iý,i)et jrigs.ruuu. ie rosepoint lace cap came a tulle veil %vhichi fell ini oft folds to the end of a short train. The bride carried a b)ouquet of white orchids shading to deep %yiiu color, and liles of the valley. - Dr. Herbert L. Willett, left a con- -%ention in Indianapolis toýofficiate at M iss Eckhart's m harriage. which took place at. 4 o'clock at lier parente home, 206 Cumberland avenue. The hbride's tlwo sisters, Mrs. James R. D.1 Stevenson, jr., of 'C hicago and M Irsý. Donald'H. McLaughlin of Cambridge, M'Xass., matrons of honor, wegp- ed ini rust colored velvet withi turbans, Io match. They. carried bouquets of Pernet. roses.- The bride's younger sister, Elizabeth. Eckhart. who ivas inai(l of honor, worebeige velvet, and, a. natching turban. Her flowers Were also roses. Mrs. Eckba t's gown was Of beige crepe.trimmed in sable. Shle carried purpie«orchids. Tlîe ,gro)onî's inotlier wore brown. Willis H. Litteil of 1Evýaîîsto!t servcd \Ir. Coyne as best mani, while the tiîshers were James R. D. Steyensoii. jr. and William, Nichoîls of Viimnet- ka. .A quartèt. from the,Iittle Syni-, iphoiiv orchestra. played fo r -tle w ding1 and during the reception. -Vttr a honeymo.on j(>trney to \-ir- giniia [lot Sprinigs the bride and bride- 111*0o1 will stay with Mr. Covne's par-1 Evanston Gridders Tr*m-Sears' Teama Teams represeniting the-Joseph, Sears school in Kenilworth have flot had much success thus fat, this season in their North Shore 'Graniinar School, Football league games. Monday'aiter- noon of this week -the Kenilworth 85 and 100pound teais. lost to the Haven school of, Evans.ton by 12 to O and 18 to 0 scores, respectively. The gaines were plaved in Evanston. Lagt week the ." and 100-.Pounid ,Kenilworth teams played the Nichols scbool of Ev- anston ýat Kenil.worth.I The 85-pound teams played .a scoreless tie, and Nichols -won, 7 to , in the one hundred Pound class. Tuesday afternoon of* this we ek the, Nichols 115-pound team was scheduled to play joseph Seans at Kenilworth, with "Red" How~ell, University of Chi- cago player, acting as referce. The Kenilworth 85 and 100-pound teanis will meet Nichols at Mason park, Evanston, Friday afternoon, and on Saturdayý morning teams in a.l three classes f rom Glencôe and Kenilworth will battle at the joseph Sears school field. ,1 .. ýý 1 i -N r» Don't NegitThm N$1WEEKLY InSraai-Ne emrayàtingC rge Give then au len Chance in thefr «10«o worlg aiàin a thefr lay. Thear healtbo their "appius and îheir abilie, will b. increaser>inHttve -thesi examined nov, carefuff> and scçii lly. J cool»m little mand 4 w ori siuch. QDis en EXmeNAON Pflg JEWIEES-PTCIANS JEWiLRY CO. PUBLIC H.ON.é MEETING THOASJe WALSH Chairman of the Detnocratic National Convention, WIn Speak on the Issues of the Presideni at the wiiM address the meeting ALL CITIZENS LIVING ON THE NORTH SHORE. BOTH MEN AND WOMEN, AXE Ir4VITED AN4D URGED TO COME 614 DAVIS STREET. EVANSTON