Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1932, p. 16

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October 18-19-20-21-22 T HE FOLLOWING j PRICE.S A R E FOR CASH ONLY. Including'caitiand delivery service In aiddition. to theopportunity to save, our Harvest Days' specials offer a ml opportunity -to those unacquainted with our work, to,ànd out for themmselves, the absoluie superiority of Miraclean, for Miracleaning has yet to sec its equal. It'a the ,kind of cleaning you eau depend- uponi day In and day out and neyýer be disappointed. Ladies' Dresses * Miracleaned and , c baud pressed ...75 Feit Hats Men's or Ladies' Miracleaned and blcked....,.UFC Men.'s Suits Miracleaned aud pressed....75 .Men's Overcoats *Perfectly Mira- cleanoedi and pressed. ... 75c Double Blanke ts IIMiracleaned and carded.. 75e Ladi*es' Coats Plain Coats Miraclemned I- W and pressed. . Gloves Men's or Ladie s' per pair ...... s Men's Topcat Perfectly Mira- cleaned and pressed ......75 Neckti*es One dozen ties Miracleaned and pressed Curtairns Miracleaned and stretched, pair..75 to be blessed with a $600000 bondI issue, to raise a point of village in-ý terest is flot amiss. Bond issues are paid f roin taxes, our load of, which is aiready back- breaking 1 We are at, present paying'for aià incinerator> plant. *Now .comies our latest monument - the waterworks. whicb, nôo doubt, .wil have a nice brass, plate showing th e names of the Village President, the Boardof Trus- tees, the architect, enigitneers and t ie water. boy! This plantis to pay, for îtslf in 40 years~, thus I)eing à beritage for counltless unborn .and, unthought of cbildren. The question present itself, and is worthy of study. viz: .In voting in the affirmaive, howv many o f the "ves' votes were casi by first voters of hoth sexes, rente .rs. and transients, now .of whomh owii real estate and tc> whoin a bonld is- The vote on bond issues 'should be confined, strictly to real taxpaycrs- Other individuals should have lic voice ini saddling so enormous a suill on h ouse owners and owners of vi- cant property. I)uring -thiese.good times, let:iUs hby ail nieans flot 'stop' witb the watçr- works. There is a, crying need for a mùunicipal lighting plant, a.:înicii- pal street car, une, 4 radio sen<Idi station, and a municipal airport! A mere bond issue of $3,000,(0), will do the trick i 1orward, citiîens!.. Wilmette must lead the nortb shbore' Let eèvery capable. maie or fuma1i c 6 years old or over cast their ballot. The issue will go over with a 'ban>.C' as the 'promnoters wil prove m-ith a, lead pencil that flot only wili tht. issues pay 'for themselves, but Icave sufficient profit'to build a Rnuniciî>ali postoffice -whlich would niake, Jack IGarncr's. offer to.,give us onc. lo<'i. like 30 cenits. Catholic Womnan's League President Dubbs Invites to Benefit -Oct. 26 Asks Wilmette to 1The *North Shore Catholic Wom-; an's league invites its mrembers andý Mark Navy.Day friends to attend" the philanthropic Village President C. 'P. Iiublbs iF- card party to be given at Skokie sued a proclamation this week calling Country club on Wednesday after- upon Wilmette residents to partici - noon, October 26,. at 2 o'ciock. The pate ini the national observanCC 'o')' affair is an annual one wvhich provides Navv day Thursday, October 27. funds for the club's various philan- Navy day' lias been observed eacli thropies, which are widespread. Great year since 1922. It comniemoratcs Lakes, Park'Ridge School for Girls, the. passage hy the Continental Con - School for the Blind, Mary Bartelme. gress on October 27,. 1775, of a bil! Infant Welfare, Emiergency Relief, which provided for the construction and others will benefit by the pro- of the first fighting ship of the navv. ceeds. This year the deinands will be The date is also the' anfiversar.v orý greater than ever. the birth of. the late Theodore Roosc- The conibined coniittees are do- vel1t, who was instrumental inbil- ing everything to inakeé the Party a ing up the United States .navy. financial as. well as a'social success,. Mr. Dubbs' Navy: day, proclamat.io andthey ask the cooperation of ail. foiiows,: Cards Will be followved. by, tea and *'Wherea, i'l hursday, October 27, I1..if. the distribution of prizes. has been de.igated ,ag '%avy day, th.ý AUl reservations must be sent to dt e apart to acquaitorpo1 with th-- history and traditions or th.- the social chairman, 'Mrs. Raymond American Navy and to infornimep.- Kloepfer, 720 Elm street, -Winnetka, pif, as to what the Navy is nom, doing. by Saturday, October 22. flot otIy i its oiYn siphere. 1>t as a asset Io. our nationl other than dfn. Lot * ou to- Xlvethcart Town I D. PAGLIARULO Jemeler 118 WILNETTIE AVENluE, S WILNETTE: le1st T Jj e-âm 1

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