Rates-15 cents a lineoln one paper. 25 cents a linoe ln any two Dapers. Rae-ocents a line ln ail threc papers. IIIU CHARG*E ONE D4,LL.% S. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. la% discountq ibn agi sh wth order aivertisemnfts wlien brouzht teoOur oMiý t. 1232.sm entral Ave., WIiratiit@.or M 1Lisscolu Ave.,,Wlaetkajr. t.Ciasslfled advertisements will be ac- Deadline for ,nsertions-e,>,,ted up to ýTuesday P P. M.: for WI11. àlECTTE LIFE or ail three p)aper.9; Wedniesday. 9 P. 'A. for WINNE'KA TA LK and Thursday 5. P AI. for. GLENCOtE NEW.S. Te.lephumt-s: Wilmette 4300.,Wlnnetka 2000..CGreenileaf,4:100 nri- lr e5S 2 Lost AND FOUND LOST-CAT, BEAUTI FULLY MARKED like a tiger, ansivers to name. Sally. Reward. Phone Wilînette: 2181. 2LTN23-Itc Vernîin Exterminated P., 3. UEDELHOFEN, IEXTERMINÂT- il, ng eler. Ph. Win. 76 or North- brôok 138. *T1-f PICNICS - PARTIES - BIRTHDAYS Serve; anirel food * double liir. larme ie $1. Sunshine cake 70 ets. to order. Ph. LWtiMette 3407. 9TiiN5-te- MAKES A SMART SOPHISTICATIED dress for your winter wardrobe. We remodel and repair. CLAIRE MODISTE. Winnetka 147. llLTN23-ltp COLLETE SOEURS-COUTURIERES Distinctive <owns Suits-Coats--Wraps -made to your 'order. Winni 1011. I1LTN23-4tp' 14 GARDILNING B3LACK DIRT SAND. 80». AND COMPOST, FINEST soli at lowest prices. Deliveries-Ev- axiston to Lakte Forest. Glence .1052. 14LTN22-tfe FOR SALE-BLACK SOIL. PULVER- ized hurnus-Just the thing for top- dressing-cow manure. Can make de- livery. anywhere, phone for prices. Urban. Hoffmain. ph. Morton Grove 1832. i4LTN20-4tp le INSTRUCTION EDITHj RAY YOUNG, INDIVIDUAL * inâtructlon lin piano; ciass lessons; 2 pianos in studio. Wilmette 3651. 15LTN23-ltp DRAMATICS, ELOCUTION. PUBLIC speaklng. Classanaid private. N. U. '22. lIrs. Miller . Wilme tte_ 259.-- cal.. $1.50 and up. OW Windnws. 40e uP: pore mtrasand ref. fur mates. Ph. Wlnnetka1 Si'rY 0944. 24 PAINTING AND DECORATING Painting and Decorating Celling calcirnined, $1 up;. rm. papered,. $3 up:. kitchen walls palnted. $6; bath enamneled,,$5 up. WelI recommended,' best mnaterials furnished. Willmette 5034 and Winnetka 2511. 24LTN23-11c, 2 BEAUTIFUL PURE BRED COCKER spaniel maie puppies, 8 wks. old. Per- fect heaith and, condition." , xcellent pedigree., 520 Meadow Road. Wln- netka 2620. 261,TN23-itc FOR SALE - IRISH SETTER, FE- male. 18 months old. 2 points on chaniplonship. Caîl John Blow. North- -brook 45. 26LTN23-ltp 33 WEtAING APPARtEL FOR SALE - NUTRIA FUR COAT, trimmed ln Baronduki. Practicaiiy new. sise 14. Very specl bargaira. Cail Longbecah 3037 or can be seen at 1039. Holloywood Ave., Apt. 212., Chicao. Ill. 33LTN23-ltp FOR SALE-GIRL'S OPPOSSUM FUI coat. ize 12. Excellent condition. Ph. Wimette 2499. 3ilLTN23-1 te aS LOANS -Loans on Automobiles* QUIrcK. CONPIDENTIAL SER VICE, under state supervision, legal rates. 1MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bk. Bldg.. Evanston Gre. 3200 38LTN2Otfi, WE HAVE A MARKET FOR NEW and refundlng lt Mortgage boanîs on,.North Shore residoentiai property. Nelson. Hunt & Cn.. 1 No., La -Salle $t. Ph. rentrnI .2772. 38L23-ltn OFFICE PLACEN LE GIRL-EXPERI rîtlng department,1 %swltchboard, etc. of références., Ph. M IN ;ide1)antn. Cok . Ref. Ph. Wilmette 209 $s 10. Best 41LTN21-1ti Free egti- COOIING BY DAY OR WEETC, OR 87, UNIVER- housework. N. S. rcf. Wlnnetka 3218. 24LTN2-tp 4lL23-ltp EXP. WHITE WOMAN WANTS DAY work, washlng. ironinL-. cieaning. Ex- cellent cook and waitress. N. S. ref,. Ph. Wlmette 4552. 41LTN23-ltr) WHITE EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS wants washlng to do -at home. Rea- sonabie. Best refs. Wiil caill for. and deliver. Ph. Glencee.555. 41LT23-ltp EýXPERIENCED NUliSE MAID. FOR Infants', eilidren, and.willI assist wlth housework.- Excellent cjty referencês. Ph.. Ardmore 2699. 41L,23-1tp COM'. WH-.ITE MIDDLE AGED WOM- an; gen. housework; cooking. Days or haif days. -Refs. Ph. Glencoe'1564.. 4 1L20-ltn WANTED -,GENERAL HOUSEWOREK or takIng care of children.* Canl give best of references.' Ph.. Wllmt4te 1390i 41LTN23-1 tp EXPER. WOMAN WANTS LAUNDRY work; washing. ironing. andcleaninir. Good references. Ph. Wilmette- 32,10. 4lLTN23-1 tn COMPETENT WOM.NAN,. MOTHER's helper. -mornlngs,; also serving and:, care of ýchildren.. Refs. ýPh. Wil. 420). 41LTN23-îtp SCIENTIPIC SWEDJSH MASSEUSE: nursing-; careful disposition;, good cook and housekeeper. Ph. Univer- 'Itv 7RW .4iLTN23-Itp EXPER. GOOD COOK. AMERICAN., Protestant. 39. agrecable. neat. will- ing. good manager., A-I ref. $15-20. Diversev 6.q83. 41LTN23-Itp YOUNG GIRL WANTS WORK AS mother's helper or care of chlldren bv day or hour. Z5 cents hnur. Ph. Wtlmett#. 2623. 41LTN23-lte EXPER., GOOD COOK AND GEN- erlmald. N. a. ref. Wlnnetlca 2521. 41L21-1fon EXP. WHITE MAID. COOKTNG AND down.qtalrp, or aeneral. N. S. refs. Wivntki 249.5. 41LTN24-ltn EXP. BEAUTY OPERATOR WANI'ED for. busv sbnpi. A payig mnunsitlon. C-Il Winetfkq 119. 41TN3-lte MAI». COLOÈED. GENERAL FlOUSE- work by day or weeic. Ref.s, Phone Wi'mi,#tA 707?. 41LTN23-ltio GENERAL HOUSEWORK. CARE 0F chlldren. North Shore refs. Phone Wilmotto 11A12. 41LTN2-te EXP. ENGLTSH INFANTS' NURISE. .Rpfined. North Shore ref. Will travel. ýWIipka l'O. 41TTNII-Itn WANT TO PLACE. MY COMTPrEN.T. mnild; wlth me five years. Wi-netka YOUNOG GRL. AGE 24.,<IERMAN. wlQhes lnb an n econd mi. N. S 41LT N?.-1 tn L.P WANTE-FIrMALEC )UNG WOM.AN. AMpRTCA r eneral heip as resident. experlenced ln laundrv wnrk., and morne cooking. $7 week., 986.,4LN2-t WHITE OR LIGt-T GOLO1IEDGI . ,General housework. with or witlioti washing. 701 Linden. Wilmette 406!1. 44LTN23i-ltu sist general housework; no alndlrý gohomne nIghts'. $5. Refs. L>1(l.i. Wilmetté 4920.4LT2-t EX. WHITK, (itL. ULN. itUSI,- work. Go home -niehts.- AduIts. Ii" washine. Winnetka 2039. 441,TN23-It,- 45 HEL.PWANTrED-MALE WANTED>- YCUNG MAN, ET LE 22 to -.12 yrs., with car'and sorne sales experlence, 2 years' college educatioin preferred. to learn busines of olil established flrm. Should be able, ti, finanec. self at,,least 90 days. Writeý 13-1S6. Box 40. Wilmette, 111. -46 HELP WTD.-MÀLE AND FEMALE POSITIONS 011EN FOR WHIT EX- perienced, gen.. housemiads. mother>:* helpers. and couples. Apply ln persoti ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 270 46LTN23-ltip A-i COUPLE WANTED. WHITE FMI- llv of 3.aduits. Must be.thorough1', exçper, and furnlsh. best of ref. * S(i mAnth. Paullne's, 522 Center St., Win- tietka. 461,TN23-I t.. 50 AUTO SERVICE relined wlth "Gates Vuleco" asb)estçbs flexible rnoulded lining. The best onit the màrket,, Comîpare Our Prices Ford, Chevrolt .7.. Plymouth, Dodgre. DeSoto, Chrysier, Essex and Pontiac ............9.7.5 Hudson. Butck.........1.0 LaSalle, 19~29 to 32 ............13.501 Cadilla.c. 1929. to 32 .............. $15.011 Pack<ard..............18.0" Labor and material fuily guaranteed. Hot water heaters Installed coffipleto. $11.50. DEL LAGO AUTO SERVICE Spanlsh Court flldg.. NO MAN'S LANI Wilmette 5346 -S0TTN21-t f4 51 FOR RENT-ROONS NICE LY FURNISHIED FRONT ROOi1." 1 block to «1L."1 Reas onable. 2 1 Fourth St. Wilmette 3001. QUIET ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME-. runniing hot water. Gentle .man pr' ferred. '$4. Ph. Wilmette 729. 51LTN?.I-i is ROOM SUITABLE FOR COUPLE Ot woman. Use of entire house. Very reas. Wlnnetka 508-J eves. and Sun. ever1yLrinIg up-to-date ln every rc.- LAUNDRIES (ON FTRST FLOOR -4-5. rooma ýpf verv r-qqonablt, rent. w. H. CLARIS AGENT 980 Lindo-n Ave.. T-ubbard Woods WINNETKA380 56oLTzq23-lte 't 1