Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1932, p. 3

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health commnissionier of the village, lias called upon residents to cooper- ;tiin making it a success. IDr. Seifert issued the following statement this week cor.cerning Hlealth week: "I'n tintes of stress every spark of -vita.lity in. any individual is called iipon to keep one fit and on the job. It is impossible to accomplish the lest of which any person is cap~able lit thé presen ce of conditions which tend to 'reduceý vitality and general body resistanice. Disease in general aid. infection in particular cause the loss of many days of work, and many <ays of school,,whiÉh now, more than vver before, are of vital importance. lit our schools, ve, can already see the effect of neglect of health ini those wvho are to gro.w up and form cunr citizenry of tomnorrow. ~Tehneed attention, and,.general héalth conditions'must be improved. The Village of Xilmette again is qwpnding a smýall ýsum of money for physical exarination of aIl pupils in IIhc public and parochal schools « Tlhese examinations mnean- nothing1 -itid are a. vseless vaste of xnoney s6 long, as the timely :warning to take votur child to the dentist or physician ~osunhleeded. ,Ve. plead witht you t o consider that the cost of dental or iiiedical care is sffiall in preventive xwork as compared withthe cost fir care -COf- a kidney inifection, heart Iinfection or other equally serious con (it ions -that. may arise froin ne- -ect of so simple a thing as, an ini- jt.cted tooth. -To bring these matters directly b efore the people we propose the observance of a I-ealth week, begin- iing October 31, and ask your coop- eration in making it a success.". Shantz, Battie, Hero, Again Looks Into Guns lostnîaster joseph E. Shant,., who Nas dccorated for bravery ini action overseas, f aced the guns again last iSat-' tirday, but under di ferent ciîrcum stances. Nfr. .Shantz unwittingly %%as the witiness Yitaan attempted robbery of the Currency cxcliang-e, 5161 , N. Ashland avenue, Chiago. 1le hiappenied to he calling otilCotgressnain.Cari R. .Chiiîdhn, Thle Ladies' Aid society. of the W\ilmette Methodist church. will lîold an al-day Rumimage sale October 20 and 21 ' at 1149 .Greeîleaf avenue. Doors will be open at 8 o'clock. Mrs Chester W. Colgrove is chairmail. p hone calls fromn 400 persons, in Wi*lmette, ail of whom are employed, and have been em- ployed regularly, stating that each and every one of them- would agree' to provide, one. hour of work per wveek for the balance of the winter."- Well, you are no t going .t.o have that thrill because Mrs. Blaylock has not been overwhelmed. But if it had happened this woulid have been the resuit: It would give twenty fathers and mothers, who are now facing starvation, with their. families, each twenty hours work per week for the entire winter--and aIl that. it would cost each of the- four hundred cooperators woufld be flfty. cents -per week. Don't let your interest in the ap- proaching presidential .election over- shadow your concemn for the welfare of the htindreds of men and women in Wilniette who want, workad not charity.rkad OnQe good way to hielp the "white clla?'" class would be to bring down the price of white collars which stili seems to. hover around "prosperity". figures., By the way-Mrs. Blaylock's tËle- phone number is "Wilmette 2550." Rotarians to Hold Big District Meet. Oct. 22 Rotarians of the northi shore will participate in a District Intercity n'eet to be held in Evanston Satur- day afternoon and evening, October 22, under the sponsorship .of the Ev- anston Rotary club. The progranis includes the Nortlhwestern-,Purdue football game at Dyche stadiumi and1 a dinner and dance at Patten*gy'm- nasiumn., Dr. Charles W.; Kent of Streator., governor, of the:,4th district of, Rotary International, NVIl be guest of ;honor. Sundiof Vice-President .ofFreshmnen at Wabash. Mrs. E. Gevilla Neukranz, 1227 Asliland , avenue, 'entertained thé- North Shore Musicians club at tep, Monday. It was the regular 1potithly. meeting of theclu. *The biggest news is that three readers of WILMETTELmE will at- tend this important gaine as. guests 01 WILmETTZ Lin. They wjll be the. winners of the Football contest announced else-, where in. this i ssue. Competition for this covteted award is open to everyone, ex- cepting persons associated with this publication. Read the conte st miles no*! Get your answers in promptly. We'd love to have you as one of the .three. guests. Pour Concrete for Maîi Street Paving Excavation work, on the north Main, street widening. and paving iniprovement ivas completed- early this week, and the pouring-of con- érete wasexpected to be;under way bv the middle of the week unless un- favorable weather prevented. This work probably wiil take about a week, and then two or three more weeks will be required to let the con- crete set. Before continuus, cold weather arrives, it is e,çpected that the new stretch of road, whîch forms the final link in the through high-, way along the west side of the Chi- cago and North Western railway right-of-way from McCormick boule- vard in Evanston to the south limits of Glencoe, will be open,.to the mo- toring public. RETUJRNS FROM CALIFOJtNIA Mrs. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central avenue, returned to ber home last Saturday from California, wvhere she had been for two or three iveeks. She was visiting ber father at Sierra Madre, and friends in Pasadena, where she stayedat'the Huntington hotel. ShIvas..accompanied byr> lier brotheér, A. -W.--Hawkes, of Mont- clair. N. T many bargains in new and slightty us.d coats offeréd iour Classified Columns. October paytnents are flQw due on the pledges made by Wilmette parents in the recent tax anticipation warrant campaign. In order to save money, no notices will be tnailed f rom the schooi office reminding parents. thàt. the pay- mients are due. The September in- stalîmnents on mnany of thé pledges are flot yet paid, it was reported at tbe school office this week, and the co- operation 'of villagers in this initter isW being requested by 'the schooi author- The recent tax warrant camnpaign, in. wihich parents were. asked to subscribe ten dollars a month for the next five months for each child in school. netted about $25,000. It is the intention of the school authorities to keep the schoois open for the five-month period, if possible, and then further steps will. have to be taken to raise tnoney 50 that'they May continue to -operate for the remainder of the year. Parents who have flot already sub- scribed and« who are flnancially able to do so have been requested to co- operate by doing their share to help keep the schools open. It was reported at the school office this week that there is an indisposition on the part of Wiimette merchants to accept tax anticipation warrants in pay- ment of purchases made by Wilniette teachers. by the. Kenilworth' Neighbors at their flrst meeting of the year held Tuesday afternoon of. last week A reception wvas given for the new president, Mrs. C.ý Howvard Bent, 'and ail new memnbers of the club . After, Mrs. Bent's word of greeting, a' short business meeting wýas held.. Mrs. Alvene Resseguie, contralto, accompanied by Charles L.urvey, sang several charm ing groups of- English, let ofthte Unitedi Dei ce Men to take charge ce Men's campaign in i county and Lake county.

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