Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1932, p. 51

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Hommes, Dorothy Jordan', Charlit Rttggles and Jobnny Mack Bro'wn i: the leadiîîg raIes. The story deals wvith the inurder oi Brown, a flash halfback, as be dashe. tlîrough a. çean field for 'a cértaii touchdowtî. TIhe s pectators at the gamn 70,000ý of them,' suddenly see hizi stunîble, f ail and remùain' prone, on tht ground. - Baffleëd physicians whc rus] hini ta the haspital find' theinselvel helpless as lie dies. They are unabl( ta) discovoer what caused thec deatti thaugh authorities knowv it is a muùrder Ultinately, Holincs, Brown's teamý tmate and buddy, in. coperationý with * clever detective, discovers just 1oW an( wvhy BroWtî was put out of the way David Landau plays the ÉoIe of ft cletective. Charlie Ruggles is seen a a good-natitred and generally drunk re- * crter. )bY rany critics as Jackie Cooper's best je picture siflce "The Champ," will be n sownat theVarsity theater o Thurs- nday and Friday of this week. A real story provides the background Sfor Jackie Cooper's triumiph in "Divorce Sin the Family.*' What happens to vhil- Sdren after their parents divorce and- marry again? It's a -tough road beset Swith both Iaughtcr and tears. Lewis eStone, Conrad Nage] and Lois W~ilson hare the grown-ups. S The film is reconineeil a celn eaduit entertainmeut. On Saturdayý only, October 22,,the. *Varsity shows "Congorilla," the cine-1 F. matic. adventure of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- a titn Johnson -among a tribe of Con go d1 pygmies. Everyonc wll enjoy seeing ithe johnsons teaching the black mites ýe the arts of 'cigar smoking and AÂmeni- S Jca1i jazz. The animal shots'are good, -but: the pygmnies steai this swell show., TIn i 1ltU-in t the feature rictîres. Here's That Serial 1I the VarsitLy offers Plénty of etimulat- At the Saturday matinee onlly, a1 ing short' subjects that have been care- clapter. of t he. tlrilling striai., "The iully slected for thecir eiîtertainmeàt jungle str, starritîg the intrepidl value. 'rani.,Tyler, wjll bc. shown. fIhe f cature flims ncxt week wil1 ii- .*.Bird of Paradise," filhînd ini Ha >waii clude "American Madniess," starring and starritîg Delores Del Rio .and JocI Vater.1Hustoni; "Hold T'i mJail," with M cCrea, %vill1 show. at the Teatro dcli Wýheclcr and Woolsey, and "Horse, J.ago 01n Suttday, NMonday and Tues-f Feathers," ful of the antics of the Four day, Octaber 23, 24 and 25. ,,a.rx Brothers. Thli lovclY Dolores Del Rio Nvill be' s.cen in the. exotic noIe of "Luana,'Y u Tn d creatcd on the stage by Leonor,_ Ulric.ayt lac] McCrca, handsorne lîro of scv- This to Your Collection eral (f Constance Bcnnetts reccut pic- . You ma%- add this ta yaur "Believe tures, lîcads the supparting cast. It or Not"' collection- The picture is fild with the sensu- \\*len J. Farrell MacDonald, who ,us bcauty. of the trapics, and has been plays the raIe of a football coach in given a lavish production by King "700,00 W'itnesses,*" at thoý Teatro diel Vidor, creator of stich outstanding pic- i.aga this Friday and Saturday, walked titres as "'Tle Big ýPanade," "Street into the set which rcprcscntcd bis office. Scène" and -Thec Chamnp'." at the coleège, he discovereci on the walI Qne of ic episodes particIularly a picture of the Yale football teamn ,praise(l bv critics, is the ýfirst .native of 1905, with liimsclf plaitîiy visible marriage feast ever to l)e recordeci 1)Y as a'memnber of the squad. Tfli prop- camera and miicrophone. erty m axi bad obtaiîed, the, picture f rom An. undervater fighit with a sbark, a, rentai concern tt decorate thc set, the flighit of an entire village f rom tbe aiid %%va% sstie as MacDonald. deady laa (f anl cruptitig volcano and __________ a daring versiont of thceitula, arc among 6 to Some, but the otlier liigblights oif "Blird of Para- P Y (lise." - He's "Jackie" to Us aise, sIUwing atdm1 eatrLC4Li "UagLo5 on Suniday, Monday and Tuesday, Oc- tober 23, 24 and 25. Wheii Kinig Vidor took RKO-Radio Pictures pla4yers, hieaded by Dolores Del Rio and JoelI McÇrea, to Hawaii, one of the locations Selecte for it s tropical beauty, was Aifiabau, a Iovely grove' lnear tie Royal Hawaiian bote!. Here, years àgo. "R.J..S." iused to corne and %%rite in the early niiornings during the m ntis- lie inade H-onolu Kay Francis' Longing Is a Secret No More Kay, Francis, vhois co-starringwith ilimPowell iii Warnier -Brothers' "Jewvel Robbcry," at the MVimette theater next..Tuesday and 'Vednesday, confesses ta a periodicèal and overpow- ering "Yen" f, or' peanuit butter and crackers.' Dunîng the piroduction of' a picture,, the star usually keeps a supply of both i lier dtessing-i'oom s0 thit shie cati satisf.\- ber longinig, %when ii seizcs- ber. WHAT WILL THIS BE? A Booth TJarkington screen act wil be an interesting short subject on Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday of next week at, the Teatro del Tago. so George sanroft-WYnne 611 " LADY AND GENT" end l!' Srnmwwrvill Çqui,.dy Mick.y Mous. Carton- Tues., We.L Oct. 21-28 Kay Francis-Wm. Powell "THE JEWEL ROBBERY"- ,and a fui] vari.ty show Thon&, Oct. 27-Btira et "BRING 'EM BACK AIIVE" Fi.-Sat. 28-29 - "Spea& EasiIy" Oct. 3*.Nor. 1-lut Sbowlnoe "Almost Married", "Horsefeathors" "Two Agiainsit the World" "Morntage of the. D.sert" "Blondie" CÇongonil.i"-"8];rd of Paradis.e" "Divorce ýin the. FmOVIIy Dits 01. Gram.IA.i LIVe %.IicV. ewas UiIVl.Lu byv Charles F. Riesner, wibo produceci NEW STAR TC "Caught Short" and othen Marie Dréss- The new star, Ranç ter bits. appean in Zane Grey The cast includes Conradi Nagel as the Desert," action-fil]e the stepfather, Lewis Stone as- the Teatro del, Lago on fathen and Lois Wilson-as the mnot.hen. ber .29i I Frl..'Sat.>, Oet. 91-ft

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