Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1932, p. 27

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especially of action that tends to de- velop or open out new fields." It takes a good president to keep a meeting 44alive." Poise is another esseâtial, without W.hich a president, .loses prestige. Without Poise, needed. so much in everyday life, a chairnian is ineffec- tive. Poise is needed to greet and meet strangers in the organization. whether it be club, scbool, or .class, as -well as old and established memn- bers. Poise, sophistication, 'and bal- ance go a longý way.in conquering some of the most difficult situations which- an officer is -called upon to meet. Hand in band with poise goes, tact, one of the. greatest assets to the charm-~--a--person. To say and do the right thing at the right trne is, a very-desirableas well as necessary qualityi Tact is needed to suggest. a motion, drop a member, or introduce a new speaker. There are innurner-, able occuirrences-very difficult for a, Pr esident to cope with-that re- quire tact.. SLeadership, the great American contribution to aIl industries and arts, is the thing that surpasses ail,.,in the consideration of an executivîe. The ability toeecs uhrity withôut condescension, is a qualitv indispens- able to the candidate who can seri- ously be considered for office. Ponder these essentials, iný voting and let your better judgment guide you in your selection of a capable and worthwhbile leader. NEVER A DULL MOMENT Girls! Why not corne ont and watch the inter-adviser roomn hockey and, soccer' gamnes? They have reacbed the poi.nt now £where they are al good and very interesting to watch. There. is at least one game everV 'day, and, offen 'there are two fields of jHere and There Who says advertising doesn't pay -Samison took two colunins and brought down the b ou se. Why, shoôuldn't we, .who can't, afford -a haircut, but have a budget cut, keep up the morale bv contributing to the NEws NoirzsRememàber we havethe edge on Samison because weý have twopages, and the. Delilah who.says we-can't make themn the best "evah"- should be made to éat bis words. Pratt: "Is Vour wife entertaining this winter?" Sherman: "Not very." Experts now fiud that, the high school student's mustache was the. pio neer ot the instaîlment. plan-a little, dowr-and ru--ltile more each .week., How corne? On de bus. Hildy: "Why do ducks aud geese fly north, in t he spring ?"P Guilty: "Because it's too far to walk." No noose is good uews-says the. pardoned prisoner. Salesman: "Pardon, sir, these ar- ticles are not free." Customer: "Isu't this'a gift shop?" Tentative iôuchdown soug for the annual Turkey Day classic-"After the Bail is Over'" On visitor's day at the aged joke farm, the one about Dr. Small's. caîl- ing bis canine quadruped (dog to you) Jason, because he was always hu4ting for fleece. escaped. Suitable Last-rnintute news - The cooking class puts pop-corn in the pancakes to make them turn over automatic- .aly-this bids fair to classify as the zenith of something or other. -Roy New Trier Hands Oak Partk-, Leag9ue. Cha mpion, Defeat New Trier defecated 'the powerful Oak Park- team,- 18 to 13, last Sat- uïday at Oak Park.,. After trailing. 12 t'O 13,at the balf, the Green and Gray smashed through.with a touch- down in the middle of the last quar- ter to band Oak Park its irst defeat in the last twenty starts. This puts New Trier in a threc- way tie for second pflace ini the league with Oak Park and Proviso. Captain Smale played a short whvile for the first trne this season, follow- ing an injury late' this summer. N.frdlbétg Seorél Twic Nordberg scotred two and Pres- ton one of the three New Trier touchdowns. Nordberg's first cam e in the opening minutes of the first period on a run of 20 yards after he' received a 15-yard pass fromn Seiler. Hallquist's place kick~- for the extra point was blocked. Preston scored in the second quarter by catching a perfect 35-yard pass from Nordberg and dodging three Oak Park men to: gain the remainiug fteen yards to the. goal. Dostal's placement was wide. Nordberg scored the final touch- dcwn for New Trier in the last period, on a quarter-back sneak from the one-foot line where. Seiler had been forced out of bounids after a 35-yard mn1 around left end. .Apple- yard had recovered an Oak *Park and pusnea pack ro thee ight-yard mark by great playing of the New Trier line and to lose the bail to New Trier on an incomplete pass over the goal. The New Trier forward wal wa able. to tear, up, the opponents in the first and fourth periods and hold them on even terms the remainder of the time. The whole Une func-ý tioned as- one unit throughout the' game, causing Oak Park to reort to- deccptive plays. and wide end runs for the. majorîty of its gains. Oak Park made seven first downs to New Trier's. five and completed five ont of nine- passes to the jictor's six out of nine. Seiler's 'and Dahl's fine punt- ing for New Trier greatly outshone the work, of Zinkil for Oak Park, Té MetLa GOrange New Trier plays La, Grange at. La Grange tbis Sat urday,. October 22. NEW TRIER (18-) OAK PARK (13). Hansen LE IloWmaft Dostal LT Nordin Wilson LG R. Anderson Schuman C Weyburn Rossinan RG Iverson Appleyard RT Broodie Williams. RE ZInkil Nordberg Q13 Bolier Seller LH Armour Weinstock RH Oakes: Hallqulot FB (C.) PIggott. Touchdowns--Nordberg. (2). Preston, Piggott, Zinkil. Points aSter touch- downs.-UBeizer (placement). Substitutions: New Trier-Preston for Hansen, Fox for Dostal, MacFadeanf for Nordberg, Dahi for Seller, 8mai. for Weinstock, Knlght for Hallqulst, fleinrielis for Wilson. Glelen for Rioss- mnan. Oak Park-Grouen for Iverson, DairIs for Weyburn, Lawrance for Belzer, C. Anderson for Amour. SCORE BY PERIODS N.ew Týer... ,..6 ---i :Oak. Park ....>. 0-13-0-0-13 displayed a comnplete reversai of the Ke iw rhBoy W n necess ary., The films to be shown are Purpé G idde* sforni shown 'the previons, 1week "From h oyRed. Ore to Steamship" and Anxious to Stop against Michigan,' The, irnpoved Engineering .4ward "Nature'sChildren." TIlere will be andtaclin oltheliemen, Albert Welty, Jr., son of M.Nr.a.m. andoeau1,ith Jms Purdue nlu together with the fine ruuning îurned Mrs. Albert B. Welty,, 542 Brier Si.mponone at 1,o i the Jmesm Northwestern's football teamn, great- int by the backs have greatly en- sireet, Kenilworth, wbo is a sopho -imson _______ofhe_____m ->~ a ~ hanced *Northwestern's chances cf more at Purdue university, Lafayette,, , E The crowd is expected to racri "positionsu ci.vcnt: v 35,000 and may atiain sellout propor- tion of Jack Riley and D tions. Dyche stadiurn ibis year bas last year's stars. In fact a capacity of .42,000 since the uorth bas already caused Noi bleachers have not been erected. fans te stop worryiug In the Illinois gaIme the Wildcats, tackle positions. pair toer . , hil tern cago and .lhe tend ibis admission entrtainxuq is freel and are 1.cri çi 1 0

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