at reasonable. rentaL"' Fromi families ini tiesc villages, costumes are solicited Ibv tlic coIll- miittee, "costumles or portions ot cos- tumnes, no matter in -what conditiol., will find.,a good. home wt u»Nfr.' Joh 'P. Hooker of 600. flele%- ave- nue, Winnetka. the' ch airniian., stre s - es.' Any contribution, vill-bè cagur- lv recieived ançi coleut cri if . i .~ notified. In a rooni.i lu lier . l'n' costumies will lie cleàneçi. e>rç. remade. and. xw-ienii iorder. , 1, on a rack in Tlie- Stork-. 747 lrn street. \Vinnetka. wiee Irs. liarofl Wilder wvill receive, callk. Children'5 cos tumes are cpcal soliciîed at this season,. Mrs. Floo- ker emplia sies.. Other- menîhe(rs, of her comnîittee are Ms Allen Witlî- ers, Mrs. George Cai kins. "Mrs. Erlist v'on Amnion. NMrs. -E-din*Price. MNr'. 'Martin Lindsay., Nf rs, Towner K. W,ýeh)ster.Jr..,<pid -NIr \ alter Sýtrong. Roller skates, j isate and rid- :1ng boots 'the comii4iit!e also is seck- ilng. and it lias on hand for spec ai ý a pjatforni and canvas tlîat iiiav hie rentet!. ANNIVERSARY PARTY Mr. and Mrs< XVllam Jolhsen 1803 Walnut street, celubrated -dic"t second' wedding anniversarv' last Sa-- urday at an evenmng bridge.partv for' twelve guests. At a-, inight supper the table. was,attractivelv ricecoratc(I ,with- chrvsanthemnums and bright' colored auiturnt leaves. TO IENTERTAIN CIRCLE The. Xeighborhood circle (4, th'e ('ongregational church wl meet nexu Tuiesdav afternoon for lunicheonl anti J sewing at the home of NIrs., Frank J Scheidenhelm, 804 Forest avenue. As.- sîsting hostesses will he NMrs. WVillianî; A. Durgin, Mrs. A. H. Howard., and; M rs. H. A. Pope. Red Crown .&' Ethyl , ic Gasoimne ....... OfT Polarine, $ 6 qtS. . . . . Iso Vis. $ 5. es. ..... car75 washed ..7 Car75 greased.....75 Hot water heaters ... ... .... off Atlas tires . . .. .... .. off Alcohol, 7c per gai .........7 $10 coupon books, good $9, for any merchandise. J THE OIL.,WELL, Bob.'n' Mac M4ain St. ait Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette -3334 Let'& Go to 'SwcetheartTowit SAVE MONEY.. and TROUBLE BUY NEW TIRESNOW Fali is really . the logical time of the year to equ4ip your car with new tires. Bad driving days are1 -Rain, Mud, Ice,ý snow!, You want thE ahead Sleet, te pro- tection, of' new. tires for' Fail 'and Winter driving. Furtbermore, cold weather is easy on tires-so ini Spring your tires wiIl be practiciilly as good as new. Corne in-let's talk over a ,e Battewr déEloetrie Se vie st. Phone Wil. 691-696 p Airs. Il ,iliaim. Finnt'v J'Williamn- son, 321 Shecridaen roui,.Kezitzorth, Jh'ZeV ('!'(t,'1 >-cit of tlw Chi- CrI<'<lapt<'i* of the 1)I)auyht(,ers. f thr . 'liwritanIx'u'lîtinis Io Pc !iitest 'z wu' t <a reco/'twn giwel for zr bY ltue Jwhpt<r. thr otdeft" and lorgest lm flic' world, Thursday af ternoon. co, 20, f>'oin 3 imité in ie 1u- .ccns lote?1. .:LECTURES ON RUSSIA Sh Alîr. \bert W. Diiling of I(enil: Sh w Poàtter Portrait Iwerth will deliver a lecture, Fridav at. N. U. A Iumnae Te evîîî.Outober 21, at St. Lutkeë'S Par'lîliese.Evaîstn. er tîljeu A~cîeililinniae. of \erthweýtý- ~vii b Ru~ia Reigin Tl'îrc nd ru tliesi will guve a tea Fridav Hr.'l'lie lecturc will be acconi -atterncon. October 29, froin 4 ut îauîicd bv motionî lictur. taken l>)Vf0 o'clock., at the home of Nirs. EFd- Rusafollowing the rev'olution. 'l'le! Evanstouî.' A rece'ntly comnpleted por- lecture' is 'sponsored by Group . No. 7ý trait . of Miss Nfary Ros'Potter. jof the st. Luke's \Vomas'gîld fornieriv- dean 'of women at \North- %vestern university for' twenitv-sux years, will he eýxhibited at this time. GIVE BRIDGE SUPPER The portrait, which isthe voràkoi Mr. and MN [ou.,\.Suéekoif, 'Charles Sneed William., ,ýwill hé pre-ý 819) Clbestnut avenue, eutertaiuîed at.jscnted 'b\ the Associate alunînae to a, bridgç b'luffet sîppie r Nlouîda'.'. the wornen of. N'ýorthwestern and ill Wlîich wa. a i'irprise in houuor of M r. r hani iýtuehe w ,Deering lihrary tuntil and Mrs. Flerbert Bernstein oi Cihi- aà.masbil.ding. materializes., cago vhîo are movîngte Mnnae Sponsors of the portrait are 'Mes- lis. ,Bert ('ouiI15 of\,e%\-York. a1ie cames (Charles O. Barnies. Perkins 1B.. M-\r. and 'Mr s. 'B. 1.. Leveii and their Bass1.' E Fdson B. Fowier. Ulvsses S. three daughters of Chicago wecrc Grant. William T. Hall,.XWilliam Hud- wieek-enid 'guests of"thce.kfs son Harper, Cah' R. lI.a'tham.i Arthur M*Long, John Harjer Long. Georg'ý FOUR FIRE CALLS A. Paddock. James A. 'Pattei. Georg-. \\iimette firemian made four rmus H. Peaks, Norman F. Rehm. Frank in the. week .ending Tuesday,. Octo-' 1, Ric.hardson, Walter Diii Scott. Ed- ber 18. Three of them wýere t e x- ward P. Welles. John H. \Vigmor,,.. - ..,'., (irt'îî,ý-stern 'ooti)all - a nd a I d)le 154 'Knilwoih aveue. .visit Mr. >Fike's son. Bradford, ib Mm. nd -0- is a sQphomore at the iuiversity. NIs.Albert J." Xystroîîî. ' 0 714 Central avenue, are returning. ">" Mfrs. George Cole. 322 Kenilworth Saturday f romi a weeks' niotor tniP avenue, Kenilworth.11 entertained somec through I ndiania. Thcyýý made a spe- soutli-side fricnds, at a 'bridge lunchi-. cial visit to Brown country.. eon Thursday of last ýweek. AT. CONVENTION Mr. andci Mrs. Harold W. Hain- nîond of the H-anîniiond lée lue Kit- chen are atteindiing lwConven.tie'i and Exposition of the l)airv. lndu-,- tries hieki at Detroit this ýwek. ICullimon bMotor Company IPpir and S.Pervice Shop >peI>aInzinu ID Fordsi 725. MainSt Wilmette 266 I 74 L ki i, fancy d