ciation series for school children ove NBC Thursday morning, October 14' The one-hour programs wili be hear over KYW .between 10 and il o'ciocl It is the most ambitious of al radiý efforts to-bring music and an.under standing. and appreciation of musii to young America. Colubiais tobroadcast èievei Friday, afternoon concerts of thq Philadeiphia orchestra -this winter The, first was heard over WBBIN Thursday, October, 13, from 1 :3» to o'célock, with Leopoid. Stokow-si directing. Another, opera company, the Clii- cago Opera company, opened, up lasi week. at the Studebaker. The firsi performance,. Ponchieili's "La Gio" conda," featured Della Samoiloif. Ro- sita Fordieri, Helen, Ornstein. -Pas- quale Ferrara, joseph Royer. an Xino. Ruisi, with Gabriele Siipeoni conducting. Several. important cee mieiits of the Chicago Civic opera are inciuded in this organi7atiçQn. includ- ing the chorus, orchestra and ballet, as weIl as several priniçipalts. 'Heniry ;Weber. for several years aI principal conductor. with the Chicago Civic Op- era> companyi, and -MaesrSiei conducted the operas iast week. TIhe Chicago Opera company scored an excellent success with Milwvaukee mlusic-lovers who have demanded a return engagemient, in November. The Byzantine ensemble, comnposed ti two womnen and six ment, made its fornmai debut by radio on Tuesday evening of iast week. Recetfl.y it sang in a private bujt wel-attended audition. Its materiai harks back to the nmost ancient form, of Ar',an, mu- sic, the ciassical Greek mnelodies, and these are amplified with: folk songs and titb other materiai.. Naturalv, isuse of. the tildest'.known begin- nings of our music gives it an advan- tageous. position; its work cannot. be disregarded. :What the Greek music really sounded like and to what sig- nificance its use actuaiiy attained are questions too deepiy buried ini the past of our civilization ever to be an- 110011. George Hozverton, organis! andi choir dire clor of lte. Witimetka * Con gretational ch urcit, wili 'be fh<ard teilathlhcr-iic 1Fai1ton. ;î~ioinist. ef Il 'intetka iii a Joint recita~l ut lte cc re/a ediacsday t7v eemaq. Aovenaber 16. The mena- bers of the, Wlipiietka Mulisic club wil le pt onesses forthte recital zvhicl wifll be o/'ciitiii le pubflic rn harge. Name Wilmette Boy Orchestra, Mem ber, The nortb shore mnay justly be proud of, Leonarcl Krupnick, '1518 Washington avenue, Wilnette, young cellist, who passed' the examinations heid recently for menbersbjp ini théý1 Civic orche stra of Chicago, organ-. ized for the- developmnent of sym- phony plavers. Leonard is a senior at New irier High schooi and bas beén first ceilist ini the bigh school orchestra for tbree yýears. He is a pupil of, Daniel Saidenberg, first cel- ist .of the Chicago Symnphôny orches tra. Meinbersbip in the orchestra is an bonor that is coveted W%. bundreds of young musgicians. ýwa5;s asfoi- Sarabande . .... Baeb-Chiapusso Itallan Concerto . ........ ý%nAllgro in transcriptjibonby Mr. Chiapusso) Presto Sarabande..........Lul1y-Godtuwv.,ky Courante......Lull -Godaowsk.v The Shepherds.. Coupeérini-Cliapuqso The Fiçkie Country Mald..... ......» Couperin -Chiapusso Pastorale ........ ...Séarlatti, Sonate.............Scarlatti Variations on -a Therne by 'Paganini, Op. .35, Bk. *..........To. Brahink Sboiate:'InF sharp Ma-.jorNo.,,4.Scriabiti Six Etudes . ......... Chopin String Quartet -PIa in Kenilworth Oct. 30 Comning to the- Keii. wo rth t.'lub Sunday after-noon, October 30, ill! be the Pbhilharmoic String quar tet in the first _ýof-a., séries .of.-conîcert sponsored by, the Northt Shore Cham-. ber Music association. The, quartet is compOsed of fouri mnembers of the Chicago Synîlplh<uîvorchestra, and ýal have bée 1n pr Omî-i tlient, for a number of years as solo- ists and chamber miusic 'piayers. TiteI group was, accorded an cthuitsiast i i reception at its first Ëp'ncert,.at (,r-f chestra hall. Sincere expression s ;ofP approval have continuied at cadli sutc-- ceeding appearanice. The membei-s of tbe quartet a ri. John Wèicher, violin: Robert Quick s violin; Walter Hancock, viola and Richard Wagnier, èello. -__ Pianist Coming C her all. Iney were iPauline Man- cetr, pianist, of Giencoe; Freder- ika Ireland, contralto;. Wally Hey- mar, violinist; and Margaret Swee- ney, harpist.. Af ter b er . year of study abroad with Arthur. Schnable, Miss Man- chester has returned. a tboroughly llihdartist. Ste, bas acqie rich'tone as well-s-u.nusual, grace and ease. Strength and flexibiiity are in her fingers, too, and she, piays wi thb an intuitive understanding of eacb composer's works., Her -flrst group last Friday inciuded Three Intermezz.j by Brahnms. and the. iovely Chopin 'lEtude« Opus 10, No. 3," and -in ber secondl grotip, she piayed_ the thre parts of a difficult Mozart sonata. On: Miss. Ireiand's program were "Farewell, Ye Hils" (Jeanne d'Arc) by' Tscbaikowsky, "Die Mainacbt" b-V Brahms,. and "Morgen" by Strauss. contralto, it is of, very- pleasing quai- ity, and liber songs were miucb eni- joyed. 'Miss Annie K. Sizer was Miss Ireland's accompanist. "The Bee" bv Schubert was among M\iss Heymiars nunibers, as well as àa minuet and a mazurka, 'wbich tvere given .in iss ,He'yMar's usual vital and, accom- plished ivay. Sie o'btains.'an excel- lient tone, and ber playing is finishied. MNiss Sweeney, a charmning Titian- hiaired young wvoinan, wbo Iookéd striking in lber. black. veivet gown, sho\ved a compiete mnastery of the hiarp., With Miss Manchester at- the piano. she piayed "Introduction and Allegro" by Ravel, which . aptly brougbit out the lovely toues and cbords of the harp. Tie musicale ivas ,oiwdby a reception at mrhich the guests had-the opl>ortunity of meeting the artisýts. Seaberg toÔ Give Po grarn Oct.. 26, Georgeý Seaberg, br-illiant' young Chicago pianist, will give a recital in Kimball bail on Wednesday evening, >ctober 26. Mr. Seaberg is weii nown on the north shore having art. exptessay -tor i neC opera Iý libretto by Neile and was written i her ens terfian ta banquet veiber 7. .at the Firs Evaniston. in bîs extea viii be Mnet .......-Joseph1 Brinkman ch will Por ...........Deema Taylor 'La Cathedrale engloutie...... Debussy. st. He La Terrasse. des~ Audiences du Clair is sum- , de Lune ...... ...... >..... Debussy nd bis Toccata........ ..Debussy of the Valse, Impromiptu .........Liszt MNephlqto Waitz.............. Liszt J I I