The annmal meeting of the Wil- mette League of Women Voters of which Mrs. C. L. Clarke is president, will be held Monday, October 24, at 2 o'clock at Weeks','1129 Central ave- nue, MXinette, 'Mrs. Walter L.. Benlson of the Win- netka league will, speak on "Pre- election Issues."b She wiII include the Gateway- amendment and -the bond issue in. ber talk, and will discuss piiclplatforns and league plat-, forms and bow they are related. Luncheoin at 1 :15 will precede. the meeting. Reservations for the lunch- conî are to be made with Mrs. Mu\Itrdo Ross,' social chairmanl.,. Members who ca.nnot be present at the lunch-., eon are. urged, as usual, to attend the meeting. A short business meeting before the program:will include the electionf of officers, the appointment of comn- mittee chairmen, and threec brief re- ports. The October meeting is the last meeting of the yçar 1931-1932. Mrs. John D. Kinnear, mienîberslîip chairman, and the menibers of h ler conimittee will be at the door to greeýt o14 and new mienbers. Th ose joining. the league at titisý tinie will re ceive the election nuinber of- the, Illinois Voter free.- Before the lunclîon at WVeks, theé board will meet at 10 oclock,. at, the home of Mirs. Shelby Sinîgleton, 1104 Forest avenue. Neighbora Club Sponsors Tour of Wodld's Fait The Neighbors club of I<enilworth is afrangling for Tiiesdlavý, Octoher 25, a tour of the Cenitury- of -Progrcss exposition, LunebheoniivilI bhe served in the Adminitration buiilding. ini that ,delightful -part. of the -dining rooni- overlooking 'the lake. .Durin g the luncheon b our, Capt. John Gorby of the 'Applied, Scicncc departînent. wvilI tell tlîe story of Thei Century of Progress, a subject oui1 whichi the speaker is welI versed. -Members bave the privilcge of ini- Elizabeth JIarvi' Jilatm (AIrs. .Fra,îk P. Whitntore), 644 Ibait-tsford road, Kcnilworth aiid Mrs. Millicent Gka-P»?au 0ooke (31irS. John .A. Cooke), Eivapiston, arcý to qlive a musicale at Club Vista del Lii.eo Sun"i iy' af tcrnoon, October 30,. ai 1 o'clock. Mrs. St. Clair Carve,- of [ii,7alstt on. will accoin- panzv Ars. 1! 'hit,,,ore. The /'rogram lias becn plannciid ta have interiest for (1 a i nsic lohiers. Tea wjll be af~?d(iter lt,' musica le. MrS. Wltitmorc studied ini New York mitlh Frederick Bristol and has been a iermber of bis musical colony at Har- rison fer nîanv summners, where suéh artists as. Marie Suindelijîs, Charles H.arrison, rheo(h>re Webb, and others froint NewvYork andi castern states speiîd thecir v'acationî under lus tutelage. Slue lias also studfied with WVilliam Shakespear of London. M rs. Cooke studied at thîe Royal Acadeiinv of Music ini Londoni. She bécamne a.popular pianist iii Boston-and New Eiîgland anîdbas many imüportant inusital affiliaions. She 'is a senior ilteiber of the Jiior leagft of Evans- toi). î cnaïrman announices, "wîiI *have a delic ious dinner for the members at a new red'.iced price. Any mnember who bas flot yet tried these dinners is urged to telephone Jane Owen, Wilmette 4222, early to place lier reser ,vation for thé next meeting and for a. happy syrprise! "Following d inner Miss Mary Mack, president, -ill turn the meet- in g over to Ruthi Truska,, chairman of the. program commiittee., Miss Trus- ka last week announcoed that one; of Helena. Rubenstein'sChicago repre- sentatives woul be on hand this eve- ning to tell the club about scientific homne'beauty trýeatments-and ,vliat, womnan is flot iîîterested in sucli a personal subject? "Members should mark cvcry first and third Thursday evening down oni their calendars' for the remainder of the season -for eacli meeting lias been plan ned to include soméne-iorth whi le and surprising evenit." hsaacVan Grove to Give Next Opera Talk Oct. 26 "Opera. From Monteverdi to Mo- zart," will be the subjec t of the sec- ond -in,.the series of lectures oi& opera Isaac Van Grove wl give. at the Woman's club of Wilmette-ne-xt Wednesday morning, at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. Van Grove was first enigaget] as repetiteur and assistant conductor of the Chicago Grand Opera coni- pany when Mary Garden becamie îts manager. Later he becarne coniduc- tor, condtucting many operas, among them, "ýAida," "Il Trovatore,'" "CavaI- leria Rusticana," "Koenigskinder," and "Birthday of the Infanta," b > John Alden Carpenter. He bas been. artistic director of the summer opera at Cincinnati for seven seasons. ý le .was' engaged as musical director of. the American Opera company. Isaac Van, Gove now is head of 'the Opera school of the Chicago Musicai college. During the 1930-31 seasoni he was.commissionecj by the Chicago Cïvic Opera company to give a series of opera lectures at Marshall Feds ;o Wl r Princess Rostislav of Chicago, her- self of royal Wood, and wife of a neph- ewv of the late Czar Nicholas, 11, is to rcorne to the ,%Aoman's Catholic club of Wilmette Friday afternoon,. October 28, on the program which 'will include a fashion show. This meeting lias been declared open, and members hàve the guiest privilege. * Prin1ces.s Rostislav, pow associated with the Shop of the Four Se asons in oneof the large department stores in the* loop, will he in charge of the elaborate revue of autumn and winter modes. Her :appearance was announced et the meeting of the fine arts departînent of the. club last Friday afternoon,ý by Mrs. Charles Broad,. program chair- mati wbo spoke of ber cbarm anid per- sonality. Prince Rostislay, her husband, vva the second youngest son of. the. ('zars sister, Xenia, and ivwas lori! in the year of the birth of the Czar',s only son, who %vas înurered ,xitli nienibers of his fainily during the revolution in Russia. TIhe tragedy of ber past' and the past of lier fami ly- in Russi.a, i8 a story Priiciess Rostislav doesflnoit'tIlI. >It is a past-slîe tries to forget as she, sta rt s life ancew in Amierica.. MNusic is to be included on t'le pro- grain of October 28. JErnau Akcely. of- Wilmette, pianist, and W'inifred To\wn- send( Cree of Winnietka, violinist, are to be the soloists. Mrs. Broad hias arranged the entire progranm. Mrs. Johin Cook, M J. P. Normoyle, and Miss Gertrude Stack are to b e the hostesses for the afternoon. 'F11e plîîlanthropy departnieît ,an- nolunices tîtat on October 28, it will col- lect the canned goods contributed by. members of the club. Thîis food will be ,put 'into 'flanksgiving baskets for the needy. Membersý are asked to bring canned vegetables ad fruits for this food- slîower oit 1Friday of: next week. Trhe plîilantlîropy department, througb its chairman, Mrs. P. J. Joyce of 423 Tenth street, azînoulîces that October 28 and 29, are the dates set for the Rumniage sale. SIte may be called at. Wilmette 398, and notified of contribu- tions. The place for the sale will be announced later. Members are asked 0J. E. inaleg, st S. D. McPhe man; Mrs. Wil Mrs. H[enry L. ,vember 4, at St. Aîugust mue will be given by the of the Woman's guild. Frida, s club- est cir-8l a ton at a tour garden at the 1; is, ý, ni