Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, 2b

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ana1 ga~v oneIC lUier sjii teU, inilu- mal talks, taking for h&i.- ubject, "The Menace of Coiinimunism.i" il- cluding in ber lecture the effects d)f this Russian niovemnent as she saw 1' in China this suipumer. An importer broughit tethe aux- iliary a gorg eousdisî)lay of Russialn articles, of carved. wood, olIs'.,f shawl, bric-a-bric, canidelabra, samo- vars, Russian smnocks AIl band worked, beits, lhand-maidé, boots.. plI- lows, a table cloth, lband woven lineil blouses, and interesti'ng reprodtictioîi.. of aIl types of antique jewelry. The refresbment table held a samnovarat eachi end and an .interesi- ing candeîabrum fornmed its center, piece. - The hostesses of the evening. Louise DeTanible, Cecelia Beîîz. Kathleen Kenntey, and \farioni Hust- img, wore' Russian smocks, and1 Rus,- siani coffee and real Riissian pastrv atscarried ont fürther coit>veved Russian atmosphere. -vie Mrs. Art-hur Ada-m-s, frtvc- president, and Mrs. Harry Barker, second vice-president of the \Vo- mnan's Catholic club, poured. The junior auxiliary is starting a literary circle under the leadershipý of Miss Anne Whitinack, head libra- rian at the Wilmette library. The first meeting of the group will be ini the Children's rooni of the libraril, Moniday evening, October 17, at 7 :49 o'clock. Draina will be studied. lichè first to be a, popular, modern, short play, to arouse the group's interest ini wbat to look fore ini a play, and' later onie of Shakespeare's draine,; will be studied, the niemibers of th( circle acting the roles ini walking re- hearsals. Thle play liked best of those which are Io be submnitted w\il bc produced before the chlb at large iii March., Those participating in the itierary cÉircleý include Rosalie Adams, Dorothy Bichi, -Loutise. DeTamble, Cecelia Benz, Margaret Benzi*, Geral- dine ýPeacork, Opal Reed, Jean' Mi!- 1ler, Mrs. Frank Widger, Elsabelle FitzPatrick, Virginia Browning, Eu- lalia Barker, Dorothy, Pettinger, Marizaret Hauher, Ruth Smnith. Pa- making an accurate asialysis of the situation in Wilmette. To the thoughtful, forward-looking citizen it seemns incredibfle that Wil,- mette should go on1iin its presenti course,- with' its îillage govéruiment a football to be kicked about among differenht factions inteuit only upon their own political preferment. More incredible does it séeem when we.have right at hand the example 'of Win- netka, whose villagÉe affairs have. for years been coniducted along tlîe«non- partisan and non-political lines now proposed for Wilmette in the Per- petual,.Harmiony convention plan-a plan which, I believe, will: have the approval of the.)reseit admninistra- 1The Chicago' Daily News-.,of lastI Healtkh-éte es The next chest clinic to be lIeId at the Wilnîette Health center will be (M odaOctober 17. -lDr.Julijus Xovak. iniedical cirector of the Clii- cago 1Tuberctulosis iîstititte. vIll con - duel(t the clinic. Ille(denilta1 Cliîîic which thllej1alth Ceîîter board lias conducted for sev- eral years. for the l)Cncfit of schocil children of \Wilmnettu wlîo havc been titi abl e to pay a regillar denttal fec, wi Il open agalit lusav norning, Otbr11, at 9 ocok *Concerning tlîis clinie .Mtrs. liiez Blliss, comiiuunitNv nurse. inakes the foIlloiing a,înountceinent -Dute to lack of fiiinds Vc (1o not kîîoNv. jnist howv long we wîil1 bc able to operate tlîis elinlic. \W feel that it lias been onc of tlic outstanIin> featuires of tlic Iea.itli work càrricd on bv tl-,e \Vil îtecînuîv ursing isen. Last ye ar over.400 chil(lcreeeve practically free dental Carc* .at tie clinlie. Ouit of the1,12 rofChiillre.î1 wlio atteiided the denîtal Cliîiic )lot. m iore thian onie-thlirdl were. able o pay a sinajl fee. The dental cliic not neIta CJerates on a cLsn i Uis. This is macle possible by the faci that a considerable portion of the village revenue is derived froni other sources than general taxa- tion. This fact, together with the administration of municipal, affairs on a stric tly business rather than a political basis, has enabled Win- netka to. continue its muniefpal functions without. curtailnenit Aur- ing the present tax :crses." I agrce with "Bystander" that there should be no such, thinig as politics in our village affairs, and think that every citizen interested ini improv- ing the reputation of.our village and restorinig real estate values should support a .nonI-political -plan for 'the selection of village officers. Very truly yours, Fred M. Clarke.. Caroline Richard s* Bride of Jack Lorenz 'rhe marriage of Miss Caroline Richairds and Jack lýorciiz was solei- nized in the Xilmette. Baptist cliurch Saturday,' October 1, at 4:30 o'clock. The bride wore an- in.formai, go\vn of blevelvet with blat to match and carried a b)ouiquet o f roses.* Her at- tendant, Miss -Evein lKruze, ,wNore a wine colored dressý and bat and carrie(l a iif of roses. Robert Bjork of Wilinette served Mr. ILorenz as l)est niait, and Dan \Vilkiin, Fred Ileitînan, Paul Vouingbemg,. and Richi- a àrd Gauger, aIl of Xihnette, semved as uslîems. A dinniier following the cereniony was giveni at the Georgian hotel ini Fvaus'tûîîi for the bridai party and inimediate famnily. Mir. and Nlrs. Lorenz left that nighit for Minniesota wvhere th'ey wili spend a m-eek or so. UJponi their e- turin Mrs. Charles M. Burlinigame ,of Xilxette %vill entertain at lunrcheon and-bridge atSha,.nee for'the bridé, and, Mrs. Rober-t Mybhrmiain f'Chi- cago will give a ditnner for the bride afid groom. Mr. and N.m s. Lorenz %ýril[ reside ini Chicago for the initer.. Wilmette Chess Team -muâi pumm iu ie aA K v.f4f t 4 gaine Saturday of next week. Provjso lost to Roosevelt. 13 te 7, two weeks ago, and làst Saturday played to a scoreless tic with River- sie. N~ew Trier won' its flrst gainie froîîî Lane Tech of Chicago, 19 te 0. Last .Satuiflay New Tr ierý met Schurz. runner-up'for the.Chicago City leagutie cliaiipioinslîip last year, and the gaInec ended 'inia O to O tie. The New Triei boys hope tc) up- set Oak Park next week. 'The west- siderschampions if -the Suburban leagne last year, will have the 4dvant-, age of playing on their home ic fld, bow~VriThs. far this. season Oak. Park bas won ýfrom Crane Tech, 15 to 0, and Austin, 19 ýto 0, and pac a scoreless fie with Bowen. Tag Here Next Monday for Chi-Id'en%, League Villagers will be asked Mfonda v., October 10, to.observre the 25tlh an- nual tag day of the Children's Beniefit- leagtie, ~by miaking ttheir contrihution<, when thie taggers appear on t1io. streets., Fifty children's chartic:. which forni the league for the- pui-, POSe of raisiing funds. wilI, belîek froîn the proceeds collected that dav. ,Ainoiîg theý north .shore voinîe.î wb'Ioare active in1 this work arc-Mrs R. H. Crowley of Evanston, wlio îvil1, be ýtagging for the Central . Baptisi, Cbidrei'sHomne at Mayiwood: Nfr-z. George E. West of Xilmttei iTOr Chase louise; Mrs. Robert S. wîî o.t Wilinette, for OlivetInitt Mrs. Thieodore Coyne of WViwnetka.i for -the NMatheon Day Nurserv ai Chicago Commiotîs;' Miss *Nidc Brasseur of Winnetka, for the Saral. R1acket *Stceesoi * MeillorialNr sery. and MNrs. Leon Perron of \Vin- netka. for the Childreli's wvar<l of thé 'Vneusand Children1's b osl)ita'lý: Mrs. T. W. Betak of Glencoe aii<! MNrs.. C. E. Mehîbope of Winnetka. for Clia-se House. Marshall Heads Legal Section at Conventioni Alex~ander H. Marshall. villae t- her committee, is to gîve a bridge- party at -2 o'clock Saturday after- noon, Octôber 15, at St. Francis *Bambara Winslow, dauglitcr of t] schco6l hall. Refreshments . will- be William P. Winslows, 333 Washin served and prizes given: The affair ton avenue, celebrated lier six is to be lield to, enablè the auxiliary birthday at a supper party tast Fr to raise funîds for philanthropv vork. ,day for eight. of her, small fieîîds. t <i t-- rtrold, '*vLMm A unnXeict,' secre- tary and past president of the- Pan- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES thers' club of Winnetka, is now asso- "Are -Sin, Disease, and Death ciated with the Braun Biros. Oit com- Real?" will be the subject at. the pany's new automobile service sta- services in First Church' of Christ, tion which is under the supervision of Scientist, in Wiimette Sunday mor n- -Bud Fairclôugh at Chestnut.street, ing, October 9, at Il o'clock. Sunl- south of Oak, Winnetka. day schooL convenes at 9:45 o'clock. 4.

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