on that date. 1Freshmen wîil attend' with their parents. and classes will fol- low the regular Thursday scheeju!e ex- cept for leng-th of periods and a kew revisions for the purpose of avoiding congestion at the lunch hour. Instead of starting in the moriig,' the daily schedule W'ill begin about:,the middle of the after nomn. Teachers will report at 3 o'clock. A routine adviser period will be held f rom 3.:1, to 3:30, and at 3 :40 the regular,' first period class %ill begin., The schedule ýhy periods' will he as follows:» First period, 3 :40 to 4 :05: second period, 4:15 to.4:40; third j)eriod, .4 :50 'o5:15; fourth period, 525 to 5:50; fifth period, 6 o'clock to 6:35; recess, 6 :35 to 6 :50; sixth -perind, 6 :50 to 7 :25; sevcnlth' period., 17:35 to 7 :55;P eighth period, 8.:05 to 8 :25;, adviser period, 8:35 to 9 o'clock. Fromi 9:10 to 9:30 there will be a generàI meet- ing of, the Parenit-Teacheér. *associatio)n in the school auditorium, il ks an- nounced. The hours for dinner ivilL be the~ fifth and sixthi periods and the recess period, or from 6 o'clock to 7:.30. Al classes in English, mnathematics andý community- civics which usually iniet i the *--ixth .pétiod, wil meet ftic fifth i period instead and eat lunch 'ite sixth period. AIl other classes will ileet as , sutal, according to an an-, îîounc:crent ini a special school bulletin fluesday. Dr. Charles E4. Barker Speaker at Sears Sehool Dr. Charles F. Barke.r, physcal ad- viser to the late William H-oward T aft during President 'rafts terni ini the White House, will speak to pupils at the Joseph Sears school ini Kenilwortil Friday morning,ý October 28, ;t9. oýclock,. Dr. Barker hbas. talked to mure hiighý school audiences. than, any other living mnan,' it is said. Most of his %work bas heen done under the auspices o f -Rotary IÂnternational, -but this year hie is offer- ing his services to schcsols which would flot have an opportunity, to Jcrhimi ,Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey Sanders (Phyl-. is Ruf) of Kenilworth and their baby, Barbara, left Iast week Tuesday for Havana. where Mr. Sanders bas busi- ness until, af ter the holidays. NOTICE FRUITS - VETABLES FRESH DAILY SPECIAL THIS WEEK Sunkiot Oranges, special f or Large Honey Dew Melons . 5 EËating or 1Cooking Appes,9 6 Ibs.'........... Fancy Mushroomis, 5 box Freshi Asparagus, 29C 2-lb. bunebes, bunch ... Fresh Peaso,2 3Jbs .................. . Free Delivery WILMETTE - KENILWORTH, WINNETKA .., EVANSTON South Water FrUit and! Vegetabl e .market ' 4051/2 LINDEN AVE.- Phone Wilmette .986. SHAWNEE FURRIERS - TAILORS Expert Cleaning and Ta.tiorlnig At New Low Priees 521 4t1, St. Phône Wil. 1907 MANN-9S5FO0D SHOP Ol1E'4 DT AYS PER WEEK COMPLETE FOOD SERVICE SALADS,- COLD MEATS 403'LINDEN PHONE WIL. 984 EDW. W. HELMOND'S MARKET Nton-Hoir-Dtnfles Greeting Card-Gif ts 4 19 FOU1RTH STREET I ________ I JILEE BEAUTY SfiOP I Fêaturine FINGER-WAVE HAIR CUT MANICU RE 400 LINDEN,1 Ph. Wimtt. 2802 EXTRA: SPECIlALSý1 Fels, Naptha Soap »I 5 Bars............. 22c Sugar corn$ 3 No. 2 Cas............25 Noneï-Such .Sauer- 1 Kraut. 2 No. 2!/2 Catis. iiC None-Such Grape 15 riam, 1 lb. Jar ..... 1 c -CIZEK'S ShieId of Quality Store 405 Linden Ph. Wil. 4m4 i i I -I s ~ALL LME'ITE '*2843 331/3%YALLOW,,'iCE for. your -old radio tubes re- gardiese of condition, on. the purchase of new RCA or Philco tubes. TERMINA-L HA RDWARE 411 Linden Ave. BRUSSOW'S BAICERY -SPECIAL- Sweet Roils ........... 24e Doz. Parker House Roils.15e Doz. 406 LINDEN Phs. WiL. 1025 BERGER-FURRIER AND TAILOR SHOûp Fur Coatsj; ReniodeIed - leilin.d iteasonabie Cieautirng and Pressing- 75c. Conte Suits and Dess 407 LINDEN Ph. WtL. 1010 INSURANCE -RENTALS HI LL-STONE REAL. ESTATE 404 Lindou Phon~e WiL 1644 516 FOURTH ST. Phone WiL 5440 BETTER Pe'e&S SERVICE ASSURED AT WINBERG'S DRUG STORE. PHONE WILMEIT 4500 417 LINDEN AVL. PHONE WIL. 4501 -.#N,,j