Stresses Value of CheerfuIness, Fun Active steps niust bc taken to pre- Vent Young persons frorn-grcwing .uji wïth the idea that life consists. of ilotbing. but' practical necessities. accô*rdinig te Mrs.. Freàcrick Edcy,ý president of the Girl Scouts, Who is visiting Winnetka this week. O'When people talk te mehe about bard tirnes," said Mrs- Edey, "I say to them that' econornic conditions should net be allowed te affect the spirits of youtb. If we don't give childreni sometbing b e s id e the rnechanics of',living te think- about. they. will find life as 'li an(l drali as .it becomes te any oe elvse %v'ho shuts eut al sp(oitaiieity. -C faracter building is an essential of ,Girl .Scetinig," eniudMrs. Edey, -and, wc believe ,iii clieerfl characters. Give tbe girls 'pretty things once in a while; let themn hae a good time, and 'their whole flora7te will be 'better. Even! their bealth will improve., Wec believe in giving the girls responsibility, and 'in- keepîng thern occupied with simple activities; We also believe* in. teaching theni te, enjoy lîfe and te enj oy beauty. The tW tiusarc by tno nî.canis irrecon- cilable." Witl, Girl Scouts Since 1919 Mrs. Edey lias. been asscci atcd with the Girl Scouts silice 1919 as a mem- ber of the executive .committee and fle national board of directors.'. Wishing te 'have a tlîoroughl y Practi- cal knlowledge cf what Girl Scouting aneans, she teck 'ber' tenderfoot an<l second-class tests, and served in vani- eus officiaI ,capacities. In 1930, when the developin1ent plan 10w, in force was initiated by the Girl: Scouts, wokat, tbe nationallîeadquarters was divided -for administraive pur- poses amcng five divisions, anid,,Mrs. Edey, who for -tbe ten previous years -hadbeen chairinan cf the field cern- mittee. 'became under the1 new arrangement chiairman cf the field division. Plans Year's Work ToSP The Gleucoe Comnmunity Girl Scout c011111ittec recentlv miet at the home of the chairman, Mrs.' Albert C. Goodnlow, *te discuss Plans for the ensuing . year. Bëcàuse thle New Trier Township council, under whichi we operrate, lias. reduced its budget se radicallvCour coImmittee members voted te blold this 'organization to- gçthler. te the best of their ability, at the minimumu expense. We are ex- treuiely grateful, to our. splendidý leaders. most of -%vionî bave volun-ý teered to give their timie and energy another year te our, Glencoe Girl 'Scouts. Sorne' new captains, and lieutenants area always needed, and may we urge a few of 'vou to -join the training > course nowv being given at the Xinnetka Parish House each Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Ask anlvone wvlo gees, to tell yen what rcal full it uleans. fljthe LeaderI tRAIlNING IN HANDICRÂIPT HAS GREAT VALUE Silice every girl in. our troops. is do- ingo bs'done, sonie- bandicraft work ini school, the ýfirst of the three alternative requiremenits makes this badge possible. for . an'y scu-l girlte attain, who lbas any skill wiîtl her bauds. More and more as 1 work with scouts, 1 çomie to believe that we, as leaders, -don't realize th~e comprebien- sive value f bandiéraft. in ourtroop meetings, In tenlderfoot tests, ouri kuots are tlîe first stel) in lbandicraft. A noted educator once mnade thîs crt- icism-cf Amenican edtucation, 'We do net train Our childrei te make. or execute witl . itheir b ws,~hat their iuds cati conceive." Training ycungsters te use thcir ha'nds skillfully givýes thein the sanie ýconfidence in i themnselves that othér Énuscular conitrol and coordinatio gives tbem. .Aud most cf us know the stress that psychologists and psy- chiatrists lay 'n the La ray Writing of Activity - i of Troop Meetings A\s ti e fail season of the Girl Scout prýogramI is getting into full swing, the typewriters of more and more scrib)es aire clickingÈ to keeèp pace with the iinteresting work being enljovedl by nordilsbore girls, wbo arc fortu- nate enough to belong te sornle scout group.. Playing of games, election-iaf~ cers. discuss ion fplans, and singing Ja~l feature the following. reports 'f 'c ril)es of three north. shore top Troop 2 Trop ad its first meeting oti te ear on Friday, Octoher 7, at the'. borne of Our leader, Mrs.,lHerbert Sieck. Weé cooked Our ýupper ovcer an outdloor 'lire. -At the meetinitii IWas decidc'd that th e higIl scholgil !-of Glence %vould meet 'witli us. tlîis vear, XVc talked over planis' for Spnii next Satu'rday rnight fi't t Primîitive camp site. Two sqii'acs -elected Sue .Goodinow and EStIIer l'arneé. ,Important anniounicetxi..lý wcerenmadeC atd the meetitng ;ul- jouriivdat7 'lc..slîrIcrn .. ~ ~ flt L 'op 18 T,,.<j< v.( )Iob,' x, i !:~' kill ftahallguamne. Wîi u * whlc *troop lhad arrivedl, ve hd~< trol coirtirs, lui patrol cornerj-.w' tliere are four main poinits',: lected oMir latrol leaders, th(- patroT( 1. Real interest. ' leaders 'chose their assistant., wv 2. Iniproveinert and prog'ress. liantfeil our patrol, atnd made n;ttrol 3. Clever, skillftil use cf thecir *lo<.'l'le patrol leaders arc [,tic hands. ' Janc Keeler; Olivia RttlBAker ;tii.d 4. Marked skill iii the craft.' Sallv Ai Elýastman. Tlere.was a tic Iu' common wtth every' leader and :111 .tlié other patrol, so they willI1 ait 'badge examiner, I ar n axieus ta unlltil iexçt, tinie>,te elect tîeir pafrei raise the standard cf work passed forleer [the badge. Also, I arn cager te give XV h,veà we re through witli. pairo( eacb girl wvho cornes te submnit work corniers, we. gatb.ered in a circle and to me a eal interest ini handiwok e ted a treasurer and a, scribe. and te increase ber manual dexteri. .B ttJae elisurrasrr So, if the Scout bas an.article tbat 1 n'Ja Clark is bur scribe. consider inadequate, type or; Then we biad a leaf gamne iii wljicl, excellence, I have tnied te find euit (ýcdi atrol had the name of a léai what kind cf w ôrk shie likes te do,: and the correspondifig leaveï %werc ail best. and t'hen havinz t2flkeAd th'nt tuni nh - n- l-4- I wCn f ~.zînco ~îî sout tak noiceI aavof materiai, picking up. Your troop wil'l e staëting soon, se putting chairs and tables in get out the uniform, polislî ycur preper places, etc. How many shoes, and brush up on your knots. scout principles arid aims are You might b asked teo help train a ered in this !' tesiderfoot. lun my interpretation of this furth- the t: ! he c badge, Iings. -uin a a lIkVLItrai misIladh the Houfids; cooked cocca: robben. ate their lunches, and rode back in a ýsted ini car. They are meeting again Satuir- te cali day 'noiernng iii'the Christ Churclh meet- Parisb loeuse at 10 o'clock, and 'hope m.iany. more'.will joiinthem. !IZ i il1<,!fier C 'irî .Scouts, Ileadersv anda ri' of's~vî;t