Teachabl1tty.'" We cordlialyIv ifVte Y"u to wort4hlp wlth us. The musical prograni irranged by Miss Rounds, planlat, and 'Mr. Otis, si-lo- let, le as' follows: prelude, "Nocturnet," by NMendelssehn; pnstiude, "Postlud.' ln B fiat,"' Ropartz; solo, 'Seek Ye Theý Lord," by Lynes; solo, '*It ýGàd So Clothe The Grass,". by Bisehoif. Junl.ox chureh. under the supervision ot Mrs. Stanley Petersen, cares. for the ehîldren during the meorning worshIp' periôd. Our' sda chool nmeets at i9:0 (,'CIOL'k, wlth elass for ail ages, W'"In- Vite yeu lu study the Bible with us., There wlll 1e a special meeting of the congregatlon lmmediately, atter the nxrnlng worship heur for the trans-, action of speclal business broiàglt by the bourd oft tru.stees. The, Christian Endeavor soc,:ety wili ineet at 5:30 o'cloek wlth Pi"k and El- len Torrey, 1341 ElmwOod avenue. Ms Ruth'Davidàon, recently returned frein work lu Egypt,. will addrc--s the meet-' ing. Al Young people of, high es'hooèl .ige are invlted. Spoke No. 11 of the Womnan's so~t-Q. L wlil meet Tuesday, October 18, with Ms John Burns, 208 Wood' court. Oui' prayer meeting' Is 1héld on Wed- îiesday evening at 8 o'clock ln the Woi- an l b roms. We will study the, l'aàrable ot the Talents,- onei' f the ln-, terestlng, lessons et J!'-u . We ivt 3'ou te meet with us. T'he Chîristian Endeaý%i- nsoîie ty Is Iplan2ng a social and paî'ty for Friday evenlng. Oçtober 21.' Details %will ho ain- n"nned Sunday. Aux'liary memberelîlps i hc Plres- byterian C'ellege of Christlan E!'duca-' tien ma.y be obtalned througli Mrs. Mary Ba:rker,. 730 Central avenue, dur- Inlg the month of October. Methodist Church The nMnister, Dr. Oscar Tli"malýs 01-_ son. will returu froin J ixon. III., whei'e. the Rock River Conferience la >140w' iii session to 1e lunlte puipit etuna morin'. Hie sermon .tbeîie will bce -The Guurded Llfe."' TIi. %vworshitp serv- ice begin8 ut Il o'clock. The music for Sunday ino'rning ivill1 bte as follows: The orig.tn îwelucle'-. "'The Swan." by Stebl ius, ami A~- dante Cantabile," by T'Isilîaikowsky1 The organ 'postlude: ' i"snilnster1 Chimes. by Vierne. The chir iill ,sing The Wesleyan Servie guild mneets Tuesday evenlnLé. October 18. at 8 o'clock, at the home of Grace C. Roe. 835 Linden avenue. This le te b. "Guest Nloeht"' and ,a uart of the eve-' nlng wlll be devoted te a1Hallowe'1en partv. There will 13e a citlzenshlp speaker. Mrs. Foster. E. Fike will sing a izroup et Soers. Asslsting hostesses: Arax Boyallan and Adelaidé 1Braidburn.' TPhe Annual Harvest Il .orne dinner ,wlil 13e held flday, October 28. Ail'members and friende9 are- asked ýto' reserve this date.' The Womnar's Foreignisuîsr e clety i11 meet this atternoon ut 2 :30. St. Jolzn'sLatheran* WYvllmette and Park ave-nues, 'Wilrnette' lierman W. Meyer M, A., pastor 46Prairie avenue Treleshoni' 1396 Chu rch telephone 53794 SERVICES 9 .«. m,.-Confessional servile'foi, coin- mxuni*on 9 :15 'a. m.-First servire and Ioly Con- 9.o0a. m.--Sundit sec-fi i kd Bible ia. m.-Second service and sermo Saudy9a. m-lses tor chiIdreiý ~loiy7 :45ý'--Choir rehearsal Went.say4 P. n. lassfor clili- div1 Holy. eoiùîînunieiî w iii btculebrated Petxt Sunday ut the 9.-15 service. An- nounceliient niay 1e made at the 'par- senage onl Friday evenlng. The 11ev. J. Hg. Gockei wlll conduet tËh. servick4,:nex, Sunday and preach, The classes for~ the christian eduça- tien of cùhildren started a week ugo. t i., Our Intention tlu 'nake this a banner eIuss and *ak ail parents ef chtldren ,ix years a'nd over te enroil themn. Your chld' has thrli'ed on pure nik and les now a strongheîy boy or girl b)ut vou wanit theni also te grow lu the, kntowledge ot saàving truth and te walk s,4ecurely :and, tlirnj>y lu th e ways cof (od. 'As. newborn buhes eau îhrlve eniy on pure inilk, so our faith eau growý str.'ng oniy through :the sincere rnilk .of tbe Word. The textbeýok used tin theseciasse-q lx the prerclous. littIe book known as Lu-: theran's Smnall Catechismi. t cehituin.s the sincere imlk et the faith-sustaln- ing Word, of Ged lu miost puiatable terni. This ittle book bas proved of in- estimable blesslng- te 'the 'church 'ln th" are p. ni. Corne te the friendly c-hurch wheÉe the way is made plain. Kenilworth, Union Dr. Willett's subjevt for Sunday, Octobter l16 willi ho -Religion and the Macine" The cburch Service le at 1l *Sunday, Nove mber 6,, will ho the fortleth annlversary oft1th dedicatlon, of the Kenilwortb Union church. An Interesting program is lu preparation.. In connection with the church, an- nlversaùy,.the ladies of the church wlIi hold a *'Fortieth Anniversary Sale." The Women's guild willl meet blon- day .morning, October. 17., The hours of meeting are from 10 until 4 o'çlock. nhe ladies are asked to corne lu for a-s much tîme as they can spare. The in- vitation la flot oniy to niembers of, the 'gulld and the congregation,, but, to any ln the village who may be, interested ln this fine work of philplnthropy., The. Sunday school will meet at 9 :45 a. m., ail chiidren betwet-n the ages of three and the hlgh, sehool are cor- dially invited and urged to visîlt nd beconie regular imemnbere. First Con gregrational JonG. RIndley, m4in4ter An ail-day work Meeting of the Womi- an's Guild wiIll 1e lbeld on) Friday, Oc- tober 14, with lunceton served at 1 o'clock by the Cozy Coi ier circle. Sqew- lng will be furnlîlhed by, the E~ast End circle and will he for the United Cha- Mtes. Work will begin at il o'clock. The program following the lunicheon will1 be in charge of Mrs. J. Nye 'Mac- alister. The sermon teple for the worshbip fzervice next Sunday niornlng at Il o'clock will be '"The Cliurchi's Oppor- *The 'music for next Sunday wil'l lx: Prelude: "Andante Cantahile" M21ï(aure Anthem: ."Iloly, Hoiy, Holy" . ..Wilson Sung by Junior Choir Offertory Quartet: "ieShal Fe'ed Ris Fioek" Tlarker Antheni: "The Nincty and Nine", .... . .... . . .Protherpe * Sung by Senior Choir Pôsti'ude: "Toccata".. .......... R oger AIl chiidren, from oe, year Up lhrough. the hlgh sehool age,, are welcômre 'in our Church school; which meets accord- ing te the followIng se-hvdule: 1'rinmary, Junior, intermediate, and ril1gil S(hofol groups it 9 :30, iNursery and Boýiuneprs 'l'lie Md-MWvtk nmeetings utf thî,- hurufh wiil be, resumned next Wedinvsdaty, ()(-1 tohier 19. The theme, "Ke p latli_,- will ht' present"d hy the ininistvi. Trbe thirotigb-th,-.week activities for bo , s ild girls aru now wveli or-ganlized( andilieth»K iregulktrIY. oo"l te office MQnday evening, October 17, at 8 o'clock for an Iinformal smoker and cards. Refreshmnente will aIse be served. The Boys Vested choir willl lractic. ln the Parish Iluse -each Tuesday evu-' ning at 7 o'clock under the. direction oi Mr. Thoma.- Fullerton, choirmaster andl orgajnlet. .The ,funerral 'of the late Mrs, . R Brown et 1315 Chestnut avenue will 1)' held at the church today (Thursdayi at 12, noon.. Beabtist Church. willrette and Forest avenue-- George D.*Allisenr, minister, '4A' Church That Cares"> Dr. Allison wlll continue hies ierit'> et sermons on the early Genesis 'storie.- With the subject next Sunday, of "Th(. Unbrotherly. -Brother." Morning wore ship le at il o'clock. Special mîusic, wiil be given by t't Junior and Senior choIrs at th(, moru- ing service and by ýthe, Junior. choir ii) the. church selool, Junlor-Intcrnw.diat., department. *Afl-datmerfts ofthe Chiurcli schlool convene at 9:"10 o'cieck. There la a class for every member et the famlly, ail meeting siniultan'eously. l thel r re1,p4'( tive age groups.- 'l'le Young. People's, seciety is plani n.ing a Chinese dînner meeting on Sun- day next,. at 6 ý'clock 'In the Guild rooni. *%Vo do hope a large nuniber wilL corne, for lt iWlll -b e ueof the events of our year. Thé Stewardshlp commis- sien halnvited Miss Brodbenk to b,- wvth us and sbe is directing tbe dinll' r, wvhicb will. ho served Chinese style. Our xiid-week meetings are a sourci of strength and Inspiration to ail l w attend. Dr. Alllson now has undex - way a discussion prograni ont "Tbvk Personality' of Jesus." The Cub-topic for' next Wednesday Is "Jesus' Attitud(- Toward Others." 'Do' net miss thie.se fine o ppertunltîes forý fellowship and prayer together. 1u timfes lik-e thiesù, w néeed a deepenlng ..f, our spiritu:tl fi th, Thé' yëuîîg people are planning .-i party for October 21. Commision meetings will, be- fheld ut 7 :30: o'clock. and. tollowing these, the party. NW' trust every, meniber wili plan to b, present. Interesting toples are t(" b" planned for November. Another party ln Frlday, Octob er« 2, will bc that of the Adult clas, te 13e hel'd ut the c (hurch aise -lu Chidreti'- hall. The annual supper and bazaar of' thie Maywood 'Old Peopie's home wiii b, heId on next Tuesday. October I R 6:30 o'clock. sr flader'. P'I 'lîF. 111k izusgg: I14Ost- arternool ~l atU1V1Ucik t thefl Churi'ii. -- ' u. . ' lJ* ' cass.Mn. lumhne< rop.There le still ,time . te enreil ln thîs' Tuesduy, October 18, will "be 11w day Park avenue, Glencc cluass and the pastor will be giad to eali set apart by the 'historie Cliurcil to 'Pretzel and Mrs. Ca Ail wonien i'f iltt. ehrch :iru askud 1tu and conter with the nureuts. hon.sr the fmeiory eftSt. Luke. Theru co-chairman of M rneet ut tht-W 4.n - ul, on Frid.ty, -- Will be Holy Communion 'ut 8 A. M. Lld crle a Octob. r '21, t' a-w for Lake Bluff or-' The Chicago Conterence et the Wom- 'LloYys cr n phanage --.Thit- e"'n' luiXill pin- en'r, Mlssionary soclety wIll hold thelîr The Women's Aseciated Guil(l. llYugrns ce w yul.. 1Wi n 111; ît '.1 l : ll ehds Faîl Conference on October 18, ntthé- hohld, thf;ir first joint mepting of the;ý of thje qale, Mrs. IGeorge .on M:arsh are L. Duncan Mrs. Milton i are in chýarge. 01 m