i or the current season promise to ie exceedingly interesting. The first of* the series wilJ occur on October 24, whien a tour of the Century of Progress, will be conducted. Those Who have -traveked along. the city's lIake front of an evening -and have seen f rom na.distance the brilliant effects of the illuminating woniders bts Iow Grant Park, -know that the loveli-, est time to enjoy the exposition is at night.'. And sinice that is also when f ienid husband can wander about with, us and nue f riends, it was decided to invite hini., The. tour will begin with an early dinnerý at the Administra- tion bui ding. Very especial accommodations will lie provided if a large enougb crowvd is a ssured, but in any -case, an effort is, being made to furnish excellent enter- tainment and a good ýdinner. Ail inter- esting speaker will expflain the Cen- tury of Progress exposition bcfore the. party is personally coniducted to the various features by comnpetent guides. Cars are to be ,pairked near the Ad- ministration building until timv ta visit the buildings. Reservations are ta lie made wiitliî the tour committee, of which Mrs.R. D. Oilar is cbairman and Mrs. J. C Mannerud is co-chairmari. .ssisting theni are Mrs. James Barkus. Mrs. Harry Mons, Mrs. H. E. Holdoway, Mrs. J. J. Downey, and Mrs. A.. H. Fuessie. Barn, Dance First FaIl E vent at Kenilworth OI A barn dance Friday evenirie, Octo- ber 28, will open the winter season ai the Kenilworth club. Mrs. Wejidell H, Clark of 711 Kent road, Kcnilwortl, and Mrs. John H. Denson of f "'C.ar- land avenue,: are in charge of thec dance' and. plan ta decorate the clUbl)huse, w 'i:lf connstalks and'other *'triminiings" gen- erally as sociated . ith *thelIfallowve'en s eason. This is the first of a Steries'of monthly parties -at the club, to b lielc throughout tbe winter. Ras Buffet Luncheon I.. Lt j,. b. 'i f '1' The chairman j» charge ofpln for* the amnual charitY bridge parIy* sPonsorcd by the philanthropy, de- part ment of the Wonmn' club of Wilmeite, i.r Mrç. C. P. Dubbs. Tite day -of tiis y<&.seven,.a- ways one of the large social oc- casions of each seasoni, is Wednes- dey afternoon, Octobcr: 26, at 2. o'clock. Need Groups for Red Cross Sewing; Drivers A generous response has been made' by rnany Wilmette churches ta tbe plea for help in sewirrg for the Associateci Charities this faîl. The 3,000,000 bales of cotton bought up by. the iFarm Re- lief board as a price stabitizer s'ore tinie ago, that since became a burden on its hands, bave been turned over ta the Red Cross, wvhich in turn bas ,delivered the boîts woven from i tat .vanious cities for their enîengency relief work. The Baptist, Congrega, tional, E-piscopal, English Lutheran, Swedisb Lutheran, Methodist,1 and. Presbyterian. churches are ail sewing, ini this work during the fail, thé Con- iregational and Episcopal this week. An'y groups that wish this niaterial' wilI be furnis'hed cnt garments. ýAnyone who can s pare a day or The Cozy Corner circle of the First >. V Sed at n Congregational cburch will have a rum- -!iairiianf mage sale on Thizrsday,' October 20, G. Park, 1M f rom 7:30 o'clock in the monning until. NFr,, Willio 0 o'clock at night. It is .,tal4 Ield comimittee. next door ta Wolff-Griffls. - inneheon cl ans N. Ganitzel,. and arridge are on her iC. A., Lundberg is ,a i. Mr. and Mrs. Wa'l in Ashton, S. D..in resided in'Wilmette Mr. Watkins, who I and banker, was bd lit., in 1855. He Wa ,it State bank in dent of the First Stm N. D. lHe bsbeen and bad been* presid, board tbere for 'fifi Watkins came te Chi, years ago . Mrs. Wa Cresco, Iowa in 1866. a member of -the f an [,,ee, Civil war genet jason Lee, the first 'vent across the 'ild in, a covered wagon, wvas tbe first wbite wý in Oregon. Born of dians Mrs. XVatiins h, cent singer. She bas tras and could play instruments. She Nva cburcb choir in, Asbtoi mun nrs vvticnsrouer 10. Tis .is the fnrst rime ruat ron, and. members Shawnee lias had an exhibit of -this rie ini Evanston,' of type and it promises to. be a nast, orthy high priestessr unusual and lovely showing. Spast Watchman of Aniong the nlorth shore artists who ýd to attend the re are exhibiting are: Mrs. AnitaXV- lets Burnbanî, Miss CarolLou. Burn- tkins were married ham, Mrs. james 'Cady- Ewell, Mis'. î1882. -Tbey b ave, p.- I johansen, Mrs. J. P. Gallagher. for fi fteen! years. Mrs. Van Wagenen Alling, M rs. J. has, been a Iawyer A. Bowmal, Mrrs. F. C. Peyraud Miss rn in Camnbridge, Ethel1 Coe, and George Lusk. The as president of.the well-known- Chicago -artists exhibit- Asbton and presi-' are'- Mrs. John Stacey,..Miss Lucie ate bank of Athol, Hàirtrat-h, miss Marie 'Blanke,. Mis.s imiayor of Ashton Florence White Williains, Miss Anna lent ofý the scbool Lynch, Miss Laura. van Pappelaudam, teeni ,years. -The Mrs. Alice Bidwell,'Miss Mabel Lau- icago about twenty: drum Torrey, Miss Frances Badger. tkiflis býorn iin Mrs. Everett L. Millard, Fanl Plath. iýHer father was Gerald Frank, and- Miss Edith, Boyn- nily of Robert E. ton.. raI, and aiso of t nissianary who- erness ta Oregon and whose wif e oman ta blburied a family of musi- lerselif was a caoi- sdirected orche$- althe strintged .s,.director of the n'for many years. Finishes Baby Garments The Wihnette Senior' Infant wVel- lare board met Monday October 10, at the home of Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, 721 Greenwood avenue. A large amount of baby garments was fini4hed for imi- inediate distribution arnoiig the needy f amiiés that seek nwdical care and com fort at the- Alice H. Wood sta- tion 1404 North Halsted. Chicago. Chairman, of Part yj St.Fr Prizes, table ai sert ed. ff» Wcduzesday cz'1n ing, at 8 o'clock; in thc is schéol auditorium.- include opte for <cvery refreshmecnts -wil bc, Miss Alice R. Huga.r Siith of -South Carolina 'is *sending seven of' fier.famos paintings. of birds Mi. Smith, has exhibiýted at the Ch Iicago) galleries several times and is.cll known to Çhicago. art lvers. Miss~ jessie Arius Botke of Sanîta Iaula. Cal., will showý four wood cus i ,.brds. The faîlsasnat. Shawnee, ha,~ aopened withi thé club brimnîiung full ôfactivity. Both the wonen's and the .men's bowling tournanients have begun with a record -nibliler of. bowlers. 1Mrs. jesse K. Siiyder of rEvantston is algain chairman oéf tUic women's bowling comimittecadM. Snyder is head of the mnen's bowling. The third of the %veekly "Stag nightsH, was leld on October 10, wit1i "'Cal" Johnson, ivell knowni sports- man and editor of "Outdoor Amner- ica" as the guest speaker. MIr. John- son entertained bis audience hv showing bis exclusive nio1VIn g pc tures., "T.igers," «"V\There M.oose, Rivi toose,"' "Quest of the Bronz.-b*aé.k.ý «'Came Fishing for Game Fish," and "Forest Fire l" A, new women's activitv board lias been formed wlîiclî will. spo ,lîsor varionis club affairs' durng the %winter_ among theni being a. 'ruesdav eve- ning progressive contract- bridge gaine for both mnen and .wonien. The board .is also planning an afternoon. meeting on Noveniher 15, at wvhiclî :înîe there will lie a speaker .on thv. Start Dinner Series Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley B. Colton, 354 Kenilworth avenue, will give a senies of three sinall dinner parties. They will bave the first one on Friday, and the others. on the two following Fr.iday.vç r