NON«SKID::TIRE ISC AL year closes October 31, and -we are offering> unusual bargainisduring the'ronh of Otober.> Octobe r and. November. are the dangerous. rnonths, of th yarfo riin. raein your thin, worn tires for Firestone non -skid tires, used:'by race. drivers because they are the satest tires in the world., Glen Schultz recently set a nw ordsrecrfoth Pikes Peak climb, where hair-pin turns were made at high speds an wheeasid or tie failure meant death. Ail world's records on road and traek, for safcty, speec1d, mileage and endurance are, held by Firestone Gum-Dipped Non.Skid tires. Corne in today and exchange your smooth, thin, worn tires for the safest and best tires you can buy. ,T1hey cost you no miore-besides, in this October,,Clear- ance Sale we will give you a liberal allowance on your old tires [n exchange for these safe non-skid Firestone tires. The. Ffrest.n. trasI dosigueu witl te give the muaxitmuma tvaetl. amnd noui-skid. The. brake s austIýp the. wheeI., 'but the tires umust stop the. sar. PIWPARE Tour CAR for WINTER DRI VINO Comspare 'CO NSTIRUICTION, QUALITYand Piuicz t. "r4 OUD 11<s 4.40-21 4.50-21' 4.75-19 5.00 19 6.97, 7.38 Iler plair $10 .50 11.90' 13.60 14.32 6. Furl $ 7.89 8.65 19.30 9.55 10.25 11.35 *PLYý> P'er pair 415.30, F REE ýSPARK PLUG TEST Ffreatone Extra Value SparkPluga NEVEU CLOS in Street, Wilmette Phone LeVs Go Io SweetIêeart Towu Wilmette 2600-2601 HAUTI OIL BURNER Sales & Service, 721 Ma PWIM..-