and 1 Police Dog With Toothbrush This stimmer 1 had an adventure with cats., First a boy gave iny sis- ter a caf that hie did riot 1 %ait and that ývasgoing to starve to death. He' asked bier if she wanted it;w of coure she said,..*'Yes." *She brought the. cat home and hie surcly wvas hun- 1gry. The cat did not ruix away the first, week, but the next week lie. started to."bum"n again. The second Week' he was gone for two- or three days at a. tinie. Then we thot-,Il we would tiot cal! hrni and -we would, let bu, wander away if lie éared to., >Nowr. one morning 1 got up a.t about1 5 o'clock; 'of course that was quite early.and it was riot light, but 1' went out to get the milk *and' there was the cat sitting on the doorstelp and ýpurring to beat- the band. '1'hen he left us for two weeks. At Iast. lie disappeared altogether. H4e.haslerti gone for three months and we do riotj think hie will ever return. Thçn a few weeks later the sanie boy gave my ot her sister another cat. This one, is aà little cat' about five inches long and is very fat.. Our other cat we called Tiger, because he' looked like ,a tiger; so 'this one we will cal! 'Snowball, because h e is so fat and so playful. He'basn't wan- dered away yet,,and we hope that hie doesn't. Myý mother said ýwe cou Id mlot have a cat because we hiave a po- lice dog called Judy. He is a won- derful doÈ for children. My littie brother does everything to tbe dog-5 brushes 'bis teeth and everytbi:ng.1 Then we have a bird called Dickie1 Bird. We bad another, only bie died a week ago. Butwe still.have the cat, and. my niother likes it fairly well.loria ,Gon zales,, Mrs. jolies' rooni 8-A Sewing Lessons. Start in 2nd Week of School We started our sewing lessonis the second week of school.* -Miss Wood- ley told us that we could make skirts or blouses. It is impossible tà have utJi7.3 i 50>7 i. JLKUUf Laugh at Weather The 8-B girls played kickball in the gymnasium Wednesday, October 5. Because of the weather, we couldn' Pl;ay outdoors. We -pIayed two games. The firet one was against 7-A, and we won; the sécon<1 one.was against 7-B, and we Iost. The players in 8-B were as follows.: Marjori- MacMillan, captain, Ger- trude Kaplan, Betty Green,, Beat rice Leal, Betty Dodds, Gwendolyn Har- vey,: Carol Edenberg, Irene Baron, Roberta Rogers, Virginia Bleser and Evelyn Scbuber. We were disap- pointed to lind out we are going to play inclasses and flot in rooms.- Evelyn Scbuber, Howard 8-B. W.ilmette Boys Attend. N. U..Missouri Battie Boys of the sixth, seventh,, and eighth grades of Howard and Stolp went to the Missouri-Northwestern gamne Satutrday' October 1. The gaine ithe tlrstt half proved uneventful, the score stili O to 0. In the seicond half Northwestern sent ouit bier regular.s. ,"Pug" Rentner, starred with his passing and his long runs.' Auguston made, the first toucbd.own. Tbree more touchdownis were scored,- making the final -coutt 27, to0.-John Welter,. Howard 8-B.. Athietes Are 'Starting Big Program of Action Football, basket ball, basebail, and swifinming ini the tank. Yes, sir, ath- letics are starting.' First cornes foot- ball. The pee-wees, lightweights, and heavyweights, are practicing. Also other teams are starting. The sixth, seventh, aindeighth grades are havîng football teamis, too. This year tlhc teanîs will be rated accordingto. weights. - Theodorc Field, Hw ard -B Teachers and Oficers Are Listed for 8B Class ,.The .8-B class, which was 7-B of >ward r loors r inest Speiiers Ail the differenit ternis we have used up to grade eight featured a spelldown held October 7 by 8-B. Mary Porth chose one side, .and AI- bert Anderson chose the other side. The. side . Mary had chosen went down altogether, and Albert's side. went, down except for four persons, Marjorie Mac Millan, Beatrice Leal, Billyr Kneppeit and Paul Kellogg. Our arithmetic teacher,, Mrs., Jones, said 'that tbe four who were left kcnew ail the words, so she gave them' the word trapezoid, and the four of. themmisspelled that.-Rob- erta Rogers, Howard 8-B. Scio'ol Orchestra Resu mes Practicel Orchestra bas. been started up again tbis. teim by Catherîneý Wag- nier. We have just had. orchestra1 practic.e about a week. or two.: The violins' and. 'cellos meet on Monday inornings; fi rst clarinets, Tuesday mornings; second clarinets, Wednes- day mornings; and. trumpets, Thurs- day mornings. We ail meet together on Friday mornings. We convene at 7:45 o'clock. M\adehine, Hutchinsý and Jean NMaston have just joined: the orchestra. We are playing- second, violins.and like orchestra very much. We have started on a piece from "Carien." - jean Louise. MNaston,t FloNard 8-C. Startled Cooks Throw Frying Pan Into Sinkç My brother likes to cook (and, boy, can he!). One day he was making French fried potatoes, and the grease or fat, or whatever they; use, boiled over and -caught fire.. We threw the frying pan into the sink. No darnage was don e, but froni now on. ny brothler, is not going to use, so. much fat or grease or laid, or, whatever it is they use, to make French- fried potatoes.-Walfred JohnÉon, How- ard 8-B Scarif as Editor.. of Room's Paper Iii sixthi grade our roomi, whi ch is now 8-A, had a paper called The 6-C Herald.- This year 8-A thouglit it would, bc desirable to' have another paper. Ve. have clected the staff for our paper. '[llie st 'aff consists of: editor. l)onalil Scàrif; copyreaders, Louise Schreiber, andlAlice Wagner; .inquir- ing reporter, Charles Haighi;. sport departrnent,.l)orothy Davis and Bill Howard; cartoonist, Virginia Marslî: poem departinent, Ediua Bauglhnîan. and joke department, Martin Kresge. We decided nôt to bave any mort departments until we issued a few copies of thepaper. Every 'one .1 vho wants may write articlesI for the pa- per.-Virginia Marsh, Howard 8-A. Peewee Football Team Stages First Workout The pee-we.e football team had its- first practice Saturday .. We were.di- vided up into two teanIs.. Mr.,,Stonet was, head, of one team, and a New:, Trier boy took charge of the other. Mr.' Stone's team outclassed th e oth- er as far. as the gante went. We arc going to have. a Pretty good pee-wec teamn, as there are nearly, thirty bôy.s out for the 'squad.-Robert Snitli, Howard 8-B. Pupils Quit Spelldown to Dash Out Articles October 7, in mathernatics class, our ro .on, 8-Bp was havinig a spelî-. dowvn when Mr. Stone appeared. He saîd that there were not'enough arti- cles handed in. ýMrs..Jones, afterthdt. spelldown was finished, told -,s wc could have three minut *es to writc articles. We al scurried, and wrotc articles.-Marjorie Mac Millan, 'How' ard 8B Class 8A Sets Record vywegnts expect a Piay i-B, but oamy one player sflowe< every chld tWrite a Ju unkniown adversary up from 8-C. Cîass 8-B was sup- cie wbether he wants t~ Davis said, that this posed to divide, into two teamis, but last tume the 8-A pupil not craun Ôur heads we were told to play 7-B because 8-C and were the onlyq would give us a few had' forfeited. The one player f roin wh'o had Junior Life Il Harridge, lIow-. 8-C joined our group and we won 16 Wn.r-ýETe LTrE-Dorc to 1.-Roberta Roggers, Howard 8-B. Howard, 8-B. ýnes . as' The 8-A girls defeated 7-A last ie arti- week ini a game of kickball. Last t. This week Wèednesday, we played 8-C and1 stories lost by one point. The score was 9 graders to 10. So far this year we have done, in the fairly weII and we al hope to do bet-. ,nderson, ter throughout the yeàr.-Alice Wag- ner, Howard 8-A. year he fuli of Pl. good on ard 9-A. ts 1