Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1932, p. 32

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The North Shore Area counicil, Boy Scouts. of Americ a, announces the completion of plans for a, coin- prehensive scout leaders' training program for 1932-1933. The bulk- of this training will be offered in the University of *Scoutinig to be mn, in two termis of six weeks each, one t.his faîl and one in ýthe spring. In order.to cover1 the large area as well as possible, theý university will miet in a différent, district each week on Monday » nights. Because Hallowe'en fails on. Monday, October* 31, the first sesinwill be beld, Tuesday, Nvember 1 Prepams Shodule Here. is the schedule: Tuesday, NoVember I-Winnet ka Conmunity House, 7:30 o'clock.. Monday,; November. 7 - Glencoe, Union church. 7..30 o'clock.. MJonday, No'vember 14 - Wauke-, gn 7:30 o'clock. Monday, Novémber 21 - Kenîl- worth Sears school, 7:30 o'clock. Saturday and Sunday, Novemnber 26 and 27-Fort -Sheridan. Monday, November 28 - North- brook public scirool, 7:30 o'clock. Monday, December 5-Lake For- est, 7:30 o'clock. Scouting Experts Talle A most attractive feature of this. year's scouting training programn, the north shore leaders declare, is. the large number of outside scout- ing experts who will be guest speak- ers at the courses.. At the first session in Winnetka Community flouse, Ernest Morris, scout exécutive of Milwaukee; Ken- neth Lindsay, Cub chairman, 'Mil-. waukee; Arthur Gruhl, scout exeCU7 tive of Racine. and Howard A. Gat- ley, scout exectiive of Kenosha, will ail bring. special msae fim- portance to the scouting field. 05cer Five Cousrses The University . f Scouting will have five different courses, namely: the elements of scoutmastership, the standard (advanced) course in scout- ,nastership, the Sea Scouting course, the Cubbing course, and the first- Rarn New A wards Troop 4, Wiliiette, hield a special meeting on Monday, September 20, 'wben the troop committee acted as board of review for thie scouts who had earned advancement awards at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. Following is the list of awards. made: Menit badges- Gervase. Barnhill, woodcarving; Bill jenkins, swim- ming; George Oakley, woodcarving, leatbercraft, -life savtng; Gerald Spin- ner, canoeing ; Bob, Tan sill, life sav- ing; Norman Turck, leatliercraft, woodcarving; Robert Edmonds, sW im- ming, woodcarving. George Oaley received the Jun- ior Red Cross Life Saving award. Bill Jenkins and Thomas Mickey were made inembers. of. the, Order of the> Arrow, and the Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan "M'I went to the folowing:- Bill Jenkins, Norman Turck, Ger- vase. Barnhill, Frank Staab, Homer Stocks, George Oaley, Jerry- Spin- ner, Donald Mickey, Armen Jorjor- ian, Richard Edmonds and Robert Tansili. George Berschi received, certifi- cates for the specialization tra iming. course, parts one and two, and also, for. the standard training, course. The board of réview consisted of 0. H. Berscb, ,chairman; Henry Fowler, R. W. McCandlishi and George E. L<eal. Hoover Cites Scoutiing as Character Builder President Hoover, in a letter to 'Walter W. Head, president of the Boy Scouts of America, and thence to Henr. Fowler, president o f .ic North .Shore Area couincil, miakes, this statement iii support 'of Scout-ý ing: 'It .ismost important at tiiis time. that the activities of the. Boy Scouts of Amierica and indeed the activities of ail of our character-building ageni-t cies, shouild be mnaintainied. 1 hopet that vour local council unlits will, as1 J for Boy Scouts I At the opening and dedicationl of tht, W\atertoti-GIacier International Peace park, hield recently, _scouts of both-Çanada and the United States were. conspicuous.- During tlke exer-. cises an International Boy Scout pa- rade was hold, conisisting of twelve King's scouts of Canada and tw elve Eagle *Scouts.of America, wlio, after the "salinte," repeated in unison a pledge of loyaity, to. scouting and to international good-wilI. Then the, scouts, sang the -following to the tune of ".Amcri'ca" o('God- Save the King"): Two natione by the sea Two countries great ahd free Our anthemn raise* one race of ancient faine, one tongue, one faith, we ciaini ýOne God' whose giorlous niame. We, lovèé and praise. GQod bless our native landg ,Firyn may they' ever stanid, Through stol'm and nlght, When the wild tempests rave, Ruier of wind and wave, Do Thou our countries aave By Thy great might. The Waterton-Glacier Internation- al park, an area of 1,720 square miles, is on the Çanadian border between Alberta and Montana and is forrned by the merger materialized through negotiations by, the Rotary club, of the Glacier park, Montana, and the Wateron National park, Alberta, as a prepetual reniinder of, the bond of fricndship existing between the United States and Canada. Reporters Plan to Get Ail Scout Troop News The North Shore Area Boy Scout Press club met ai Scoutý headquar- ters iMo day evei ing, October 10; to discuss the plans for activ'ities for the following year.- Discussion was -con- centrated on the plan for reorgani- zation of somne of the districts to in- tensify troop contact and to realize the citub's slogan, "A news article froni every troop every week."ý eain "Land Cruise" SaScouts of Region Seven arc reininded of the big "land cruise" te be- held at Great Lakes Naval Train- ing station on Saturday and Sunday. October 22 and 23. The program i i set up to give, boy leaders valuable information and training to assist ships in developing a strong program. The entire facilities of the station, wil be availablé for the -"«cruise" which - starts at 3 o'clock. Saturday afternoon, October 22, and closes at 4:-30 o'clock Sunday afternon. "Arrangements have been made 'so that the various topics on the pro- gram will be bandled by. experts of the' navy as members of the faculty, wbich- is an opportunity that has neyer before been accorded to any- one outside of the Navy department,'* it is stated. Commodore Thomas J. Keane, Na- tional.Sea Scout director, is heading the1 faculty and wiIl have, asisting him many fecogtiized' as fine. Sea Scout leaders of the region, and ;t selected group of naval officers. Any Sea Scout planning to make the* cruise, is asked to, send bis reser-7 vation to Bov Scout beadquarters. Hïighiand Park, Ill., Invite Scouts, Friendsý :' 1to Visit Headquarters In case any scout is unfamiliar with the Scout headquarters in Highi- land Park, an invitation is hereby extended f0 hint and to 'bis friends to pay' a visit. The office is open every 'day from 8:30 in the morning until 5o'clock' in the evening, including Saturdav. The officle lias been rj nged tCe take care of the secflknd ad- ministrative busines ~coun icil more conveniently ~j effici- etitly. ý A -",trading, p nsignua and small equipmient itensfi ,$main- tained for the conveni-çlcr of scouts, and it is hoped that mgny of theni will ,coine tUp and "ck.,he place over. ,i rmnas nr Gnd gorWOTHEN'S s AV. couti ides serving as troop ç'ommit- Sorne \, n of Troop 8, he was active as cents to cý ,f the district commissioners for purchase ette and served that post well, was rmspl failing to give bis utmost for not. Hec ing whienever he .vas called one at bi and identi >Ut nailed 5P was closed. tc, s. 'His letter smoney was ,seeing 50111C- or writing ini 4 I

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