un.aries Bi. IulIertoii, former iEvaips- of that part of the ground between ton alderman; William . McGood- the foot of Greenileaf street and the *Nii wananiaging dirertor of the c6'urse., fourth green. and Mlajor George A. Quinlan of Wihntte.Librarian'Telle Stories Tîxis, coînîittee. is to prcîare a 1)r01grami for many year5 in. the -future at Higherest Exercices ,witli the thought in view that a cer- Miss Mary' Winner Hughes, chul- tai amount >of money will be expeüd- dren's librarian at the Wilmette- PubIr ed each year for landscapiuig various lic library, told stories at the opening parts of thé course., The work ivili exercises of; the Higlicrest.. school lie conàducted.,under the, diecétion ,,of Monday morniîng. The exercises are William P. Crane,,Jr., architect'whio, attended by ail of, the Highcrest pu- as connected with the Century of pils front the first to the eighth Progress expoiini the architec- grades inclusive. They are held each ttral department.. Work wvill be im- Monday, W%,ednesday and, Friday mediately begun ' on landscaping -the morning for fifteen minute s. grounds. around the two service houses, onie at Maple avenue and the AVOCA SCHOOL GETS BOOKS D)rainage canal in Wilmette, and the Se veral books from the Wilmette other at the end;,of the.course in Public library, were taken té the Evanston, where the Northwcstern Avoca schoo last, week by Miss tracks ,cross the. ca.nal. Mar Wnnr ughes, children'sý The annual meeting of the associa-' libi-arian., The Avoca pupils, wil -use, t jol will. be, held November 1$5. The theL books this month, and, later Miss tionmating committee, Of which MaL- Hughes will take a;new supply for jor Quiflai is a hairmit, haSLre4:0mlll-th.e hildren to ieaA. ofthei "Duke," "'Duke,". iftrepid ,guardian of the E. J. Johnson. domain at. 300 Greenleaf aveniue, added the: hero rMe to. the lengthy list of his accotplshmnents last Saturcay' afternoon. when bis timelyl warning saved the garage and -contents f roml :being consumed. in flaines Ih seems the houseman had deposited smoldering embers *f roni thé family bearth in close proximity to the garage, where,.with the assistance of 'fluttering leaves, the sparlcs:were soosi well on ;the way to igniting, the' structure. "Duke," sensing that ail was not -. elI wvith the. garage' and environs, set up a f rantic barking w hich promptly ~aroused the household, with the net 'reý ior". Catholie Club Juniors Plan..Bienefit 'Bridge The. juniors. of the Women's Cath- olic club will give a: bene6t.,bridge party and musicale on Tuesday eve- ning, November 1, at 8 o*clock. at the Woman'club of Wilmette. The pro- ceeds ýwill- be -used for phlanthropy, in which the Juniors are taking. an active part th ,is vear.' Tickets: may lie obtained .f rom M'Niss Dorothy Brooks, ways and means chairman, who with hbe Commîittee is makipg extensive plans* for the eveinig's en- tertainent.. Tliere witl be prizes and refreshments. Week-end guests of XI rs. Johni H. Lawson, Ji.' 330 Sterling roadL Kenil- worth, were Ms .V Klopp of. Sheridan,,Pa.. and Mrs. W. S. Roth- efinfi sof Reading, Pa. THUR8DAY SATURWAY At apcaI.e b durfifg à. ye.v, mamy of theée ite*ms are off.r.d at Cýentrài'Wihte Aveauesk--PL.so: Wiln Let'a Oo to Rircetheart Towtt argaiinPacikedDays'.ý