WHAT SHE THOUGHT: "Migosh, wherede h buy such-bum vittles." Many womnen sufer from B. V. (bum, you fool THE SYMPTOMS Ladk of acceptances to luncheon invitations, arush of reg'rets to dinner invitations, and, in ifsIat sags ,a raduai dropping away of .friends. krow il. P THE. SIMPLE CURE Buy yourû groceries at Van Deuse's-just cait WUlm.tt. 561 -tbey guarantoe a complet. cure within sixty days. COFFEE. Ou~r fineot rich and ,nild Santos 2 for 35C IVORY SOAP Medmum, 7c bars 5 for 29c CAMAY SOAF The 10e bars 4 for 23e GRAPE .JELLY Plymouth Rock, big 1-lb, glýass ca. 20e OCTOBER: l TO OCTOBER'8 ASPARAGUS TJPS This sweetheart B rand Mammoth White Asparagus is an unusuA' otlering. Thumb-thick, delicate fiaovor and deliciously tender. Twelve large stalks in each can. 2 No. i 'tins 25e SUPERIOR MEATS OYSTERS POT ROAST PORK ROAST LAMB PATIEMS CAL VES' LIVER_ SLICED BACON EGGS CABBAG]E,ý BEETS-CAI Large tresb seleet% Onrt best * ib, or loin 3lude to orde.r Premlim o r 'Sta r st retty fresl i elects Pi'rm homie rown Idaho Unssets lb. 22e IL 22e b.22c lb. 56e 2 Ibs. 48e doz. 29e ILb3cý peck 39e 3 bunches 10e 'AY ONLYJ CHOCOLATE, Baker's Premiurn, in I/Z.lb, bars ea. 19c* CHERRIES Plymouth Rock p Red Pitted 45c ShreddedWHEAT The 14c carton .ea.l10e KIDNEY BEANS, Richelieu for vegetable or salad 3 No. 2 tins 30e CORN Richelieu finest Golden Bantam 5 No. 2 tins 69e HERSHEY BUDS GROCERY and -M. PHONE 510 0 D-ÀENTRAL and TWELFTH. PHONE 514 -WILMETTE Commerce. t 4.. 4. I