Bonte, treaàurer. The president had Arrangeenits are beinig made for reports from vanious chairmen in lieu permanen~t quarters where m'embers of our P. T. A. News wbich we shall of the -Wilmette Chess club can i eet have. again at the next meeting. once a week. Persons interested in Mrs.- George Quinlan, membership 'improving their knowledge of chess chairnian, urged everyone interested strategy orý in obtaining competition and -concernedti educattonal prob- are. invited to join the club by tele- lemis an ,d achievements. to enilist in phoning. G. Rk. Stone at Wilmette 768.. the P.> T. A. cause. The oak tirec, as Results with Waukegan: tbe leaves appear on it, Will show iv Witmrette Pt-,, Waukegan I.1 1 each roomi the percentage of, men- S. Jones 1, J. Rtimmner 1 enole.M. Maj 92C. Lind besJ. BQddle 1 s. 1Hendersoii 1. Mrs. Rollo Gullickson invited ail W. Hildebrand 1 J. Henderson to becomne inembers of the, child G. IR. Stone 2 L. Panowski .0 study 'classes. Your presence and 10. H. Ma3er 0 G. Reinier wht ouhae o iv te rop r'L. Skewes Oý D. Lerm i1 whatyou avéto gve te, roupareL. Skewes 1i-C. Dan telson as essential as what you may gain ; S. V.. Morris 2 E. Twentymeil 1 therefore, this spécial actiit%- of thl- C.H. Jones 2 P. Schretbev <0 P..T. A. needs you, too. G. A. Reinhard( t .2 0. Kutter e- 0 Th fnacechirat asoan H. Beach 1 C. Danielsoil nounces a splendid enrollmnet in the 15. 6ý4 dancing classes and invites others to- cnjoy a delightful hour onice a W eek. Mrs. R. ýG. Halliwell, the niovie Thie Duplicate Contract club. met chairman, avpu lcto god at .Mrs. Robert Riplcy's, 7.0 Indian tures -which nlay be seIen the c~~igHill. road, Winnetka, last Thursday noi .ith at tiwniholodtctr~ afternoon. This group is G0fl4)sed Mrs. Halliwcll is nmovie chiairmati not ofbth \Vnnetka and Kenilwortli alone the Central-Iaurcl P. '. A. but players.. also for, District 21 P. T. A. - The president announced the rec- ordis of candidates' and ,the itcresýt'- ing. explanations. of -bis. given il], non-partisan fashion in the current issue of The Illinois -voter. *Stupt. J. R. Harper then discuset pur presen't educational problein.% andl the meeting of these problenis t Icecp the nceds of childhood upp.r- inost niot only in.educational work- ers' ininds Ibuýt also. in the tnîinds oi cvervone.. M rs. Mý . E1'ickhamn introduced onc w~honi aIl Cenitral-l.autrel is always glad'.to, sec and ha-r.Heleni Smith Fike who, sang 'three 'sclcc- tions. "Sunimer in the Heart." "0 Little Star" afid 'Cone Unto Tihec-, 'Vellow Sanids." 1-er accompanàiist wa- Alice Schur. ,The following programn, given u: l)y six girls froin Mrs. Vivian's .M.l Odyv.. Wav Classes, was a rare treat: -.9hepherd's Tale"'......èi Dori.s Youngbergi- "Curlous Story".. . .HIh ..Na.ncy Piersonl "na Canoe" ...... . , Barbara *«iBurtus -rutnb1e Weed"........u' Jacquelin Balhatehet Valerie Adinis Mrs. Byron C. Dowse, 315 Leices- ter road, Kenilworth, had closed, he- home and hias taken an apartinent ir Chicago. 111_1 u.-o - Earl C. Moss, 316 Cuminor road recently returned to Kenilwortbi frint a business trip to New York. COHmPANy GOOD DECORATING HAS NEYER COST SO LITTLE. FOR A NOOK OR A WHOLE HOUSE --CALL US FOR AN GkEenleaf 050 1 Bonse N.ORTH SHORE ttieir money when they buy ROYAL TAILORED. TQPCOATS - OVERCOATS - $2450$29.50 ýS-t.t-e-t.-c-h your dollars by havin(i Royal Tailor make youir next suit ta Vour own individual mosureme.s Shop here end benefit by -the fre. mendoctus savings offred by Roy. al's nafîonwide organization. We. invite yourinspection and request your competition. People You R CK- H OTU AT LA SALLE, CHICAGO i t i. s. 1 ,