Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1932, p. 22

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Tryouts for the first play of the vootUUi Uo iJnCtest new schooi year were hield ast Tues- Good sotrasi- o h ato day and Wednesday. AIl jnorsn-secaospars wl.asiplan terspart iors and saphiomores interested wcresectrsawelspaysisbi éligible. As a big crowd turued outý expected of New Trier students. Par- it is predicted that ,Mn. Van Kirk ents niav be interested in aiding the and iss- Sanm)od-' heýfacltyschooh authorities .educa 1te the 'stu- coaches, wiii h fave difficuhty in..sedets to proper behavior as specta- lecing.te, astof. tisproduction tors.. The fohhaowing suggestions arc lecingth cat f tisrecalled ta studehts before each ath- which will be given on1 November îetic contest. 18 and 19. The tithe of the play Applaud the team 1 as it cames on wii beanouned5001.ta the field at the beginning of the In, addition, ta the afficens, Syd- gamne. ney Date,, president; Bob Merri- Apphaud -players coming off the ma n, vice president,, and Nancy field. Fisher secretary,. the following Cheer an iu jured player on eithîer cominittee chairmen have been team. appointed ta the Dramatic club Never' cheer, when the opposing cabinet: ,Ratherine, Hepburn, pro- teain is penaiized. gram- committee, aud Emma Bick- Neyer question. the officiais vhen hain, pubiicity committee. The pro- our teain is penalized. gram cammittee lias -not been se-. Neyer cheer when cheering wilh lected, but -the pubiicit1' cammittee disturb the signais of either tam cohsists.of Dave Rautson-, AI Brown Cheer when the team makes a good and Alice Êbeiing, in additian to the play. chairman.1 Accept the referee's decisians; he Helping the, coaches this year will was el-Oser-to the. play tha:p you werç. bc the propenties staff, consisting of Florence Carey, chairman, Janc e niorsA LIe Moore, Larraine Russell and Rutl ios.-.s loe Hoaglund. Others wiih be elected to E-w P tu to this staff soon~. The stage crew, toE jy P u es,' Miss Grover's technicah assistants, of Olympie, Games are: Johin Laun i tsen,. manager, Mr. Showiey gave, an exception- George Yeomian, Bob Nylbarg" and allv intenesting taik at the first senior Herbert 1\yers. assemblv, Bob) Seiher, president, The Dnanaic club anticipates a calied the class to orcler, and Helen grand and gloriousiy successful year Shepard read tuie minutes of the iast frçm the standpoint of bath per- assemibly. Mr. Showlev then pre- farmances aud finances. sented ta the seniors, a deiightful pic- ture of the 1932 Olynipic games held This Bird Will Never last August at Los Angeles. He was Rest in a Gilded Cage tended, and brouigli back bhis iw Not a bird in a giided cage, but a and expeniences. sparrow in the bovs' study building jpaiglrtgnrlpa is thec suijert Of this tale.- of Olynpîtc -C'ity,' b Iuildings and It was Tuesday nigbt,,. probably con.venietices, he gave glimipses of1 (you know, lithe Tucsday nighit wheu the home lif e of ýathîctes'%while at, 'il as a unccssaihycol), uaIthe ganîesý, . He -then spoke of sparts- the paon ittle spanrow.found( an open manslîip shown. by ,the diffenenti window iin that torrid place, the rontries, and the lack of commer-t B. S. ýB. This is aIl a surmise, but cializing. we knaw that an Wednesday moru- He explained clearly the starts ofC ing, the "Pore ]l' lird," was fluttering dashes on the circular track, thatè a.nlôngst the girders of the B. S. B. Paint which was disciissed sa mucliC Even the ciring of studiaus boys in the papers., as buii g unfair to faileci to hrinLo' the li;tb. ,ade.somne of ,lie runners. pf. ig e,. ie 'Because ot inclement weather, the girls are having difficulty in completing their golf and tennis matches before .the deadiine for the finish of theé round. The second round of sing'les and first of doubles were due. Octo- ber 10. ý The time.:had already been cxtendedý once. Because Jean iMc- Cannell, head of tennis, ýand Miss Nixon wish to.avoid further delay, ail matches not piayed. are being drawn immediately.. If -this it flot done, the matches may ýhave ta, be finished indocrs. All girls out for hockey are diii- gentiy impraving their stick work and striving hard, for the start of the inter-advisor raom1 games :is at. haud, witli séhedules, for 'both soccer and hockey. games being dr 'awn up this week. Miss P )uiton is plan-f niing to senld representatives ta help farm the schooal girls' ýteam from the north shore. This team, consîsting of girls from New Trier, Evaston, Roycemore. Maine, North ,Shore Country Day, Mendota aud Deer- field, will compef e agaiflet a teitn frorn Chicago. There is also a pos- sibility that the teanis mav go, to Milwaukee 10 Plav in the Midwest- eru tournamenit around November 12. ý [<ast year, New Trier had live girls chosen to play.ou, the school g;rls' team, and three of those five-Vir- zinia Smuith, Janeé Waidner and jean Gourlev-are stili in school, so New Trier is assured of a goodiy repre-s ecntation. Girls' Club Clears $73 at Schurz Grki Gainef iThe Girls' club announces the mak- ng of $7.3 clear profit froni sales of pples and hot dogs at the Schurz t football game, Saturday. October -1. rhis uiarked a ten-dolar inîp)rove-* vent over the proceeds-of the firsî ' rae of the season W«ith Lane Tech.,~ rhe Suburban league gaines are1 ex- tbus enable the cluti a increase -ils finances al the mare. The fast gaine pi Of the season with Evauston is expert- ai ed to swvell the treasury. The officers, coinmittee chaîrman, and Ithe finan- t<) a fi '1 n g T i aiks at NMeeting Four uienmbers of the facuity spoke at a semi-social faculty mneetn<, Mon da y. Miss Elizabeth Packer, dean oi girls, told of some interesting cxperi-. ences during hcr trip ta Europe iasr. .suMIiss7Jessie Sentney of th e fori gn langtlage, department related. sonij, of the stiniating and delightfii in- cidents of ber journfey ta. Paris where she lctured ta university ail- diences. Most of her lectures wére deiivered in. French. L. E. Hildebraud. teacher of hi- ology and curatar of his own exten- sive mnuseum, spoke ofhis advenl tlunes.colletig material, for a lec- ture he. is. preparing for a, speakil.g 'tour. Matthew- P. Gaffney, principal.. spoke bnieflv of-his tnip ta Italy tie attend, an interuational educationl1, After the speeches, tea was served. Tennis Players Seeking to Dethro 'ne Bill Cloyer First and . econd-round, matches of the "Ail-Star", tennis ýtaurnaint. campo *sed of the best: players about s.chooi, have, been .campieted, 'arnd now.' everyane inipatienitiy waits te see wha will be- the finalists iii, the> .tunnament, which attracted tixirt% six entrant.s. StaIrs làho suirvive<î the first round ncluded Mr. Snivder, Mr. Ream anI- Mr. Peterson. One of these mnen N-lli rneet Bill Ciover, top-seeded ami favorite 10 win in the fiuais, The. only up)set was; furnished when "hl "et-Bill" Snvder 'defeated Ray 1-Bar- lernan, secôan(t-sehed .player in' tnaizht sts 6-4, .7-5. S iy der,'s *hu)l.-, let-like services and perfect lace- rients were. tM0 mucIIfor Bla.rtlemiat) whose, gaI-e wasa lbit tUnsteahie(i. SOME FRIENDLy NOTES. NEwV TRIrrkNEws .NOTEs, .whiih )rved suich a. suc-cess last vear, in- Mrurates a new se ason. The abject of this undcntaking is, 0give those who have a vital i- eWho 1 registered for the coin-1 irse or taking one coin-1 eccl or. more are eligible ta lub. and now we welcome fier at Trier. st. of hem turne is devoted ta. swirn- ilans -and activities of the riunizations form an inter- ýontrasîta duil and dreary. Interest others in what yptu Z, by ifamming tbeip through

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