MONARCH of ail he, surveys.. ýu a N O jut king for, a day" .. but monarch of his own rcalm. . hie palace ... hie, grounds ..truly monarcb of ail h. surveys!1 Home .. fortune ... money . .. everything is hie. There arc jnany such "Iings" residing in the. rich suburban territory just 'on the outskirts of Chicago. A statesman bas said, "Show nme a man wbo owns bis own,,home -and I wiIl show you the backbone of.our nation.". Here in this, torritory are many such men . men of subs tance..m en of means who have whipped their problems and now have spacious grounds and conifort-, ahie bouses in which to ex' and and eniov I*st Of ailNkMr.. Advertiser ...te have the. necessary funds to purchasç your merchandise. Youirs and yours and. yours 1 To be sure, some have business inter. ests, but tii... can "knoek off" any day. or at one.'or threc o'clock and motor toý the beach, the club or home. WVhat a rich, responsi ve audience. for, your advertising message if you approach it in the. right way. Such mnp, situated Co mfortabl'y, dislike the. whirl, hustle sud bustle of:cilty lif.. The restful cOMMU- nities have won their hearte, tlir inter. este and their loyalty. Among these inter- ests are home papers, which tiiey read WOOD IEW "EASE TIME ijs ADTIME.,