,a ( 41 t LC4- Wl VAilltiiaiE 4 Lst. i rees.--*~ -.*. r5,Jiili -ic g , L t Iu rso - ..... irblct ,. tm. '%a..#4 CUUIS, l *- tloer, aren, ~irs.an afc Iton f roml where the), wilt ai for a sixv of this week when she sspnt a 4ay witb aimiais in the sculpturing groîîp .are!: months' voyage aboard the square- ..ý*the New Trier Girl Scout counicil the selected subjects for this special rigged, four-înaster sailiîîg vessel, the Among the 180 persons who heard (ispIay. Reine Marie Stewart. They leave Bos- k M rs. Edey's talk at the luncheon in Contributing artists nuinlwr tualisv ton Novetnber 12, jtsst beforc cold Shawnee Country club, were presi- froi the nortb shore. inclîîditu~I lai weather is schedtiled to arrive. ' :dents of the foliowing organizations: Crow: Ewel ; -EIiyabetlî l'evraüdi. The fliglit f rom tihe bltisteriissg winds'~~«s laesbo ors oaycus wifle. of the. artist, Frank 1 cvrsd of that "stern and rock-bounid coast 4«w -caclubo.omerew Mn'scus .\nia XVlles Ilrîtsamu aîs lie wii tae te ~~yagrs t tu Medterand, the Business ýVomien's cu.Mns daughiter. Carol Loti Burnlsain. as:ranean, %vith stops a* té zoes, am 1er o te vrluschrchsrereen Ldn M.S.Johlansen. 1-thel Coc 1 deira, te Rock of Gibraltar. Balearic t1 vso ayogaîaînnohr who has taughit life aitheli Art îîîsti- isiands, Barcelona. Corsic ieN o ilSoutadtro edrs wr ttite. and Laura van Pappelandani.! pies,' Palermo, Tuînis and Algiers. The alo rse. iio%%- teaching art at thie Liiversitv .:travelers. ilsedCrita i îeCetincil of Wyne. A. h (S Ciag ndte rtîisi~ic aeSeek Ports of Africa Iîantonal boardmmeatne anon heChcgosî.Tu eîibt AIong the ~etcato fia al the luncheon, along with the following iseconies national iii scolie vitls paint-! are planned at the foilowing ports: Las îgby Arthur G. Rider of Califôr-!PlaProPaa a Fe- memibers of the New Trier Girl Scout nia. Jes.sie Arrns Botke ftaiornia. town..oroia...r.ani...dco.t, uncil: EiaehD rie direc- EdarFoknr f eati. \alî. n wUrei Ml, St. 'î'lorv ae dohito >.and . t(irMrs. Thoiiias Heairnecomimis- .lce'R. Hugar Smnitm of Charlestoi.CTon. SotsAfiaiouer; Mrs. Ralph Moulding, deputy The ( t frýa commissioner. Ximet; Mrs. E. Oit., Water Colora ComThe, adventurer u xect'îîg tw Clark. deputy commissiorler, Winnetka; "ise oils, splendid as miany of tlent visit 50111Ce of thé oldest anîd lnost in- Mrs. R. Clark, deputy cornmîissîoner, are. met witîî severe collupetition jin teresting p)laces i;.11i de orld> and to l-Highlanid Park; Mrs. A. Goodnow. thle ater colors. parficularly tfeue have a onderftul opportunitv to get~ deputvi commissioner, Glencoe; Mrs. S. yeen Wood atid garden scells% if, ati idca of. trading conditions. GI. ee. Winnetka; Mrs. H. Dernehl, Ahie . ugr uîth Wsledw tiî anned b\ thc.. tropical s;ntIi Vmte ; Mrs. W. Richardson, Wil- a lighiy personal and original touch. travellers wilt filîtiue aboard the slîip mette: M,\rs. H. Sieck, Winnetka; Mrs. îmnnîiistakable even to ticunpracticed tot-e courses :il mathematics. navi- The first of tiu serie of iec- F. \V. Burpee. Wilmette: Mrs. H. .e.the niatural haunts of %vater tow I gation, seamnansiîip, and i siip operationi.1 turcs zhic the Ssstt rhood of * Bellows. Glenco;. Lillie Mae Hump- a re excellent for their icturation jDurinig the day. the iluhswil ear' North ShortCoupt <iatioet Israel bries. Ný'iimette;' Mrs. S. L. Hypes, oi h.tsniîidity,...haze. nîist and :ramn. ori unifornîs., and ai mighit the%- vwIll have' is offrrikig te) the people of thie Glencoe: Mrs. $herlock McKewen, tise conlibining of hieat. iois.tîire %stýln their cîxloice of sleeping quarters, rest- i tortlt shore ïti'ilbe' Isdi a., thse * Winnetka:> Mrs. F. Siefkin, Clencoe, sitine and. rnoonliît.c mng,leither in bunks -or in ii hamocks !tem ple, Lisicolpt apd Vceion a.' niMs .Car.Hgln ak *A water color (Portuiguese Forsn:îJ the fo' castle cabimi 'tween decks. ns<g.ç, Glencoe. Tuisday., October lu lier talk at *the luncheon, Mrs. sunilalvconey a eeing0fais 1 5. ai 8 ýciock. Gleen IFrapgk, .;f s- Edey stresseti the necessity of carrying sinarsî y loenca eelingite Williaiu Vjew Industries WhIle Afloat ?,1Tesi«s-ilas aetnet.dent of thse Uikersit% of Wisconi- in at the present time when aIl the plThe sa.ilorherilthelaorhave timerto phr,ôn'hr teariscer look at motion pictures, of niany Amnei-' sin, wiIl talk on ".A D!trict7's v ouiug persons are under such a great ivin dy andi invigorating. Fraisces T.14pilpljtWflSri.Tene o epn h hl Wuwmn's Gras Lac,~~stii anflue cai nantifacturng iniethotis. *andtilvill' -loit en Wih1'tivsri.Thneifrhiigthci- 11owia's' Gas Lke- tllanthrI- dren to be better sports and to be more water color, is siinplicit yitsclf i i i,:prohably feel riglît at home 'hiefar 'rrn santdsekr u-ceeili hi 'toki eyge yregrentories, and vet force fti in;ont on the Atlantic cai. n rn i ttpeakrnpb.centlii hir.eto, ans very gret cisoioalreaction andt outdloor ft'el- Bud Fraser. uh atten ld IlNrt- licist, and writer, andi is so well known Mrs. Ede-, enpliaslzdat to de ing. weteîsaisi ue isvesit o Plnosfor the liberaiity of bis views that hie tliat youtiî prograins such as those of- \lore conventiotialI bt tetal as* and Paul Brown, ,vlso vent to I iii- i vas chosen a meniber of the group' fereti bv the Girl Scouts andI Boy appaiig eretIe toras ii u.i nis,~vll e.aîsongth fityyouhsheaded bv Fx- President Taft that' Scotuts cati lielp 611 thiis need. **"l e 11 -vdent-s- , dafted a. coveniant for the League of, Say& Girls Ar. Neglected -i hestudio Te&,* Tal »" 1wAna mostly college andiuniiversitN studen iotwhs .. cis ireibyte She observei that so mucli is doue I .îscs cntatiei agret low otwhoaretakng îseenlse Pease conference' at Paris in 1918- Ifor the boys tu keep tbiem occupied and flwes nt abakgouiî O tsereur tp.tlev~vl sop1919. off the streets-, that- the commuflities ansti'table accessories aslisarîssotiiotnsa h aiosS.t ode anti ife-lke asthe ine fregrotiti at te faisous t. Hlena ts ivnder His ide andi vanietiexperieicesini-, soretinses forgethtirsaejt That Anna Lytc 1 * inaue r-pehp, o ,pl<n cllhv ei.Ide association with . William, A.: a, apt: to go up to bie problems, andI ist of inote tuakes 1l.ier correspons<ing 1wet om.lHo e of Boston iin researcli and or-; little is done for'theni. skili in still-life ansazîiulg. )îsiiuî. - ganization. He us a pnohific rser iîav- MNIs. E.tey test h neifrcn ii a, Biue Bowl" hv 1Ethel Coe., tilts olcin *Tu est~ ae finig edite th îe Cetîtury Magazine at'tiîsuiîg witis ciaracter building now to -Gardenî Flowers" bvl .ucie H1-artra t l . e an ot seaka <d f oi oe tiie Canti heig the autitor of a, ielp the girls tneet the. present-day con- disilayed eqisal dept.Ilu, îuasterftil. oin~-t heir attitude of attention. Teei number of works, the latest of which., fusomu anud disýtress. "Character build- imositioli anti beautiful* coloring. f fine bronze (Wynkeiuu. Blyuukeîîî assd "Thunder and Dawuî," bas recently been itsg.*sIte stated firniy, "cannot lie set Jessie Armis Botke' s inisite detail :o) -' - Lnru ure- aslpublished, He was assistant to the a,,ide to wvait for better times-it must aisti satisfying colors in four- woocî ssve othes ofIler bt îe THee.,_! president of Northwestern tuniversîty, go ',on at ail tiflWs." clts are pieasing, t * mn andlice1\éefeeT.Hol1 19121916, andi'bas been president of; aer in the afternooîî 500 girls met Fasinaingisthe adIjective wih ftoth theexhllu1t and bte art nit- thme Utivrsitv of Wisconîsin since 1925. i M-\rs. Eieyandi heard lber speak. .She best , describes F. ,G. Garpentutrs Girls. teptiofWtre clubof ed >y he r csn .toltiof ber maxmy travels witb Girl at Iay-.." The riot of color; ail bkend. xH' DOîUn1s l chairnian. Test w s Mrs. J. A. Cuibertson, 'U0 MioeScouits and G(uïies of other couritries. isg into a dominant ton<,. andtihte ai the receptiosi by Mrs. E. D. Cooidge avenue, Keni1worth, is motoring tu Thse north . shore girls sang soie o quaitity of detail inithe figures Of of E vanston, Mrs. J. C. Ewell of *IFIgb-lierboninPsda etM dy.hiret-lkdsog frM' Fe, 'tie gtis ani te ardai ntrgueb<>hland Park, and 1IWs, Wilblisk Heln i ~ hn isdn etMna.terbe-ieIsns-fr*s the-irs ad te grde iitrinsl)tie vanston, meimbets 5of the artt V'rnîîust, I*er sister, Mrs Willlianîi eiof a~nd slie, in turtii, tatght theni sevetal the eyc and imaginationan ivietee,; and incIdentai nîustc wa'. provlded ICovington., Ky,, is acconipativing lier. of lier favorites. onte to sit and mmuse o%,r the piutune. during the afternoosi. by the liru-sa .~...-Regiopal Cl irui.a Sp..ks 1 .trio. Otier mepîbers ofi the art cons-.CaVng, çiflchrm , I> bis, il anoipatitig. înttee asssssting wîth i.>le, arranigements Mr$. rhilip Vaughan Briglit 7311 MN aýngsrgii a bir I lit exhiîbitl: nispîte ot i the act were: Mesdames A. J. DeUWerAr, iP. A nhI » én131t, Wilee, evntertan-1 f wa- wahMr \% t4t& 1ew 4ay tîsat the sut?îect usatter 1%s vfrlctîvucO..Ditti*tr, R. 1D. FeiJrnan, G. 0. Peur- ed at a big unho riday' ofand 1(kt- of the grow f il cot proities n npresso oficiieson, Walter r011 S cttbEdinh 1~,~la-st week ini bh'or of rs. 1e _ljoard iiig ni thse rCMio. an arey.Tenidri s'itovr he coônlete 11st (If art 1itt wbl.eaof KewOrleas. tIl <cokTtiesday't*îortiing) Mrs. Iooi.d, anti here andt iere are tiodi- 1,C p a n hehiî xeule--.- -'Edex fluet witii the 'New Trier Gil 4 '14 - e - ' presen - y i ~ts, %ntfme te ownan, nita t WIllèefa Puriai, Phli Beta at Norîlnvesterî,. -- -II àî a k tn~~e; nce evenv fine point of tise show is iii arol Lon B3urtuhani, P." G. Carpetiter, lui CWýiinnetka were présent. possible, and this is but a liitning 1Ethel Cole, Mauid Eggernîe,,er, MIrs. 0 glnc o is woeoatbstonyCharles H. Denis, Hazel Crow Ewell, 1 Mrs. Jutison Lange, 1942 TVhorn- a "time exposure." Houirs of çarefui iK. Gallagher, Lucee. Hartratb, B oi-aene nerandhe rde r ttiMs . .Gusî.13 stdyorpaesofcrtiisn oud eT. Holsman, Edsîa M. S,. Johanseus, club at luncheon Wedniesdav of Iaýt I Univooti avene, Ieft Saturdav for. required for a just treatment of these Anna Lynch, Elizabeth Boynton lu ee.a week's visit in Dallas, Texas. - ariss el nonasmaiyo tienlard, Elizabeth Peyraud, KAri Plats,1 0-o- artst, wllknon s ian oftileu Athu GArier AlceR. d.r mitidererertV.lleck 33 E.exMHugarnrd . talth,90 Eui are.. Anna L. Staey, Laura v'an Pappelan- HOb1iV eck33Ese Mr.Load .Stkl,96En- Eidith Boynton lias a i4plnlted group dam, Florence White Willams, the late 1 road, Kenilworth, entertaineti lier wood avenue, entertained bier secwing, etitled "'Young Goats" ini the scuiptur1- Mre0.Luk -dGerejuk bridge club atlUncheoni Tuesday. circie at.lu cheon on Tuesday.