out in the report is that the Wilmette Fire department responded to only four cails 'last month, and the total loss from fire was only $40. There was considerable activity in the Police department, however. Seventy arrests were made. Following is the coniplete reot: Building departmient-The' Building: department lssued 6 permhits- durlng th'* month at an estimiated' cost of $2,47 . This. makes a total of 40 permnits thisý year . witli an estimated cost of $2450.' as against. 63 permits for the same pe- rlod last year with an estlmated. cost o>f $383i635. The, permits issued for the hionth. were principally for alterations. Garbage collection. - 262.2 tîons of' garbage and combustible rubbish Wall collected -and disposed of during thet month. at a total cost of. $1,481.51 or $5.65 per ton. Last month 281.3 tonti were collected and disposed of at a Vost of, $5.25 per ton. The difference In iLost is due to the smaller tonnage col- lected this month with practically the --ame overhead cost. Non-combustible waste- 152 truck loads- of ýmaterial were, hauled téo the Glenview dumip. In addition to.this 35 loads of, material were dlsposed of. au other places. Police depirtment-The Police de- partment rnade 70 arrests, 61 of which cases were taken to court and 9 of themi dismissed upon further investigation b)y tie, department. $190 was collected .in fines. 4 persons were bitten by dogr. There were 3 burgiaries. No holdups, and no robberies during the month. Fire department-The Flire depart-_ Ment rèsýponded to 4 calls during Sep- tember. The Fire loss for the mhonth was $40. Health department - Contagious, diseases were at a low ebb. One case of scarlet fever and one of infantile paralysis were reported. Examination of ail children in the public and parochial schools of the Village was begun and wili be finished during October. Several food and grocery stores were cautioned about display- irtg fruit' on the sidewalk. MARRIED SATURDAY The Marriage of Mrs. Elizalbe.tl J. Davis of 1340 ,Gregory avenue, WiI- mette, to William. E..' Weight of Evanston, took place Saturday, Oc- tober 15. It was a simple ceremony performed at 8 o'clock at the home of the brfide's brother, James Reid, in Englewood. The Weights will live at 1307 Rosalie avenue, Evanston. They have postpored their wedding trip until in March, when they will go south. Mrs. R. 0.~ Dunhill, 525 Ash street, N The Loécal. Trelephone, Directory GOFS P RE.SS In the interest' of TO SON service, subscribcrs sister-in-1aw, ÂVI. am41Ui mrs. I VLeI .Heck,. -o- Mrs. J. P. Stewart of Chicago iý; the bouse guest this week of Mrs. Lee F. English, 1007 Greenw'ood ave- nue. i r k 14 el-