9 o'cIôck to 12. Thiere is an iincreasqý in the demand for dental work this year among the schiool cild(rein. '[lic Health Center wil1 enideavor .to take care of those persotns oiilv whio cati-] flot afford to go' a private pvîin A sunall fee, Will be eliargedi or. ecd child wvho is, able t(, pay.. SiÉteeni patients atteîided the chlest clinic Iast Monday wvhich is conduct-I ed each nînth liv I)r. Julius No)Vak,ý medical director of .,the Chicago Tuherculosis institute. "lic ýconînI- nity nurse, who is enmployed by 3thel Institute, is iiicharge of each platieiti \vitlh tuberculosis or who is sus- ceptill to it, and cares for childrecn wvho have beeln ini contact %vithl à tuibereu losis patient. Each case es carefutll followed. tip'. TIhis clinic iQ solély s )uIpporte(l hy th'e sale of the Ch.ristnîias seals.. \e hiope, that the p)ublic will wach for ouir articles froi time to tiînie in <rcer ýtlat. w*e miay liav( tlléir support wlîcn the1 drive for fiiîds starts after hks Chîristian Science Churches -Doctrine of Atoîîencit Nas the subject' of the lesson-sernion ini ail Chiurchies of Christ, Scieilti.st, On ul day, October 16. Thle Golden Text was, -1 and My Father are Quie" (John 10 :30)>. Aîniong the citations whichi coni- pÏrisedj the. lesson-sernion Nvas the foi- lpwinig fro»n the Bible : n it shali corne to pass, that whiatsoever sial caîl on the Naine. of the Lord shail lie delivered: for in -Mt. Zion and iii i jertisaleni shiail be deliverance, as the 1 Lord liath said, and iii the remunant whou Ilhe Lord shiah caîl" (Joel,2 :32): r The 'lso-emnalso ,inclidedl thé folowing pasae froîn ti Christian Science textbook, -Sciîence. and H-ealth 'with, Keyv to the Scrip- tures,"' ly MNary. Baker Ecdy: "Ev.- ery pang of repentance and suiferiig, every effort for reform.i every gooâý thoughit and deed, %vill hielp uis toý *und erstanid Jesus' atoineent for' sin 1 and aid its efficaçy;, but if. the sinner, continues to pray amil repent, sin and be sorry, he' las little part ili thel alickrodt Homnecoinig on Sun-i day, October 16, broughit together again a happy group of former Mal- Iinickrodt studeîns anid friends. After the first exchanges of greetings, the members attended Benediction of the Blesseci Sacramnent iii- the chapel,ýand thenl met to discuss activities and to Plan 'for the saine. Meetings, and greetings were conitinlued dtiring, the avenue. They will1 stay in Wilmett a week. We Buy W. Bell EVANVSTON WILMETTE WINNETKÂ GLZNCOZ TAX WARRANTS Enyart, Van Camp & Fel, 1ne. STOCKS AND BONDS 8 .La s.alie st. Andover 924 Puery at it .owdei L 7% thse Head by Exporte 01 1.8 Rate StyiI -iuading ileaning aidrePaitiugs 17 groem.............. mats. mode f01.of Your Ownm tater4ag* PETER VAN, BREE aie Century Buer. mosn S aea.Cishe less their hea-rts.. I ne ver cutn dw onteir milk"1 M ~~ ~e àL-ndpetyo t-is the foundation of sturdy well-being... Wise m'others, rely. on it: to protect the health of their children, 'to build'ý straight, strong bones and firm, even teeth., cialny ana socially, and the faculty expresses its deep appreciation to the outgoing officers for their whole- hearted cooperation. May the new treat that was prepared for the mem-