Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 3

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at R<ochester, Miiin. Mr. IBeflfett's Ianu order of the Federal. court. Villagei "Circus Solly,," m7ilmette Légion, hiealtli ha'd beeti Attorney Xiliis D. Nance reported at Auxiliary mnusical comedy, which is to failing for sonie the meeting of the Village board Tues- 1 ... be stageci at the Howard schiool audi- tinme, and for sev- dlai, night. toriuni Thursday, -Friday anîd Satur- erai %veeks lie had i a. recent decision, Federai Judge - i ~:::» day evenings of this week. The cur-, l)en titable to Iideyuied.h9ilaescotn'tain wllrise at 8:15 o'clock eacb eve- attend tl.e Village, tion that, %,'ilriettedoies *îot owe the i ning. board nens contractors the fulil suni of $49,00At0 Tickets ivere selling 'rapidiy early Mr ~enne httne i a o glit that the re-ts week and those desiring choice was elected a' Vil- ceivers for» the construcion Company ~.~.* seats have been asked to communicate lage trustee bn miglit appeal. to thé Circuit Court. of i with' Mrs. Lucile Peterson promptly at the',Public Vel- Appeais. 1Howvever-,,an.ageenmintliasWilmette 3079. fare party ticket l>een rceached N*,herei)y thé Village wil.....:. Ms oaiels~villàc s in' April, 1931, the pay $11.404.50- inielad of $4.000 ..and'frte rfracs sai ice otrcC.vîIhv .n(i o:«..«: prompter fo te ,r omncsand' saitikton1te otaco vil avn furthr ter kofCia, l bth wic Vi la g,!iclaii against the Village. Thie re- tatrMj fCicg,~ilb h Stacy C. Benmnett PeiaîtC v esfr h osrc o opn ccompanlist. C P .01 comany >Real, Circus Atmosphere I)ul>s and Trustees A. W.. F r0elidc have agreed not to appeal the case, Vil- Mrs. T. 1. D. Hall la hreo and Arthur.Lee were carried ilh f ieAtotyNnereotd u adMs .i of Igý tore. anereote. teushers adMr.G. B.Bassleri ice i-, the eaistôte *ever. polled i A completesm y !tepro_ îî~ ai ~alVillge elction Si cb- ceediings lea(ling up to the recent court1 jkn'aeo hecnesos ti . nn ember' of the board. M r. l (Iccisiolis in 'the Carinell-Conrad ixatter pliere wvth clowns and al the other l',éiiiîett had served as. cliairinaliof appeared in the' seelcmhcr I1; isue ,ot JMiss Ii>milîIRoberts lias i".t ssentiais. The affair is parýticia«rly rc~e'he(ltue rustes ~ ~ iî.E'rT; Lî:î~. .~ -bi<'n appointcd ognitdrctof designed for entertainient of the chul- rtfi taed conimiutée 'on ' hae _Wil-_ __theI/Firs! (ongregationai churcir of dren. mtePlaygrounid and. Recreation 'Two Report Cards Each. lJinetle. Sie "("11 '1W iit charge of A chorusof -eighiteen -girls will aug- board. He'had also acted as pr es i - wP l (11eii iSc of thé clînrei for iý tue ent the cast %iîiclî is comprised ai- dent pro hein of the Village on sev- Semester at New Tri#r ,epninî,jvai, înciudinf ictha fteg - 'iti entire'ly of iicntte stage liji- c ral1 occasions wh'len Village Pre>i- Rýeport cards for New Trier Higli Prof essional 'quarte! anîd 1fo vol- maries. dent DuIhîbs was absent. ..cllool stutdentsý will bce distributed iiliteLrChI s.01. Orgaîîization of tlie show lias beeni Native of Michigan oh lv« wiceè 'cdi seniester ins'tead of minder the direction of Mrs. Fr-ed Lip-. bon a Neayo, ic.. n îarîî ~~er for eek. s' ia ben ue Mi:s Roberts.is a nienier of theor pen, .and -a corps of assistants. l~7. rBeneh cin toCli~gocuîstom iin the past. it w'asannounced 1a eahn tafo h American Proceed& for Welfare Wr Ini 1894,and.iii 1903 formied the Hard- at, the school office tlîis week. l'lie Cnevtr fMscadfrann Proceeds f rom "Cireur, Solly w1 v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 oo 1iîsLme' opn, t.e rier board of educahioti de- lhcr of -years lias served as organiist-,,'o îinto tlie charit, and wvelfare f und Ný-iiellî lie %vas president at thue hne cided to inake this change at its lash director of HaistedInstitutional churcli if the 1Legion and Auxiliary. ~f îi~deai.He novd o \ilîetil eetinig. Aithiougli thie report cards of Chicago. Fornierly she was organiist- Tlîe.cast of cliaracters follows: dn j97 damihad leil-ed there c<,,tîîîî-wîilie distributed oniy four thues director for the First Methodist chiurcli I 'lne %o~Nilî eicad. .. ou~y îîîc hen H ~vs intn>erduiuî he year to thie studentt d io Oak'Park,. Shie is a menîber of!the............liceHeiroî as a wole. parents of students whio IAeia Gido ranss h a'- ';ruSolalwî..FanOeic '!Ainericmar hruste o! hicgilnistse rthe Nty ood, a friend or jane's . ....... fahs trland a -me aln i:hii ore ill lbc tional Association of Organists and the ...... .............athleen' Daily 1101 fied at the intervais wlien the qîgmna Alphia Iota, national. lionorarv ItdBiy ~ikr la' okn \WIinîette iodge No. 931, A. F. .and A. cards %vould orcitiarily go out. Nlaii-nuy 1 sical f raternity. Mis1ýs Roberts , fî. or ewy ioymney ... .Clark M~air M. 1He aiso heid .nîemler-slip)s hi thielofthe N'ew'Trier facultymebrsikigup th e 'work of directing' the' 'jitTîîîty,, tht. n aedRi.h...... A'Sable club. anîd. the' Ned ial 9 io Wl .. rsswdw ii aeteacliïng more. and lar er classes c hioirs. siuccceds Mrs. . nî Les!ie 'l'os- idw Wloagas id ih clr. ub.nitt tils vyar,.aîîd the N'e\v Trier' board k1' v wio wias directîîr t> i iusic of the d (esigwnon .<'iit . VirgjfiiaDowd Mr îenet ssurvivçd b\ îlihmkete hng iti ref- churcli for- hIe past' five * IIekr Bne, h tw ei8tbe dow, 1Nrs. ILaurîîîe BentietCt WOýS1 ereniceho. r'eport gards' non o3er................a Rbno iii ordr to ýit.on 'Rotosky, a Jewish l)alloofl Lauinan Pste, ndote dugitrsave, consideérable' circa vork for HOSTS AT VISTA DEL LAGO rvne .........Herbert (iould Mý1r. .Sidney Poster; ' the teachrs. iiiciiiles*. .1 lV.t, j.A, ,ia naid ervantt Who aspirer, to The Village hall Nvas closecl oit_______............ne ~~leuca"Stîî îîi~ui Wedesayafernon wenhi fu G ou <<Îl.ail(ochili arce iaving a 'bridIge;............. .Jessie lRobinsoni îîerai services ivere héld ahthe \V, il- 1Commerce G-opPlanls -iuier at the clii) Shuda eei gH.u~,agilwt h ie........ mlette Plapist, churcli. The, Rev. ýGolden Harvýest Week Mr. and Ms R. Il. Nasoliî *l!120__________ ,Conbitiintied on Page 13) __ A. C. Crawford of thte Curtis Pub- (,reeîiwooi i'îiw .l îeiîs iaî Light'in Sky Helps lishing companyv is schieduied ho Expert.fhi veig. _ __ Arrange New Office speak at a luncieouîi-neetiîfg of thie ~' ol arE pr Arag e fi eretail comrittee of the , Xilmette ' ' ' [ýdwin Tilison, ini charge of illumi- Hours at Local C. (j* j Chamber of Comnierce "ii Weeks' j nation for A Cent ury of Progress 'New office,. hours for tîhe' Wilmeltte 'dining room. today (Thurrs'day). The exposition, and E. O. Blake, well (.ianbe'r o! Commnerce and the Xii- . îurpose o!fthîs meeting is ho make 'tkno«r)n nortiî shore architect-both mtette Clianber of Commerce zind 'tfarneet or a (ýolden Harvest rlesidents o!fmortli Evailston-we.re \\ilinette Credit Men's associa; 'in be î\\eek sale front Tîîesdai. Ochober 18, , I njoying a stroîl alonig the shore line caniie effective October 1. The office t oStra.Otb~ lmlsv.Ihie other eveîiing at dusk when thev 1 peu iroîn 8:30 o'clock in the, niornmiig, sIt.(denly belield what appeare- to bc until 5 o'clock ini the afterîîooîî dail13 GUÉ-ST I-N VILLAGE a strafig celestial phenonieno in h the excelt Saturday. (OnSaturda'y the of-ntue 4f iv.id stréak o! ight ap- lice opens at the sanie holir, 8-30,but': a p. Brghin utIniaap -,,at rapidly eurn itrav clsst1 n)cokno.xas the week7end g',(,tsoftIii, %ster. 3EAUTIaFigrcurri ntra cloe- a12o oc nou rMrs. MN. J. 1). flarrettt 533 Forest AyaIross the northern slv. MeanwhiI'l ~ ~ - i .Y0the -Lindberg ~h eacon atop the ?alnx- 1 olv~e buildingwas' seidig otu*h ils, for Dr. Osca T0s on O HT OTER OFBOS 1enane te eauy f hé stollrscaglit theideia o imn Melnil ers of 'fie lete Parisli.Wsthe A F>1 LL anisdufoî*nd tiin aM weil Nlvt1iod<ft cliurcli wil» giWe a ruceptioxi 'l'le boys are "crz\> cto play t, * ; i iii.zel, aiid ecid4 tha z' y.,7:r ceptioli Mwili4à e placeAil tihé \oftian's 1gaine. May we ask you ho help i. o.myspt.ncsdoi]d t mav lic expected. right thei, rooni o!o the Church House., Ait elabor-I otli the- boys and their'inotheis -anud t.here got auîother liewv idea for- ate roganîlia bee arang~L by endng o Eonony stophie scape architects and- gardeners __________las ___________ r enin t Ecnoivshp hein addition ho distributors of ý World'sPair lightin.19 GOES EAST ON BUSINESS fcalltosdorsosdaedi- fertilizer. -RETURNFIROM NORTH Robert O. Law, Jr., 78, Robsart -Mrs. Henîry Cutier. cîairmnat. Use the CIassUifed cohininus e Mr. and Mrs. Williaîfi'T. Osgood. aguide for makîng your ueec- 1225 Gregorý-- avenue, accompanied road, Kenilworth, left Monday o! las t to.b r.J .Rw.14Wob Wee on a usiesstri ic Ne Eclloly hiq is-(ýbndl(-edavenue, returned thursday from York.2 Mrs.. Law Ieft Sahurday by the Wonian's > lub <of Wilniehte. - mortherti Wisconi. wee te lier ranch ah Cliugwater.,- Wyo. Prcesa- ietdh laiy __________________iassed-about a %veek.

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