ful auturnn leaves, Itowers, and golden f i~lt uli time to his campaign. --n')norb.LAWVi iAf , prien blls, and received the ýcongratula-. Tefc ht~anrnîn sa f the central-Laurel association; tios o moe tan'twohunre Mrs. John D. Kitnnear, president of tion of ore han- tw-hunredindepndent republican in this cami-1 the Logan-Howard association; Mrs. friends, -including those of the East-pag, the 1',vanston candidate GeoreA uiln0rs tn ern Star chapter and the. White pointed out, "is due to circurnstances Petersoin, Mrs. R. E. Dalstrum, Mrs. Shrine .of Evanston, and relatives. Q over which I hiad no contr 1ol. 1 amn Robert G. Halliwell, Mrs. Henry J.ý Thebrdeof ify ear ao a~and ,always will be a -regua rpbli- Branîdt, Mrs. C. ýB. Ccran, and charmingin a beaded gownl of cn r.J .Sih A r ican ofbeauty u'oe s.. cariH' a"Au iindepenidenit petition signed by H4od B sinesSession arfu ~f eatinlroes er, nany 13,050 regular republican Vyoters who 'îîessinothcofr friends agreed that sIte could onlv ,Iemor'iingseio ft cner claimthe admitted "tllirtv-ineý' N S i otvt i h ArlPriaY ence was given over to a business of ber spaît of life. placed my naine on the ballot. .lt meeting presîe vrb Mrs. MViI-ý Proffran, DeIlightfuI . was.,not: circulated by e but by a] lian P. Turner of Evanston, district A delightful. prograrn was given group of, citizenis acting iuî<ependent- director. This was followed by round both ýin the afternoon and evenir ' Y. I haveaccepted the candidacy table- conferences wthdicussions Those appearing wr .L akn.and. an i udertakitig nmv canipaiguiilit led b u vrossttnharei xylophone soloist; ,G., H. XV'atkins;', response to their denîands. I could The afternoon session, at. whicli Mrs. baritonie; Vesta,,Mi Watkins, soprano: 1Phoutoi i'tym hardly do otherwise. Turner again presided, featured mi,- Mrs. Hattie, Brush Murray , reader J,. lnd 11ovr,,,wk *U .r, "W,~ith question'S of paraIîîi ut iii sic an .two addresses.J Mis O va ti e, rea er an M ssj 1 01 . I Ian av 'n Il il ete. po tan e oning u p ini a - nakin g T he 'first speaker w as M rs, H ollaîîd Helen Peterson,. reàder. Four littie janofzù th1'£nzcntu hir1 bodies nlext year," Mr. Clîh co- laerprsdtoftetaeon grland ch tir n s, Janet M ar a k n , d n 1î '. k ,t , a l C i i i s c u e d " u l f c tons of candidates 1gress. w hose :topic ias :., "R esponsi- Land atineer a ae aîd Lor- of 'Cedar k<q'ids. lowa. Th' wezéd- !are, going. to be more farrain bilitvy of the Home during the Pres- vrain e of e W atki n a de t o ntgs i g iI b kc p ,'a l i .a - Ithan mere party desig niatio ni." ent Crisis." M rs'. l g er e p a adr i of the p ora n iîs Rgs )arsized the.,economic, civic, and spirit- and eaidi. M rs. H ojîkîns ahlv ac- . ual (uties of the ho mn e, tow ard , the The hostess was assisted ini recei,71 is Parker attedi th .i in a c ild, of the morrow ood citz e -. aiPark .tMinary in ter atte ngtetinnal. i* Shwne Muîdae s .)oflte ng that is the nobles ing the guests and il) the serviîîseinr oasîîg<>e,; o tdat gotf uica Nrhws-work otda. danyrefreshiments I1* Mr. and s and the sclioo fmsea otws- Nx udvatrona :0 dainty 'J\rs.ern, weesiei nebroexp~ ocoktheShavaneeCon tycub3Hero:30ois al Richard Schuettge whrMr. i a andi Mri o sp F. loss ad rs Wllam T. J( ap am.Se~vsvtd~i > will have' as, its artists during the Frank É. Bacon, principal o f'the of Wimtte, Mrs. -Dan Skelton o th most hleanti ful coeds at 1\rtwest- Hour o Music Mji ss Mrurt Evanston Township High scliool, %va E.,vanston, Mrs. Rosella Hall of cluù- eils a. h lowsnde, Chi- JacobsonRobert Long and aesInbeto per*addlirhi .Cago, and, thé, issMneam aosrdoquc adMs e1evision. Allen. sclîediled (1addréss on the 1subk .c,ýt: Mabel Milîs01 sofVîet . i1s da M r. C!,iiiimins.,a graduate sti'dent vot N1Mr. Longi eo ~h vn Respoesblity, of :the .School duriin7 I.neuît asstd~itîtu ris ieral arts' at Nurtlîwestériî, and,à Cicago -Symphiony orchestr 1al %var the ýPres cnt Crisis." Ili bis stea( tic decorating of golden fesioo s. m em ber of Ph" K at) >s, .w s vo e a d t e ili r F u da i n e oar- rn, pr nc pa o1Son flowers, and autumuii leaves. the 1uiost popular mila at Northwester, j sliip. He was sclected b1)3 PercvChool. Chicago, spoke on, behaîf of Bridai Procession Cornes He conducts the cooperative sttudeiit'Graiing-er for the first Chicago pr the' sch0ol leaders. She is a firnii be-' In the evening at 8 o'clock, a laush book shop in. Evan-stcon. formance. of "Colonial Song,>" for lieverii the iiew order of thill"s as feIl over the expectant gucsts. and vîeadocetr.seîl er uhcagt urri u- Doiceand Grchesta. ofhlm:"He i , au(dparticula-viin a changed just as the strains of the lolienigritîDilad Mord ay o Iif a"lelus ld \Vedding March were îdayecd, a rb- Clardofanarrsth r Norgan, Mrs. the mellowv richiness of baritone plu% ýatt itude toivard the ind1iidual (1111( bon aami lwasHmadenan, ClarahHarangenandd1-(rilliance of the tenon', as a distinct personality. She pointcd bo asl. asmaebBes3 *om&Wilm.iette. . tDevrine cndiln liane uoto(ifontthe vatagcin o-cl!ed par- and Orva fae Watki>m;. TVien carnei ere ofmns ,H t nl1otte daag ns-c, tw%ýo little fiQwer girls, Janiet. Mar . Witb well chosei words expressiau q how%,s superlativ'e traiig but1hi Clt edlucation, classes wbere parents and Lorraine Lee ý\'atkiiis4 strewing good wishes. for happiness, the foi-.j îoice lnd islt1t aieic f! are kept ini close touch with the, work petals. Leland ýV atkîîîs Jr., acted as oîfins gave tokens of friend-: poetic moods." i ecesau h esn o rinîg bearer. ship amnd esteernto Mr. and IMr., He lias, a . nagnificent voice 'l iligesý of 'books ai nîetliods 0of After the enitrance of the maid of'. atkins . ho graciâously respomîded displ biecnto u. eautiitilt prescîttation. bionor, Miss ýEsther 'Morgan,, can with fitting and toucbmmîg ords, of ap- clear tous picturesque bridesmiaids,, the MNisses preciation. ýThese gifts of'.gold, were Miss Marguert aosnis aCUBS MEZT FRIDAY Cecilia. Hilis,. Mary Mordoif, amî presented by Mrs. ila'.Jns sopranxo wbo hsto -dthe east and Tescodmtig fth Knl- Mariaui Iverson. Tlîe best, mai %as narno h imette chapter; O. the riddle west extensivel1y as cou- worth Cubs for the miew school yea Gro Modi, Teicm iE.S, elnS.Hm ryes, pasI cent artist for one. of the Redpath will bh, beld Friday of this weck, Rob- bride and groom of fifty yvears ago. patron of_ Wilmette chapter, O. E. S., companies. Shie is well knowmi forher ert \V. 'ownley, athletic director at The bride was dressed inIl er and three past high .priestesses of work, iin concert, oratorio and oper- thme.joseph Sears school has announiced. caughter's, Italianl lace wedding<- dreqi; Hethsaida Shrine of Evamston,. Mrs. ettaý a'nd lias appeare<î before many About eighty-five boys are expccted to of mearly twventy-five years ago and Bertha Blanchard, Mrs. Mary O. Kin- of the leading clubs of Chicago. :She turn ont for the meeting. wore the veil recently worn by lier der amnd M'rs. Cora Peck Arvidson.. s s pccializing ini costumed groups granddaughter, Mrs. George A. La Out-ofTown Gueta with much. success. WIN IN .VOLLEYBALL Rocque of Washington., 1D, C., nece Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Hat-. James. Allen is a pianist of great The eighth grade girls of the joseph Eldora HIopkins. tie Brush Murray -of Mitchell, S.. D., sînceritY and vigor. He was the Sesscoldftethsvehgre Guy Morgan, ni appropriate garb, and John R; Smerkar of Milton,'%Vis youngest person to receive th~e B ach- grs 8t 4i olyalg~n officiated inmi nnisterîaj tcapacity anid The entire familv was. pr ,sent i1u hd- elor of Music degree in the state of girs, 8 o14week.llyal g addpl to the rnerriment of the oc- ilng .oward L., Watlcîns of iwau- Minnesota. He was for severai sea-, casiQfl. Ushmr were Arthutr joues of kee, Mrs. Myrtle May Hopkins otfl cracmpnsfrth Rsia Wilmette and Harold. Ktnning of Wlsnette, Samuel P. Watkins, Jr., o~f iPe1riavolliist, Alexander Ramin- Ralph J. . rner,,who is workung it Chicago, Just at the conclusionu of Denver, Colo., Oord'ont IL Watkins ofsky.Re resigned -titis position to Marion, Ind., with the U. S. Radio thte -mock- ceremonv, the din of Ijoni od i.,a~ ~ study' furtber in~ Chicago 'wder R~<u- Televish, oprton ils*n chriar -%as beard. -Thtis vogorous \Watkins ouf Whitin'g, Ind., and thier <Ituf GanIz, wIIo %ratited hiù a shol- the~ week-end with lhis parents.lte foniofcngrltion lastegrd seoerald pmiesn. Sixarship. He1is4fl ot ony a flinsed ac- EarI E. Ornuer s, 823 Park aveinteu c miut s the gril d n off eedIra ies, Sit companist bitetals0 an outstandiug 'treats." Amsaewsra hcucm solo pi anist. 1 --0- ng scelles of childhood, youth, and ceived. to gladden the hearts Of these held Wedmîesday in Marshall 'Eield's Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clark, 620 old'age. While W. G. Morgan sang hoîîored fiends. Wedgwood roonu. A program and Forest avenue, Wilmette, returned Y'ou and I Were Young, Maggie," avenue, is in the Evanston hospital Edgar A. Stevens of Kenilwortl,--0 iving pictures were shown. The with a broken arm which site suffered and Burt Hardenbrook of Winnetkal Mrs. Frank Cherry, 704 Rogers haracters of these were Rov and three weeks ago in a faîl. Site will left Sunday for a few days' fishing j avenue, Kenilworth, left Tuesday to. [uth Milne of Evanston, Gordon be home-in about ten days. at Senachine HntgclbiiIios.vsterstr S.Lu.