ilies moved away from the vit!age be- cause of the uncertainty as to -whlether or iot the schools would open. Church Group Announei Meeting on October 25 Spoke 10 of the Presbyteriail Woman's society wilI have an after noon me eting Tuesday, October..25 a t the home of Mrs. Milton R. Bark- er,' 730 Central avenue. Mrs. jgmes, T. Venekiasen, wife,,of the pastor of the Presbyteran churcb iWilmette will,*be a special guest. Reports of the meetings at River Forest and the Presbyterian College of Christian Éducation wîîl be read. There is also to be a resumé by, Mrs. Fred- Quay1h of Chapter I of the. "Lady, Fourtli Daughter of China." SORORITY. PLEDGES Gamma Phi Beta sororitv an- nounces the pledging. of the, following nortb shore girls: Anna Marie Wîl- ,son, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs..Arthur R. Wilson, of Wilmette; Mary Jane Thomas, daughter of Mr. ani Mrs. Edward W. Thomas, of Xibtw-tte; Marie Skog, daughiter of Mr. -and Mrs. L. Skog, of Wilmette; ýMarie Kirkwood, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Kirkwood, of Wilmettc; ani Jan1el Hardwick, daughter of,.\Mr. and M rs. Thomas S. Hardwiick. of Wilnitte. FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST WVILMETTE. ILLINOIS A nnounces a FREE LECTURE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. LViI~.. < For flarvest Days we wili cdean any 9:12 I@mST4 1C. S. Those unfamiIiar with Christian Science may reserve seats by appl ying, at the Reaiding Room, 1 148 Central Avenue. Reserved seatç will bc held until 7:50 On the evening of the lecture. Mr. and Mrs. D. E.. Morrison, Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth. making qiite an extensive additi tc' the westwing of their house. daugnier, Miss I>orothy Sutherlané. sepnt last week-end with relatives aýt Iron River, Wis. Mr. and Mrs;. Lynch and their daughters, Dorotht- iand Marjorie,' are recent newcomers to Wiltnette. - .at 228 N. La Salle street, Chicago. carries ini a current issue annountce- ment of the prospective incorporation of the Lake Shore Higbway associa- tion. comprised largely of norti> shore residents, and wliich bas as its lmr- poses cooperation with public l- ciais ini planning and devising încth- ods for facilitating Itraffic along higli,1- ways in the north ,shore section. .111l preserva tion of the r esidential char- acter, of the north shore section. 'l'lie organization, it is e mpbasized, is op- pose(lý to the extension of the -oliïer fdrive, through .the north shoreC0111- munities. * Want No Outer Drive The article ini Real Estate rea<k: * M<)A5Urgaized oppÏosition to, the li.I,,,IC-11 *plan to extendthe outer. drive id.rtli Edi'in B. Fotwler of Wilrntte, to, the state uine developed a'4-veîîîjv bass-bariboî,e. has beest. cont racted W.hen the Lake-Shore Highway ,vi by the Opéra u i.iinglieh league as tion filed pabers of incorporatiori will the Secretary of State, The o;b* etc; (Il a principal artisi for a seasois of the articles of incorporation are <1> tf opera which opens a! the' Majestic co-operate with public officiais In plai-, thealer October 31. ning an)d.devising methods for f.acilitat- ing tramei along, highways In the bortli shore section, (2) to preserve th.. resi - Mr. Fowler wvil1 makie bis début as. dentiiai character o the north shor.. Nilakantha 1ini 'Laknie," followed by section. .Lynil A. WilIiams, Evanstonin a tt-11 "Sibwaiixda," *"artered Bride,""L attorney, is president of the new organ - Boheme," and *"Fauist." About a year ization. Mrr. ~Wllrans, together witii ago be conipletcd a ten-week concert Lorenzo C. Dlks, of the DiIks Con - tour which tookIîini about,7,000 miles. struction eompany, reslding In. Keffil- wo.rth, and Henry- e. Hedberg, ratw He was associated with the Metro- with a home In Glecoe, constitut(- 1h. politan Concert company. He is the board. of directors.- son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Fowler of flpiIgCOnifeiL, 1404 Forest avenue. 'O Ile dIsory council are se well known naines as Arnos C. ilr ofMiller, Gorham, Wales -& Adam-ý1 residing in Evanston; Lewis, G. Ble1s 0. E.S. IoHaveing, of Bastian Blessing Co., withi Sheridan road home In Evanston:; Progessie DinerCharles W. Wrigley, living in Wilmcttt.. * A rogrssie dinerand ardFrank W. Ketcham, of the 2th Ce), - .A pr gres ive inne and card tury Press, w lth a K enilw orth 1 oniiv; party will b bc ld. this 'Saturday by AMaleolm G. Truman, of Alarsh'Tri-tii the Wilmiette chapter of the Order Lumber Co., living on Sheridan road. of the 'Eastern Star. The first cours e vanston, and Lansing B. Warner io wvil1 be given at the home of MrS. Huabbard Woods. ' No one appreclates more than î~ Dorotby Kuelzow, 611 Greenleaf ave-: idents of the. north shore', said AMr. nue; the second at Mrs. Myrtle Hop- Williams, in, an interview, 'the de'd;r- kin',132 renwodavnu; heability and, necessity ' f supîer-hlghwayý(s. third at Mrs. Clara Jones', 1232 Elm- otheisUmprtan tato um ble e ptrail wood avenue; and the fourth Will e 1 e, uburancmniÙtesb J4d beld at the homie of Mrs. aoin 'ou r sugges tion is'that. as the eC; - Converse, 1610 Highland avenu. .The <*go outer drive approacheýs the north.- car Paty illbe -el uttheMasoilic rn city limits. that it turn west anil cardpary wiI b bel atthethen continue.,north alonig to the westI temple. Mrs. May Woodhead is 'etl- sicie of the business >distries or our. eral chairrnan of the dinner. tnwns. Such a highway could give ail the service fratic demands without in1- ATTEND HOTEL CONVENTION. l hree-o u nm Mr. and Mrs. Rudolpb 'Heiser, 1930>____ Beautifully Cleaned Durîng Harveat Days $4000. MESrJJAN linos. INc. 511 Mêles fr.. ,WiInwfl. niI. 50S0 uni. 50m