înow' Mrsý. Rob2 ci-VI î'1. xd Kaihlîcr1min now'Mrs, l-I)cef invrai 'cvC~woC clié!1d Moni- dla %,afterinooîî iait Ile (ieadcne R. C,.Johnson Annexes Wilmette Golf Trophy R. C. jobitisoil of Chicago deI.feated ]E-cononî iii, ngoverniment and cn ynta) i- guI ÂVoveiU4y JicIIL, -, tralizatioti of govertî.mcxîit. were terni- ert W., Towtîley, atlctic director at ed îo very iitportatit'goii oe the joseph ' Sears ýschooI anîmoutîced. tIients anîd the speaker warind that, this wveek. The. younger 'boys: will take ithe first of these problemn îust be the gymniasÎim work in the afternoon. approaýched very san 1ely. Th e vote.r îwhile the evenitigs wvill be rescrved for s;hould realize the work of various boys 16 years old and older.', Attendatîce bureaus and healh evieso gv is volunhary, but. Mr. Towtîley states erument and-decide if they arie real- that the afternoon and eveiiing gymnas- Iv worhh what they cost before lie xun prograni was' 50 popular last year consetîts to have theni abolislied.* that Kenilworth boyNs, are 'already look- The Ken ilworth league hiad on sale ing forward to the start of the tîew sea- mati- of its splemîdid publications, es o. The older boys will schedule pecially the' current'issue. of the "Ili*asketb'all games with the Panthers of îîoi Voer" hic conain hhi\W:nnetka and 'other tearns of this 'înonhh, a remiarkable compilationi of cnty ous.eacn spring and aH. d ent ot the cluw. ___________ -- 'twenty-five years ago, Miss Dorothy 'Whidden, 315 Xar- 'forty mémbers. Mr wick road, Kenilvortli, arrived' home T'oeppen, Mr. and i Iast Friday from a motth spent in ding, and Mr. and1 Los Angeles and San Franîcisco. Mrs. Xalk have charge -Whidden is stili awaY. tle1ts for the party. 0, ad ___isso will be awarded for the test costumes, r. and Mrs. H. Mildred Farnier, 9.15 Eýlmnwoo(d ave- ai1d refreshnîcnts' will consist of gin- I1-rs. George Red- 1-ue, entertainied her Suniday School gerbread nmen * and apples. Mrs. Don- M rs. George E. class. of girls of the Wilmiette Parish ald Hartnett is chairmti of the party o(f the arrange- Methodist Episcopal church Saturday and assisting lber are Mrs. Otis LI. evening witli games and.supper. ' Beck and Mrs. Harry' Wayne '[oms.' i 4' dom

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