musical nuterpretation. ýSne wili also to 8. This week the IH show' some of ber paintings donc dur- teamn was scheciuîcc to ing ber travels. Mrs. Grace Brion of on Tuesday at Highcr Glencoe, chairnian of the prograni coin- mitte, and Mrs. Charles Southwvard of with Nules Center, sche Kenilworth, chairman of the social Friday, has been calt committee, %vîll bave everytbing in Center bas cancelled aý readiness to wel1come back.all thee mem- bail games and is nowt bers 'of the league, it is explairied. bal, Thv Art league classes, are starting agaii. with Allen. Pbilbrick teacbing o 4m q lif e iin the Tuesday and Wedniesday classes; .MXrs. Frank .Peyrauid, Edu'a Re-opene. J obansen, and Miss Hope Degenbardt Dinneras and L teacinoig tie cbiidrcn's classes.-on Sat-!Luchen0O, Ucs urdiay nornings. -.Satnrday and9 Thutrsdaà' and Friday of cach- week' ,et 559 Hill Terrace (i ;t grUup of tists pint f rom thLI~ node. S. Ji.1Ducais- irk of fIPIOEWNY Trhe Monday sculpture group is1,in 7(411 le chairinian of a. meeting F~ri-, the process of béing Organized. thé daY eteiting, Oct ober'.21, to ýbe*,ad- teacli.r, to be annotunced later.. dressed by -Robert E~. Corridiiii of Print 'riiere wil he a night class, of paint- Neu!J"orkGt, eui ertrQU L ers an(i woodcarvtrs as soon as a list of-iePudtilor;7cti.R- c4 those , nterested is secured..o te SEdRVICorErctis e ~The ntbusasm fr thee clases .arch and Information. The lecture the past winter was v'ery ke, the wil! be held in, Plivmoitth. hall o! leagtie annotînces, "and we hbope t the Ftfrst Coinreltionmi chtirch. R naethe-se groups titis year, wvith or 11 Hinmjan az'cnue, iefun~osi, tA I fiee,% studio and splcndid equip- 8 o'clock. Mr. Duunca.n-Clark z1 fliier Anet. heoutstandiing work- our Art' oUa conduct an opens forums ai the' ]cagne wili1 do. coi clusion of Air. Corridiiii',r fer- Every -Tîicse exhibitions of the league,.are Nourc. hedto enécourage.,artists on the north shore to sèîtd in thecir very best work; Irving Fisher of Yale is chairmnan of LUNCHEON-85C .t) inspjire more people to Join us if the Foundation, Thomas Nixon Carver, thcvy love art, and to find a place for~ president, witb Dr. Havent Emerson and DINNER-80c, 90c, $ .00 tiejmlvsamong us." Mary E. Woolley of Hoiyoke college 'l'le president. of the Nurtli Shore as vice-presidents. For the iast two T-4 Art leagiie is jasper S. King . Thiomas or> three. years Mr. Côrridii b las TH E 1IE M. \VTlder is first vice-president; Dud- worked with a group of the best sci, lev Crafts NVatson, second vice-presi- eniUsts> in the countrv' assenibling the 530 BIC -H (let;Nlr,.Magart al-in Tylr, atstand most critical findings of the -00 3O ~ - record(ing secretary: 'Mrs. E. E. Trow%-efcsn ioo ntehmno ___________ bridge, corresponding secretary; Miss ganism. Since January 1, be lhas spok- I.eoia Sta fford, treasurer;> Mrs. Ed en to 50.000 bîgb scbooi and coliege ward A. Brion, program.,cliaimman.; , students. His subject on. Friday eve- M r. Kte ond stdiocharma; A- iiii -wili b e "Social (ontrol of Our ]en E. Philbrick,ý chairman, ofý exhibi-MorNrti. W~ tions:, Mrs. C. F. Southward, social Tbe comittëee sýpon)soring ijthe lecture, chairmian - Mrs. eux Boidenwcj is composed of the foliowing: On Davis St. financiai chairman. Prof., Frederick, Nichols, Jamnes Roy Information about the, comning ex- Skîles, Mrs. Louise L. Kiinball, Charles hibit . mua'v he secured by tceiponing D). Lowry, Mrs. Catherine Waugh Mc- Allen Philbrick, Winnetka 2242, it is'Culloch, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fabry, U~ explained, . Mr'. and Mrs. S. J. Dunican.Clark, Mr. Highcres 1o 1~ play Glenviev :rest. A game ieduled for this led off. Niles, ali of its base- x -plRyi!ng fot. ear tse laiýe une ais toen. e oe laod r aupami Il te. 4 RosaA Pte. AI,. flotel Roa SOS plp el ServiU cd forp u.RUiR'rle ~un ekeens THE BROADMOOR . Iinners B83e * Cor. ilswàar4d mi *wrth Aves. (at Cepntér st.) RTKA $724 fd Menus, Mean £NOthsng.-'00 TYý ýQUANTITY, PRICE and ARE WHAT REALLY COUNTI1 DINE IN THE NE DININO ROO*M !ï-OUiePrc $1 fNigjht including Saturday and Sunday wor charge Week Nights, $i.00 Saturdays Concert and Danc. Muasic BREAKFASTS-40c to $1.00 urit %7KILL LUNCHEON-5oc and 65c BREAKFAST-25c 3u., 5su ,WATER..BEACH HOTEL EVANSTONWtmf.10 Mems,Rubber Herta, 25e Woeg,', Rabber HMeul 5e Wieboldt's Basément-Evanston I Nom