of i<ive Courses iNew uommisssoner Given at School. The North Shore Area couticil an- nounces that Col. J. B. Jackson of The University of Scoutiing of the Highland Park bas been selected as North Shore Area cotuncil will con- couticil commnissioner and that bit vene Tuesday, November 1, at_ the bas accepted the position. James E. Winnetka Community flouse. Five oe. ofrerylvdiWi-- separate courses are to lie iin he'ur- netka and who was commissioner ricuui, namely:.,theeeens 1 for the past seYeral years, has moved scoutmastership'. Sea Scouting; the. to New York, therchv necessitating standard course iii scoutmnastershil):thcane Cubbing, and first aid..11 . 11 Colonel Jackson wilI assume his A different procedure and, scbed- responsibilities Octol>er 24 on thec itle will operate this year. The uni- occasion ôf thé "kick-of" eetng versitv wiII he iir session every M~oi- The colonel bas long' been an in- day evening for six, weeks, each terestedl and participating scouter. meeting being hb1eld. in separate dis- This p : uînrh hle i h tricts. tliroughout the counlc,l; pioneermng departient for two Nveeksl Announce Regular FacultY at C'amp' Ma-Ka-Ja-Wani. 'rhe faculty -of each course lias been organized to have the best nmen Sea Scouts Ready ahle ini eacb of t he several courses and is announced as follovvs: for "Land Cruise" Elements course-Dean, Paul Mu-.Nfany north shore Sea Scouts are zik;, scoutmaster. Ray Danielsoni: expected to be among those of. Re- associate dean, C. F. Piper; assist- gion Seven who "weigh anchor" at ant scoutmnaster. Tonf Atteridge. Great Lalces-Naval T1raining station, Standard course-Dean. M. C. Tii>-1 and '"shove off" for the "land cruise" îetts: scoùtnaster. H. N\. Osborne; which starts at 3 o'clock Saturday assistant scoutmnastier, H. R. Snmith. afternoon, October 22, and ends at Sa cot ouseDen.Conim- 4:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon-the dore W., H.. WiianiS, skipper, James. first "land cruise" ever to be held in, Martin: associate dean., Ralphl ac-' Region Seven and the first Sea Scout, * ger. . raining school to have the services Cul) course-I)ean, D)r. C. V, Nicli- Of the United States navv officers. * os: ubnastr. ol)Towley a- 1 Leaders of the "cruise" il i in-1 ciate dan. C .de the admiraI 6f Great Lakes ciate dean. Arthu cubmuaster. Dr Naval Training station, mnembers of * Fist-id oure - ean 1) F.his staff, and Commodore Thoinas J. Whiela: soutaser.G e1 rg- Keane, National Sea Scout directo. Scheuchenphlîig, director of FlHighlaud Park Coiuniiity Service. mnc.: as- Brown 18 Çhairmn -sistant scoutmnaster. Vic \Valecka. i o intaDsrc Offer Guet Faculty R. B. Brown bias rece'ntly accepted A, guest faculty for each session the position of chairnian of the \Vin-. will be recruited froni recogniized netka district, North. Shore .rea, * leaders.iii RegiotiSeveni. iiîchîding the t-.cnl, Boy Scouts of Asmerica.. He Nationîal Sea Scout lirector. regionaâl suceeds:T. J.. Condoniv ho. becomnes Scout exective. the scout executives a:. member-at-large ou. the district froim Milwaukee', Racine. Kenosha commpittee. L. Sherman 'Aldrich i and Oak Pairk, -and serveral M-ell- replacing'Mr. Broffl as district rom*- known vlnerscouiter.s.,The >p<s- missiOner. t <ects of the Ulli%-rsitN- of scoutiing a re'i most promnisitng and a record at- N. S. Leaders Receive tendance is expected. the spontsors FrtSotr' ultn declare. FrtSotr u1tn ________________The first scoter's bulletini of the newl% Cifflon G, Speer of Hiflhlanpd IMonday, Oct. 24' MIl sCo()titr.s of the North Shr Area Counicil are' being urged to at- teniU the "kick-off7 meeting of the cotuncil to be lield on Mtonidav eve- iing. Octolber 24, at.7 :45 o'clock. ini the EII Place scho, Highland PaIrk. On tbe prograin will be %N'ater Kiplinger, the regional scout execti- tive;, Henry Fowler,. presidewi Noùrtli -. Shre Area, co uncil; Charles A. Steele, regional camping chair- man and chairman of, the, couicii\., ten-year 1 rograi;. Col. J. B. Ja-ci soin, new commissioner of the Northî Shore Area *councîl .,and Cliftoîî ,;* Speer, tIhe new. scout executiý'e of the North Shore Area council.- Harold Boltz of the couixicil stalil will have charge of ail the. pepi ani ,morale features, whiçh will includer songs, yells and "eats." The ienIii"m of "eats" is ,expected to, becorne (wcil more interesting with the anniotiw-- nment that. there will be on 1wlud plenty of Chef Ross' "Scot Ktitrls.' They arc the saine .,crullerstîa helped make Camp Nfa-KaJaWVài faioffl, it4s ,-stated. 'retieof fthe !Vorth, Slînc.lIrea counlci!. Bov Scouts of . inerica. James West Endorses whchinlu*' tcscut/ro/s f New Fairbanks Movie GIencoe and other ,,orth .horc, Following is a copy of a letter rc - 7îIlaqes. 1k esiicccds .11vrop. iC. ceived by the counicil headqluart-t-, R~bot, ~sincd wh Isd h!d h~' froni Dr. James E. West, chief scout position diiripu, the past (oiir. ears. exécutive, Boy Scouts of Amerwa,;. with bis recoinnwndation of Doug1;e, _______________________i Fairbank's new picture,_, "Mýr. Rob)in - Si nCrusoe.:" or ~ IIWith sever.il iembers of the natiomi: For Scouters staff it was mny recent pleasure t t the new D)ouglas Fairbanks film, ir 11O)inoiiCruoe1 Iwas so pieased ' TJhe October issue.of Scouting. na- it anld 50 oamused by the varous -5eent-- tas they ai)peàred that 1 have taken t tional ofrrciaI publication 'for. t e -aýr13,, pportulty,.to *rite Mr. FaiII scout field, coitains helpful ideas for i>ankis to express mny pleasure. actual troop use and gives a ine1e n - A- I aid.to htlm, 1 arn-sure that thî 1 tive to the whole field through thé o a picture'ail bays *111, wisb to sec. retiYea Prgran a Whte lou e y w1iiI etintenseiy interested, ju-s: Conf-ernce ailesWhiteis stae. i s everyole is, who sees the picturc, Confrene aricls, i isstatd. inthe story-0o.f handlcraft whici thi- Fighlights of the book follow: picture portrays and the great Ingern - leaders shouid be put. ln your P. L.>, hands. And don't overlook the "Scouterue Bookahelf" on page 279. ]Dry hoa Bme. lits WuIaISoAve. to take your rs at once. Highland any scout