1-uaYur icn nd ecreation board is crowd. wil - atotend.te'sobservance of forced to charge for participation Inated Health week, which begins Monday, its arius ctivtie ths witerforMr. Jaco bs will speak on a subject October 31. At the request of 'the tits frs activiitis his witerfo with which lie is tfioroughly familiar Wilmette Health department, which thefirt tme n is bstoy.and one in which the general public is sponsoring Health week, the Wil- T1is announcement, coincident. is vitally interested , dTaxation." mette Dental club, cotnposed of den-i ývith :the publication of the fal ainde 'vinerscedl. f ctviie.The' meeting will be beld at the ttsnthvilep eedhef- ivintr schdùle f actvitie. wasWilmette Masonic temple, 1010.Cen- lowing stat.ement on' the. care' of' miade this 'week- by Daniel M. D)avis, ra aeneat8 'cok Abiftetasabalth protection. measure: (lirector of récreation business sessionr wilL be held prior to "Public healtb activities, coupled Charges- for purelyrecreatiotial ac- the talk, by Mir. Jacobs, it is an- with mo-e.scientific: preventive livities for which no. outside instruc- niuie. ethods,-have been responsible for lion is, necessary, has hitherto beeni. otcd_________ the: decrcase in a number of the chul- against the policy of the Playground'Ch è a -~ dren's diseases. The control of the and Récreation 'board but that body ChCaA na -S 1 rve public water and milk supplies, vac- is now facing. grave fiinancial difli- WiII ýBegin Here Soon. cination and toxin antitoxini are the. ctî,ltics due to présent cond(itions, M tost common methods used. au1tgmiented by the curreit' tax,ý situa- Mrs. Albert tL. Grinneill, 2425 Kenil- "rvniednitytahsnot tion. H-ence it is impossible. to cOn- -- wrhaeubsbe appointed, local 'Trieethv entipr s eacfhmot atc fuli program of actii-ities Wsiîî-* chairman of the annual Christmas seal hgee h poe s fthe tootb o'ut assistance, in the forni of fee, Hîî drive Conducted by the, Chicago Tubrirsadtene frglreal :-rom the participantsiiofsucls actie i culosis intitute. ination commencing at tbree years ôf Mr Dvi eplind.promotmng ealth tî eek, htIich i wdl age in ordeýr that decay of the teeth tics, b'Mr.ervDavis» tc Vilage.itahin Due to tbe inýcreasilig demand of the cati îot get beyond repair.'. Unbealthy Fees Macle Nominal Mondave. October ;31. Dr. Seifer!t.. bercuoss orantecynged teeth ini the mouth of the cbild are Iii aIl cases the fees have been î,î_ig thé importance for f unds to carry on,, the institute this quite îikeîy to affect. its general well- miade .nom-iinal and have i>ecni ilaced hathpoecin ses, lhas year will start a mailing list1n ik at the lowest 'figure that wofid n-! r called ispoii Wilimefle r'rsidents 1t et toas fud n re o c e. n ik tsucpil ods each activit y's paying for i.CII and cooer , ii n !ii calth îweek ýtmfue the work here. The Chîaoi ',Te dental'care for chlldren of pre- tcoverinig aIl the items of ('011s co-:, ecs Tuberculosis institute is affiliated with -"hool and kindergarten age le just as iiecte(l with lit, it %vas poirîtcd out. ' tbe Wilniette Health Center. vital as those of older years. Often 'T extaepneh clit1 r from the appearance of a Y'oung child's Parentseneto1)'ý etb The îinoney raised fromn the sale Of mouth and teeth, the dentist cau tel! the Rerainboard tisycar at- P rnso rs en hita cl s l pn n hte ti eevn h rprd ntraily curtails the prograi. of atv- oJû eS h o a ny hitissasi i pn i wher it l s devtep:0pg mjut tics somewhiat, although the thîs !ocality.veIhe institut a cont h fdwehrI edvlpn ot sIors ndgynaiu.acivtis )ri, tuberculosis clinic here onea o th.nd heaîth. WIth a correct dlagnose he conduicted as usual," I)irecto 1a Parents of fresîtinin studfents at New Patients needinig sanitarmun came and 4eps can be taken to remedy any faults a S to Trier Hgh schovl will visit the school who are without ftinds are sent to. a,, ound, if it ls necessary. Unlik1e thue schiedtile is to be founiii tltue ,re- ;nThusaoeier 3. he at sanita rium wliere they may rective the i'Topsy," a good set of teeth dues flot .chedijle is to bc foul i i tb re- o hrgialNvnbr3.Tedt grow, even though elghteen. years are ofth nnîerofenrat%'iw~as rgily set for October 27, but proper care. Patients who iieed to bave,,;onsumed In the process. Nature asks iiieah pot;fo eamle .nî sx1later wvas postpoiied for ()tie week. X-rays n ýaiu essnae eas ersonal cooperation. tee baketal tems il bealiwcdi he neeiù isb~ig aragediuxercared for. There is a great need for "Preventive dentietry. should include iii thitmeni's weekly leaguec, s ac <>l»ithe ausp ices of the Ne\\- Trier Parent- moite%,to carry on the ,wNork 'n W thIa rer diet to b are eound teet at pared with twenty-fotnr toains last Teacher association iii order that par- muette. it is stated. ~niaint-a1n healthy teeth throughout lfe, ~ ea. Oly.thre ceîulgsperwee cul ofthe~ yar tudtît ma met adiet of foods that require mastica- yea. Oly hre cvnins pr wk lnt ofthefirt yar ttiunClub met ion to make .for a proper growth of will bc alloted to the pIaying t inlie, i the teachers and beconie famiilar with, Sunday Jivening tlbhe just ne les in tas theaet Wvhereas five evenings werc stin-i their children's daily- routinies at the'a s hmele nasnea 6normal position. as natjure c.n make 1 4 o v d l a t v a r . h e i r l . ' 1 a -d ý t ý i h g h c h o c l . o B e i n e a r o v .e m . T h e d i e t s h o u l d - i n e l u d e t h e ý ' bail league- is restrictedto igh t tudents in the soplio more, junior Th2le Wilîniette Sunday Evenilg iný'tMferai salte and vitamine, s0 néec- teanis this year, iwhereas tiiere 'ere . and. senior classes lviiI luot to 1 lub will open its 1Sth season of pro- essary to tooth health. and bone growth., tweive-teamis competing. in 19131-1932.1 school on freshnian- day. Th- f resh- grains Sunday evening, November* 0. if . n h lay eetables; ris (h.)il.y one evening wili be u-ted l»Or Men. will attend as' tsai, althcugh the at the First Congregational church. .1e ri nd Wm etek.> ek, girls' basketball gaines tli .ycar a:! daily scliedul ilh raids htTh.e year's progrmni will be an- DrngW ateHa t w eek il t!l.w.llbé rragedsà hatparents are urged to :se thtter ýoiiipared to two eveniîigs List.cr oe aet vllh ietuvstt nouniced soon by W. Frank McClure, thnzauaeus mouths are prpel examâ Annunc Scedue ~ lîol.who bas been président of the club, týd. Thoe dentlsts 0f Wilmnette have ex- [0ii(îViiIg S h-e al i I i1e -- snc t icpiô.îessed their willllngness to cooperate Psci1Wiu( i, le alat ile:. (r sincM: jCitg'1 Nlen' Cluo. II vîith -the echools for this purpo.se.', elvelng-Men's Volley Iay vig- qc a eague. are true friens!. -BACON. is, made up of fifteen miembers of the Methodist Fpiscopal churcb, the Methodist. Jpiscopal churh South' and the Methodist Protestant church. ' It is _çxpected. that the niww hymnals 1 will be ready ini 1934.L Please corne to our aid! -Mrs. Hfenry Cutler, chairinan. Note: Econorny Shop ls conducted by the Woman's Clu~b of WiInette. Proceeds are dfrected to charlty. A sk for is spending the winter with, ber trrandmother. Mrs. William Holrnes, 622 Central avenue, wbile continuing her s ixth grade studies at the Stolp ;chool.. . 1- ---