Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1932, p. 14

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W$ih *v.ry appointm.ent in our shop w. wilI givé, wilhout charge a DERMASCOPIC Skin AnaIysis and advs. on your individual problems and the proper cr.am for you fo OUR SPECIAL Shampoo - 'Rnger Wav. Arch -,Henna Rinse. Haïr Cut Any Three for LINDEN CREST BEAUTY SHOP 426 Lind.n Avenu. PlioneW rmeotfe 4454 >Let,$ Go to SBtoctltcart 7oivi Golden Jlarvest, Ji IITake advatage of th... very special prices th«e .days «omIy., Specials for Friday EGGS, Strictly'Freah,, doz.. PORK LOIN ROAST, IL3 BEEF POT ROAST, the direction oft ýompee1 guides, will go into the 7eiub's building fund. 1 Sp e c i ai accoîn -nodatioùs will be provided if a'large enough 'crowd is assured, but, in any case, an effort is k Ibeing made to f urnisb excel- lent. entertainmenit and a good dinner, it is explained. Reservations are to be Made wftl the tour commit- ____ tee, of-which Mrs. R.,D. Oilar is chairman, and Mrs. J. C. Mannerud is Co-chairmnan. Assisting are Mrs. James Backus, on Mionday is the first of- the cohducted tours -about, Chicago- laüd that the ways and Means conimitte of the club has fflaiîe< for the etirrenit.season. TAKES BOYS, TO GAME Robert -Towvnley,, director of phys- ical educationi at the .Keiiilwort!i school, took a_ groiup of boys, to -the I N.\orthwestern-IIlinois football ganw The1 Parent-Teachier associationi of Iast ýSaturday àt Cbampaign. Those St. Francis school ilIl iold its next jwho went- were Tommy Ellis, Bob1î% imeeting Friday' aftfernoon)i, October 1 Andeson-,Jack Lawson, and Nathai'. [21, at 2.:30 o'clock ini the sctxoo liatl. Bremer, ail of the Sears schooi. A lecture b%- Miss Lottie K. Browne i will begin proniptly at 2:30 o'clock, A smll nfomaicontactbrig.'to make it more conveilient lor the group as frecenly ben rabizd 1seventh and eighth grade pîîpils who grou ba recntl bën oraiizedare invited to attend. Tlhe lecture in *Kenilworth. The first ineeting 'theini wili be, "Illinois: historic, tna-, the club was held Wednesday of Lasti tive. scenic-!" Miss Browîîe isa week at the home of M rs., Fred B ii1 - meinher of the Native I)auigbters of lIev, 220 Sheridan road, Kenîilwortii. Illinois and of the Illinois Historical II ociety. Shie has made an exhaustive ' istudy of bier subject and the comn-i mittee in charge feéls that those %vhioý & Ia ie vl b elreadd Wilmette Man Home Prom Tour in Europe Anton G. Ferrarini, of 135 MNaple avenue. WVilrnette, arrived homne Oc-ý tober 8 froru a five months' visif abroad. He went over on the Conte ,Grandi, and returned onl thc e ncw Ital- iant stearnship, the Rex. whiicli was delayed at Gibraltar for tlîrcc days on accotunt of' engine. trouible. M r. iFerrarini visited Al of the large dities j ini Italv, as well as the smialler On and villages ivherc relatives and and, -Saturd ay ..35e lac Wilrnmette Wo'man Wil Broadcasg, Healtk Talk "Halh sa CoMmunity Project** will he the subject of a radio talle to be given by Mrs. Ruesell G. Élood. 210 Broadway, over. station WIiFC at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Octo- ber 23. The talk ivili be held under the auspices of the Chicago Tubercu- losis institute, which is affiliated witlî the NVilrnette Cornmunity' Healtit center. The public is urged to tune ini and hear what is being done ini Wibnlette along health lines. Tfhe station i>. reached at 1400 kiIocYcles. 215 niî- ters. Mrs. Flood is past prt, icettof thec St.. Francis Parent-Teaclier associa - tion. and as such she ivas educatjoîi chairnian of the Womnan's Catholie club of Wilrnette. At present she i,, a chairman of the fine arts depart- ment of the Catholic club, is. a mem- ber of, the Minmette Comnîunity Hjealtb Center board. and is aiso .1 mitËberý of the Cenitral-Jaurel P.i'f A. board on which slic. serves as chairman of recreation. Her talk ivill outîjue health actitities 'Of the, community; in the schocils. an.d the activity of the Health Cetîter board. 5T, Here for Less Let'a Ge Quality Rem<ins to Sweetheart Tow)t 1166 Mr. and Mrs. John Il Lawson, Jr.. 330, Sterling road, Keniiworth, left early this week on a business and ffleasure ,trip to New York City. Tbev will he gone about ten dayç. Af Fi y s

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