Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1932, p. 28

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j41ing. donlk! opera will béo onrea in the presenta- tending. Each nuinber w-as received tebisfRsi r er cod tion of Verdi's "Aida" at the Chicago with:enthutsiasm and there 1were manv !ing tlofrgi arebm da ccof, rd-~ stadiumn Saturday nighit, October 15. encores. 'The quiartet. ably accoin- Russiai. composer-piaîiist. Now ighit which is to be the first of a series of pnied by Miss Gilmnore, sang three and tinkfing as troika beils, niow operas at popular prices at the groups (;f songs, among tlhem heing sweet and sustained as the carillons of stadîun. 1Giovanni Martinelli ivilt have such favorites as.1 Strickland's -Road somle of the, churches, niow, deep-in-, the leading maie rôle, while Anna to Homle," Ronîherg's Serenade f roux toning as the great Ivani Vetiki, the Leskaya will sing the rote of "Aida." tle "Student Prince.'* ,Del Riegos , Big Benx"-of, Russia. Onie of the most Other'noted artists - ngaged for the "Homing" and a group: of, spirititals. vivid recollections of bis ciildhood. gala premiere -are Ina Bourskaya, VVillard Andelin. basïs soloist: d-ie savs are the four greatntsâ contralto of the Ravinia .and, the lighIted tîhe aud(ience Iy singing as Che bells of St. Sophia cathedral ini Metraolitan Opera- companies; and onc of' his encores -01(d Man -River'.' Novgorod. A.1l his life tlxey have, vi- Virgilo Lazzari of the Chicago Civic front the-"ho loat: and "Sotiw brated through his ininîory and have (ir amay f Song.s" *slnng as an. encore 1)3 eitered unmistakablv at times inti. "Carmen" wiIi be prcsentedl Satur- Chartles steor rotugflifa ursi his nmusic. day night, October 22. of applanse. Many persotîs have thoughit thai Hear Martinelii Sooa Oit Octoher 23. R*'b'ert Long, teîo the chords which anniounce Rach- Maurice Franik, impresario,,of, the and Mis. Marguirite aoso. 7- aiof' anin hr î Stadiumn Opera aiso announces a prano. %%ilt he the' artists at the "Hiotur >Prelude are a transcription of,-b)ell- series of popular. priccd concerts. of Msc'Botti are wvetl known clhi- i .toiles, but the composer denlies, ttis. Martirielli, who is the noted tenor of, cago soloists. fliLn. Bartl.'ît 1(..lIrsidne 'The thente of. the popular preluki the Metropotîtan Opera. cornpany wi -\Ij~rs Miles P.. Geriiîe fXiîet. F ?ricI < iii'ki o anlie to hiîn independent of the as- beç presented in the first of thesecon - i chairman of tite inus'ie couîuittet, poser lffd piams.wl b'lcrdoe ociation of belîs, ie. says, thoughi the certs, Sunday afternoon, October :23, at Shawnee, while the .inmers are Ihc radio ai 2:45 o'clock :îcxitiun-f bells: of Russia were direct-ly the imu- at 3 o'ctock. Another artist a n this M\rs. C.. W' Moodv, NMrs. F. W. Fiier- day ofternoo,, f roi stIltiWil il 11AQ sicat inspiration of bis coimpo.sition program' witl be Sonia Sharnova, manu.N irs. J. -t I n and M rs. Ed- iii a laU'. to chiIdi-ci. iiuerprctative of Edgar Allan, Poc's, former contralto of the Chlicago Nin erck poent "The Belis." Even today. a> bu Chvic Opera company. I rs Bartlett's prograîi is one of sits in hIis New~ York hlom.e, self-exil- A . arge symphony orchestra underý htv rn i eoe-usa h ra the direction of Maurice Henry Gold- GIVES SPANISH DANCES three new cîtf~ prograinis ta'v rn i eoe usa h r btat, ormr cncet mistr o th Clrit i~artn o ~Vnncka.~ \MAQ is sponsoring. In it she ivil -noxser s.a* s lie Itears inii eftor% Itla n f rme n c ert company of.Ne-th e' nlrt of M atns a cn, p e d give the children inidoor gantes ta play the vibrations o h i hy ll~ n York .and for several seasons associ- I for the first tinte sitîce lier teturt nwne fcnox.'legmsi'h lOCW atedwit th orhesra f te Ci- rom~pan ttisfai lîfor th F*- îe suggestcd from lier "Busy Book,'",'lThese Russian belîs veré, tînd(ur ago Cvih heorera, adrorfthe anstoîx Womýaiiiths clubeflasthTe cIa-whicli has been ini great demiand siîice tli 1(1 reginue. the first thiîi£ Rl> Sia i ympero n d rchetor ofite 1.aftrnoon Thtcprograntctie . t.,publication Iast year. rs. Bartiett ýian child hecatîte conscions ai---aîîd .Siai ympion orhesra inc 198. ftenoo. Te pogrni ontnie, 1viil lie assisted on Suiiday Jby lier i I the exile rerneiners Russiano will accompany the singers. nianY new aitd original conIpositions agieMrai ndeciekseaiit'o er leervr Announc. Programn that %wcrc worked ont' antd cdugtrMram ndcchwc swthoîgî. itsiotasthr rtr \\ill liave sonît chldreit as gtîests atl)tratcts also tîtrongli lus recollc-ctioîî The Mart nelli program is announc- botît niusîcaly and coe'raîal'the studio. On the foliowing Sunda\ u echttis of the great blels. Vht ed as Jollows: this stinmnler. ____ Mrs. Bartîctt %vill plan wvith lier silil ta.îndta the cathiedral hell "TýtmîhlauseIr," Overtur-...... Wagnt-r -- uinefrtig ad rtlrttnwrgm.Rchinanîîcffi Uinfinished Symphony.......enefoS-ehuber d o idr h nw eineR (Allegro inoderato-Iirst 'Movemient) . 1-- laîlou-e'it, The pragrams dt *.atso i- lie dots flot know-but lie is sureý Aria , .... . .. M rtinell' inOhbnadcast tîtrougît NBC. thiait if tliey hiave been siletîced. somne- "Barber of Interittîssion ~"I Lif Up MineEves Unto thelIi4 e~n msia ositsts "Bre fSéville," Oveî-turt, .. . ossîni ils, *the ont hundred. and tventy- C'd, ont.o ht. H:ungaian tDances, I\os. 5-6. Brahuts tî frst Psaltn, which was. set ta music Riia Group .........t.iîteli lw N irs. B artlett, vas stng last Sujida) kacltain î o n l >Wl cd d o t ________________ b;Mis JlavHugesof Glenicoe -vhi d îi , )ctlob'er 31. at 'Ne% sl stht soprano soloist at thr CI n- rier aud<itoriumxuîîder the IIISPICv.. Civie. Orchiestra, Wili - le Lîuliou churchi.. )f the \Viitni tka Music club. HoId Membership Exams PUPILS IN RECITAL Nd" ' Tîte Civic orchestra of Chicago, of Euilalie. Kober Stade, piaiîist. ivili Qote nadio Stars to wvhich Frcdcnick Stock is' musical di- presemt some af lber pupils iii a recit- A ppear at NVew Trier rector anîd Eric DeLamarter, conductor, ai titis Suirdav afteraîoon al 4 a'clock- * wl odiseanntosornei- 1-4-ck1 Vingling, director of mui- kokic public school iin )ok aver his neýý- duties er' at the Chu-cIi of the ter in Keitwýýortlt last 01 Tilt' ,q U I M LIU951OI whîIich opens a fic(lu' a.estic October 31. Hi, gave, a gr solos at the Chicago [J'oian oii Se/tenber- 19. eale uncier the direction' talter Rumnry. Charter mcr » . of Hurd, .Gilbert Bilts, club Leoitard Dayton, Frai j l)ara, Crante, ani Gari ce J. B. meetifig of the Ev Duhbs, Catlîolic club. .He y, Bar- Evelyn Goctz, piali ani. ýNienke.sopranto. Sunday.

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