Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1932, p. 42

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Tod.oy thoreaore new uss for Eber- greens, aaw çolorm, qew shapes, n.w styles. Evergreens have bo- corne a symbo of the up-to-date home grounds. NOW .'È THE TIME TO PLANT HiI~IEsre DRIVE OUT ANY DAY Oves Sb pargeies, aU shapea ami celr,,SOenrd a#.' Large goDe- Visit th. LARSEST EVERGREEN NURSÈRIES IN- AMERICA. Moae ygur own personal sélection. Large assortm.nt of veriéeien d 1ixes frash dug. ready te ta46.home. Pd"$es cd ies ta suit everyçe.. Open 7 dMvs ;, histe we diarisg lte plantlmg soasoo. Nerui fa> ihe d# - ,0 te plt H ILL NURSERY On Routes 22 and 63 DUNDEE. ILLINOIS, Oedy 19 Mlleês#rom Chceqo OUR CATALO-=TULIPS Darwin-10 at 100 rate-Per 10f) Afte4glow, rose, iight e<lge $ 4.60 BEarr. de la. Tonnaye, rose 4.00 Bart1gon. crimson ........ 4.,20 Bleu Almable. heliotrope.. 4.40 Clara. Butt, pi nk........ 8.20 *City of Haarlem. red.. 5.00 Dream, pale hellotrop)e... 3.80 Plamingo. shell pinl<..... .5.00 Faust, black ............ 5.20ý Pa rnc. Sanders, rose .réd.- 4.00.., lois, bright red......4.80. La. Tristesse. lavender.... 5.26 La Tulipe Noire, biack... 4.6Q Mme. Krelage, rosé....3.40 Orange Perfection, salmon 10.00, Princess Elizuabeth,, pink.. 4.40 Pride of Haarlem, red...., 3.40 Prou. Taft, dark red. . 5.20 Rev. Ewbanlc. lavender.:.'3.60 Valentine. violet.....5.20 Wxn. Copeland, lavender.. 440 and angles iin the buildings ,ivolved 'Jakitig .up thé study of lun1ctions, the n'any garclens, a littie check up as to (4) crèating 'if beauity (5) tpe niere' prôvicling of beauty, we find that it is ci lor effects, would be immensely joy of seeing. things growv and having 1sitdb)svrlfaurswil r rfitable. a part in it.. classed as interests. We may list thii In tudingtuef uctins f te smetinglik ths, nitr, lanihg~. Experienced help can be secured ini In sudyng he uncion oftii soethig lke his untyplatin ni i iy phase of garden planning, and this landscape planting. ve arec dealing w-ith! terest, size, shape, texture, color, anid' 41ces not by any means apply only to only one of several suhjects which lead perfume bas an indirect .influence,. lie .,original design and' planting plan., toward an und<erstanffihj,of landscape! Gardening knowledge and practice ig gardening. <. UNITY, POINTS. 0F INTERESTP, uîstly developingart, and gardens One subject involves the-,study of tie' SIZE AND, SHAPE need to be of ten checked over and výarions "values" as they* are 'called, j By unity, we do flot mneati that the:' Niorked aver if the hest is to he en- which go to make up the total of, these entire grotinds can ordinari.ly b e tied ji ,y<.df, functions we have litre lisýted.1 Or we together into ýone piciure, but there might get an abbreviated idea 6f. de- should be a relation of al parts. as toi c sign byaalig the varfions stages utility, style, value balance. garden1 PoloiSts, M :eet i Open througb h ~iclîI andscapfig proceeds, to- spirit and vairbous mniÙr respecéts;,Also, >Chamionships Oct. ,23 wvard its Itighiest development iin any ail distinct portions should be tied to- ý With thé settling; of the'titie iin the gether, by the border plantings. Ôoiii [itra-Circuit and, 12-goal hnia as pto the conîditioni of-aniioderitî dation plantings, hedges, etc. ;tcturnam ents, the iinterest of oofn city.Where there are extensive shirub on the north shore will cener n- Agaim, we migltI n1 issect- borders, distinct points, of interest day afternoon, October Z3. tpon the ing a well designied i)roperty, first ini- ïshould be developed within thein, and playing, of finals ini the oýpeit cham- tO its generai areas ana then into i t,;. thest outstanding points. are tied_ to- 1)iOflshiPs at- Oak Brook.,Ten gether by less doninating groups. second. st.reet and York, roafi, I lins- ýPlntig ntees rellyinluds. sie,(tale. Semi-finals in this toturneyý are Panè,tinxtresdt rly iclues. sihe, scheduled *for Play during the week A C E N Oextreie tween the 6th Corps Area anit the yarying sizes to whichi plants grow is 124th -Field Artitlery, the winner to quite generally taken into considera- -face Oàk- Brook Sunday afternooiî CXtion in designing borders and fouinda- in the finals. The open tournament. tion platntings. The border will have arne yteCnrlPl so bondthe high antowstrches for pofainS ciation with the sanction -of the U. S. 521 * ad te hgh oins cîl or faingPolo association, bringsý together thie 521Mai S VVIMtte upwithi mediumx and then lower grow- highest goal teanis iin thigýSscin pb.. WIL32 ing plants. It follows, then, that points , whiclh îs another way of saying tlîat . in the border. whichi have higli back-,je very .miember of the contending grounds, are also the broader .ar deeper j teains is a star, including sucb players areas.1 frorn Fort Sheridan as Mai. -C. C. The f oundation plantings Nwill SihCpti.AeWlknon n SPECIALS taîl plants~ to flank or frame mn C SitCa. .A,Wiknoad and doors and . at the corners, îlot ai- i 6th Corps Area; Carl Crawford and ways, of course, but wbere tbe, coin- i erb Lorber of the artillery, and Crocus, Mixed bined gardening principles call for j at Butler, Barniey Balding, M, L. h eight- of tree or sbrub. Stocktotn and( Jimn Ilantiali c>f Oak paraial points help to break up a long'yfro $210wall or to rèlieve a sqtuatty appearance i . -- _____ 26 2ai 100 Rate in the building.. Fdeaon f W ens - e mae lok more so if it-is ur Clubs to Meet Mondayý TUIip . ~~rouw!ded a . continuôus 'line of taIt TelokCutyFdraino Olur POPUlar CoII.cfilon ing wiIl give an opposite effect. roorn of Carson Pirie.'Scott and com- Cloa ui . Variations in size always ttract at- lpany next Moda orig at .'10:30 Moonliqht YelIow tention, especially iin backgrounds andi o'clock. Luncheon WilI bc served at Droo Heiotopeskyliîîes. Bulky shirubs are especially .12:30, The speakers will include R. L.. FraustHeliofop good in the corner jlantings and where ILyman,, deani of the School of Educa- Faut Bacideep screenings are needed. a TIDO+P, .L- .~i I1412 Elmwoo. Wilmett. 297 >d Avenue. Wilmett. Re. .WiI. 784 fleth Brower and Jean Crossley, both of Minmette, returned Monday from a motor trip to Granville, Ohio, where they spent the week-end at the homecoming festivities at Deni-. son university. i [il I loveiy.. ile rose >0.. 4.40' 5.60- 4.80 kw- ý 1

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