Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1932, p. 1

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Plans. S. E.C. Year IV %JIN ll IIlIyI%Â'q 1 Ask Organizations to Select Members for IHarmon y Con- .vention Cielative Group Another significant step in tht:, esabis me tof the. proposed Per- petual,.Harmnony Convention Plan to select non-piartisan candidates for Wilmette Village offices ýis indicated in a. letter directed to various organii- zations in the village this week by the Caîl cotmmîttee of- the preliminarY organization of citizens vOhich, is bandling the- details in fornndating the convention plan., The letter,. sent out over the'sig- natures of Josephine F. Gates, "Dr. D. W. Rapp, and R. W%ý .McCandlishi. comprising the Caîl committce,. re- quests the various organizations ni, the community each to select two.f metubers who wilI serve on a Cr- ative committele which will be th., "ioriginating body" in the contenm- piated establishmnent of the conveni- t ion proper. It reads: Letter JExplaiiis Mr "Iii! furtherance of the Perpetuai Harffoniy Convention plan, which %vas adopted at a publie nmeeting on JuIle 6. 1, last,... the underslgned Cail coinmittt'(. i requests yoiir organization to appoint two members of the Creative commltteu, as provided for in this Plan. -P-ursuant to the duties of the Cal! vommlttee, this is formai notice to dtu variousciileorganizatiofl o f Wilpxetté' that the Perpetual Harmony Conven- dion Plan is now li operation. The next step is the formation of the Creatlve committee which will inieet during tlwe- second. week in November to select tlwc memibership of the convention. "The Cali com iittee -woul(d grei t v app ecate written notice r rn v u organization on or before October, 22, -of the. name of two of your members-who wilI servie on 'this Creative comrnitteP. Ple se ddr ss replies c/o i.r. Di W . Rapp, 1137 Central avenue,, WIlniettte.. -34ay we suggest a few- facts ta hould b e borne lin dic n ie to with the Creative coimmttee: '1. The Creative committee will 'havQ no voice in the nomination of can- didates for Village offices. It is Onl$'ý *the origlflatiflg body. The varicws civie organlzatlofs are the orily logical fieid (Continued on Page 6) W. FranktkMcClure, president of the lfilmtette Sundisy Evenietg club since its inception, is nouw complet- ing plans for the opening of the 1&th seasoit of this popular coin- mîunity enterprise Sunday e-z.cning. Noz'em ber 6. While this season of Sunday Evening club progranis has been curtailed to four nionths becatise of the present eco- nomir situation, President McClure as- sures its patrons that, according to long established cuistoin, only progranis -of superlative quality ivili be given. ,Speakers of outstanding reputation, mu- sical programs of exceptional meit, and other highly, entertaining and inx- structive features are promised. Coni- plete details of this season's irrograms *ill he announced in the near future. DELEGATE TO BUY WATEIt BONDS At the time of going to press Vil- lage President Carbon P. Dubbs informed WJLMZýrmE Livr that he had just received word f rom Har.. veyC. Coucb. of ýWashýigtonl, D.C. president of- the Reconstructi on Finance Corporation,, that the corý- poration bas authorized the ptirchase of the Wilmefte. : Mater _Revenue bonds, and it urges that, the build- ing ýof the mater wvorks -be pushed with ail haste so as to createe- ployment as sooil as possible, Travýei Class Celebrates Twentyfifth AnnIversary The Travel. class celebrated its, twenty-fifth.anniversary at -the home of Mrs. Charles Haskins in Glenco'e at a hinche.on and reading. Twelv.e women from Glenicoe and Wilmette originally formed the class, six of whomi, one of the members an- nounces, "have gone to join. the 'Choir Inivisible.'" Six.of the charmi- ing daughiters of the members have filled ini the vacancy. The class meets every two weeks and its n ext session will be at the home of Mrs. H. C Champlin, 800 Sheridan road, Glencoe,ý Tuesday, October 25. Wilmette .Firemen Seven Runs ini Make a Week Wilmnette fi remen mnade seven ruis in the past w veek, but there were mo first that resulted ini serious damage. The firemnen answered two cails to extiinguish prairie fires on Saturday, and made. two.runs for the samne pur- pose, ou Sun4ay, On Monday, fol- lo-ving the tain that day and on Sunj,- day, the:firemen received three cailsý. inforrning, them that electrir vires were dowin. 1AT NBC BENEFIT Ticket Sale Heavy for 4fPer- sonal Appearance" Prcigram at New Trier Fridgy- Dcmand for tickets for the "Stars of the Ether" programt to be given in the Leslie F. 'Gates gynmasium at New :Trier High school Friday night of this week- has far, exceeded ex- pectations, F. D., Frishie, faculty sponsor .of the New Trier Tri-Ship club,- whichý is sp onsoring the event,. said early this week. Mr. Frisbie inidicated that some tickets probably will be available at the door the night of the performance. .There will' be no reserved seats. The doors, of. the gymnasium will be, opened at 7:15 ocloc , a d t e p o grarn will start at 8 o'clock. Club Sponsor* iprogwrans The Tri-Ship club,. whleh is coain- posed of ail boys at the high school, bas undertaken the sponsorship o.f this program in the hope of raisin - funds to hielp many boys now attend- ing New Trier who wilI be unable to continue in schéol without financial assistance. The entire net proceeds will be devoted to this work. Such well known NBC stars as Doctors Pratt and Sherman, Clara, Lu and Hm, Jean Paul King, the anniouncer, the Commodores maie quartet, Hal Totten, popular sports announcer over WMAQ and NBC, the Pickard family 'and thé Co-eds' trio, wvill provide most of the enter- tainmnent. Kîng la Announosi jean Paul King will open the pro- grai,,and Iater will turn the master of ecremonies work over tQ Pratt anid Sherman., The Pratt and Sher- man act should prove es9pecially pop- ular, inasmuch. as one crf t he two doctors, Ransomi M. Sherman, some- times called 'lndian Hill's gift to radio," is a resident of Winnetka. There will be a niumber of student ini Wilmette was starteci Mon( this week under the direction ci aid Ffartnett, superintendent of As a part of the, inspection ail weighed for one week. Sevcntec is required -t complete the in,; work. Postinaster Joseph 1E states. 'e . .. .. .. . . . . . News ..... 20. :P..- ýialitz ber - the "early bird" has the best chance, to win. at the Shawnee Counti Cervenka is in Arneri sessions of his committi ing Arnerican business l

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