Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1932, p. 44

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who 1 Miss Betty Schwarm, entering lier, sophomore year at, the Jamnes Milli- kii university,. has been elgeted treasurer of the Womnns Atliletic association executive- board. She is, the daughter of A. C. Schwarn of 925 Ashland avenue, and a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Miss: Catherine M. Berniinglain, dauhte of Mrs. Walter P. Berm- i.=amof 718 Laurel avenue, lef t last, Frid ay for Kansas City, Mo., %vhere, as a junior, she will attend St. Agiles' academy, a scbool for girls. Mrs. J. H. Do of 1310 Ashlaîîd avenue, had. as: herguests, Suilday for, Sundayand:overniigbt,.Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Beniss and their daughter, Mrs. Amos L. Kobn, of ToIedo», ,Who were inotoring home' from Wiscolnsiln. --o- Miss Helen Southward, 306 Oxford road, I<enilworth, entertained at a pantry shower Thursday in honor of, lb!rs. Kendall Hîinmail of Evanstonl, the former Em monie. Hif. 0o Mrs. Carie 'Wceks of. 1133 Central avenue took a short, moto&r trip to Springfield, Il. with ,friends last week-. ueeicn, caugnter of the Frank J. Oelerichs of 1201 Greenwood avenue, are stuclents at St. Mary's college, Notre Dame, Imd. The formier is. a freshman, the latter a junior. Mr. an d Mrs. W. M. Ainsworth of Batte Creek, Micb., were -the gues ts during the, past week'of their daugh- ters family, the 'William .L. Harts, 623 .Greenleaf. avenue.' Mr. Ains- worth came to attend:the World sr les. M r. and Mrs. George E. Shipmnan witb their daughter, Elizabeth, re- turned last Tuesday from a motorj trip to Omaha, Neb., to visit another- dauighter'and ber ïamily, the Lesteri Branches, who*moved there in the, spring. ?M'rs. W.T*V. Denton iOf Lawrence- burg, Ind., is visiting ber daughiter and fami ly, th.e Walter Farrars I 1210 Greenwood avenue for severa weeks. -o- Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wý-ebster of Spanisb court, had as ber guests for the week-end, ber mother and father.1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hastings. of. Soutb Bend, Ind,. RETURN TG VILLAGE Mrs. Paul Casterlinie and bier famn- ily have returned from thieir summner cottage at Fox lake and. again are occupying their home, at 811 Forest avenue. Gen. and M Ars. Williami, . Rose, wbo rented the ýCastenlinei house for the summer,- have returlied to the Graemnere hotel. CON VALESING Harvey E. Keeler, 610 Forest tv. - nue, bas been bomne f romi the Evait ý - ton bospital the past two eeks alid, is recupera.ting froni a. serions illness. of four moîîths'duration., He was ii the hospital for six weelcs. Mr. nd rs.Dals Kappof Xla Mrs. George H. Bird, 1010 Chest- Ma? Texas, Wbo bave been spendilig nut avenue, enetidaforoe thesumer vit M. Kapps pr-Tuesday of Iast week at the' bridge ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliarles T. Kiiapp i'iuncheon and fashion sova kkt of 633 Forest avenue. retîîrîed honî Country club. --s-0e-. Miss Isabel. Haskins, 1465> Wil- Mrs. W. G oodeli Crawfoitrd, .?3, miette avenue, who graduated f roi Laurel avenue,. entertained ten guest- New Ttier last June is now at- at a dinner pryrcnî i eew tending the Moser Business college- tion of the birthday of lier l)rotlhci- in Chicago. in-law, Frederic Crawford, oi 1-'.Vanls- to.Mrs.-G. A. Holland of Clearwvater, 0- Ind. was the bouse guest for several Lawrence and Charles Roth of 1124 days recently of Mrs., Herman T. Forest avenmue, motQred to the \jichi- Reiiing, 1521 Greenlwood avenue. gan-Nortbwestern football gaine at .Ann Arbor last Saturday. Caroline Roberts of Kenilworth, -o-wbo is attending. Northivestern uni- M rs. W. Goodel Crawford. .?3ý' versity, is a memnber of Alpha Phi Laurel avenue, entertained.ber hridgiu sorority. club a %vcek ago. \Vediiesday. -0- 0 - --Mr. andi Mrs. rred, %N. (-.roll, >r.. Mrs. Charles N. Reese. 720 Linden TVie Lov.ell F. Todd fm l or- wbo bave been occuipy-ing Mrs. Claud avenue, will have ber 'Vtiesday chlb rerly of 1617 Spencer -avenue, havu, Burnbam's bouse at 536 Roslyn road. at luincheon and bridge ncxt wcck. rnoved to- 1721 La'ke avenue. Kenilworth. bave mnoved to Chicago. 111 - w...,- 1 1

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