Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1932, p. 10

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Golden narvest Days r'> TUesday.Satùrday EVERY bite of our déicious bak"r goods -is a fremh deight. The excellent ingredients lusedl in every item, plus thé skW ,of our balcors, mea"$ a world of wholesonîe tastines.. Freah froin our ovens daily cornes a, vast vaieiy of table delicacies.1 The :whole fauily wilIlBite thons three times*a day. Take advantage of these SpelalPriies for Golden HBarvest Daya Only THURSDAY COCOANUT MACAROQNS A dainty confection, doe .. HAWAIIAN FRUIT PIE A luscious combination of the. fruits of the sunny islasidIs of the, ses. Never before for .... CHOCOLATE FRUIT LOGS A glorified fruit jelly roll. Large cuts FRIDAY SNOW BALLS A dainty dessert, ri for DATE NUT BARS A popiulsir confection, rich and chewy, dozen LINZER SLICES A dessert combination filled witii raspberry jam, 6 ýfor ALMOND BRITTLE ROLLS A dlelicious sweet roll topped with crushed aInbond brittie. Dozen..... SATURDAY WELLESLEY FUDGE CAKE Each.. . .. . :26C lac" 9c 39e «.Vf' "a........te .'overnuer liwe (A-u T hI IIut.I vilette league: Voter before going to the pÔ11s. -While Mrs. William Rehfeld, Mrs. Il. E i thlnk that 1- am ordlnarily weiI in- Ringholm, Mrs. Harry Burtiside.Nir'.* fornied on the issues and. on the vaxi- JohnW. ehrMrs Joh 1) Kine.aý( ldates, nevertheless 1. have fourndi JohnW. ehrMrs Joh [) Kinearvery he1pfui to carefuilly consider. the Mrs. Shelby M. Singleton, Mrs. Pail Short biographies of the candidates Lang, Mrs. Arthur Fuller. MNI.. Percr-ontalfled in The 111 îinoi>s Voter, esje-, man, Reiling, and-IMrs. Artlnr l i ally the records of -many oo' theni small chrge is mcle n oting on pro)bIems of wide g.ei A mall charg is m'de locovcr «-" Jtrest. Also, I would. like to sa;«yu of, publication. (Trhe Voter acpts 1 word of appreciation for the very hel'-, no advertising froni any party ')rr u-' fui brief review of the iaws having to' id(o with elections. The non-part.isan didate.) c~haracter of the Voter adds eyge- After months. of preparation, th l. to itg usefulné8s in: the particul.tr legu lia iUVe iInJ~ iis bpecL l icICtiIJI issue of "The Illinois Voter,". a 36- page booklet of facts for voterý. Ap- proximately 100 candi dates 'for public ofice are listed in,-this bookiet. It summarize s the 'platfortmsof ail par- ties,' shows liow senators' and corn- gressmen voted on.important issues in the last session .of congregs. gives; the stand of candidates on veterans'ý bonus, prohibition and similar quies- ions. The Voter also contains iii- formiation ab)out régistation and voting. Endorsement of tlhe electiôtxiIssue of 'the Voter. was given in lefteri adl- dressed this week to the WVilnette league by M.rs. Merle B . Sider. Republican state central cominmitte- woman, tenth congressionàl dis trict; J. E. Worthen, president of 'the Vil- mette Chamber of Commerce, and G. T. Hellmuth, weIl known \Vilmeitt izivic leader. Mrs. Snyder's letter reads: 'My attention bas been caiied to the current issue of The Illinois Voter anid I take this opportunity to coniunend. the League of Wonien Voters on thi.- issue. It just happens that i gi*eat deal of thoukht. anrd attention is being given during this electicin camipaign to Our Young people, or 'first vtr~ and I can think of no source of in- formation available that is as -aiuab) 'e to these first voters as a thorough iins comprehensive study o.f this magaine. The information -in. it is directî.and in- clusive, both in, the. matter.'- oÈ.Cn- didates and ofisu. I hope that-The Illinois Voter rayhave a.iNide icua tion for it iw my belief. that. it wiii meet with a déep appreciation on the. part O! inany readlerrs'. 4Mr. Worthen, writes t "The Illinois Voter is -a lhandiîoýok that should be in the hands of eve-ry voteriý it is non-partisan and give.s \al- uabie Information -as to the records o! Women OrganÎze G. O . P. Club in N. T. Township A new~ organization to bc knowin as theWomani's Republican club. ofý New Trier Township lias been forined and will mueet each 'Monday. evenin9. until election day at 8 o'clock- in the council rooms of the Village hall ini Wilmette. TFhe, purposes of the group aethreefold: "to forni an active and permanent'group of wvonen whIo. are ail interested inii eeting tL) disicuts candidates and their qualificatiotis; to get the true political facts before -the public; to get aIl people entitlcd tÉ vote tYi register anid votie." Al vomen of the. townslip inter- estied in forming such a club h'liVe been in viteci to attend the flrst ncle i-- ing. Information regarding the, 'ir- ganization inay be had from M Vs.. i H. Stackhouse, chairmian, andmi M.. Rosa Pickard, neberslip. chairin. both of- Wilmette. it is expla4inledl. GUESTS AT OBIERLIN Two students irom XNew Trier Township IIigh school were guests at Oberlin college October, 15. at the. aninual *High School d(ayi . awreuice Buckmaster and \ W1iamRolfiung ..an: comipeting w ith stu(Iefts froiln a .Il over Central United( State, for thé scholarships O'ffered '1w the college. *Mr. and. Mrs. JobiA. Carter. 33() Sterling road, Keni lworth, 'returnéd to their home recently froin a th'ree weeks' niotor trip in Canada and the. east.- Amiong the cities they. visited were Montreal. Qtuehec. ai \e'ý i ilI OIIn I 1I e t i iIl]Ml li i li1I i MN111 lelti l 111 eAvç. 406 Gi rTE 414 Phn.e K ,Let'a Go tu Stveetliart Towon The Bible and Works of Mary -Baker Eddy and ail ether authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUB~LIC 15 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM h I l

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