A re the Mode for Fail $129 a *a le mSensational Values Cap.skn slipmons, and ctasp gloves thaf should be mark.d $2-tb4ink of the savng.. Plenty of black and brown. Ail sizes. ýAlso pigskint in white and naturial. Hurryl hIp the Glov-e Sectioii-L ORIYS-Pirst Floior that mnake LORD 'S 's A I 00 1 Exceptional ,a.t $38$4 T ho new Edwardian silhou.tte in wool crepes ad, broadcloth. The vogue for cletachable capes and scarfsi Mink, beaver, kolinsky, Persian Iamb. Re. member, prices are going up. Buy now-values were neyer betterli Sues for women and misses. Store-Wide Sale! Lainb'sWool FiIIed C omforters Very.' Special! s' 095 I)ntmiss. This Value warm, for: boys and girls LORDS FOUNTAIN SQUARE QUALITY Phone Wilmeffe 3700 LORD'S and the Quai it y Furs I n the .dpparei Section ---Lord's Second Pi007- N HALLOW Costunmes#