Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 45

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lit support of the *world moviIIg Giver i . veii ni N. james. o1 district clubs as guests, and with i *.-clé i u un eris tow.e presented con tention, m~ore than tvety îî a- jai Chiapusso, accomplished and ex- b the museum. tions outside the United State, arl r. ar perienced pianist, as the artist of the Th1etrswl be illustrated with placingrr P. Harrison, 307 Ab- afternoon, the Wonîan's Catholic motion pictures and stereopticon slides, paignational displays or arc botsford road, left Keniilwortli Satur- club of Wilmette propitiously 1aulieh- and well-knowni explorers and scient- ranging. the parts wvich their hol day to spend ten. days at lier stiimier ed'ý its new season last Friday after- ists have been engaged as speakcers. lands will take in the production,. biore né Leland, MNich. Shie Was cý11011 The lectures willbe given. on successive "llerace ofntred ie of ifloitg i CuV paidby F. McClure o f .XiI- G esgsSaturday, afternoons, beginning Oc.to- èral budre mils 1of ilovng iicure.comanid Glvé estgesber 1, in the James Simpson theatre fltbrotigb pbotograpbs. paintýings, mette. .They ill meet Mrs. M.\1cClure Its i new pre 1sident, Mrs. Geo rge H. of the ,museum, and ail wilI begin at pottery, -laces, fabrics. metals. Crvrs iOS- i...ad'il is adesto3oc the g to Ciy, ic.. nd Beaudini, read lier fis drs o3ocock. tmrnes atid products, is going to i>. 1 Le.îaîid1. the club, a message: gracious, friend- The firgt lecture,« to. be given Satur- tinade. visible. in. tabloid (b'ruI ",othe ~ly, and filled with: hope and couragei day, Octbe1,ilbeH pubic.On September 12 a son, Theodore for lber chlbadfris er S ane bVit Bwi and "unitingBi As heopningd - te hwMelville- Werner, wvas born, at tbe bor.Isredi oloe n-iyoung,, noted archer of Detroit, M3ich., îîears, the Pier bas taken on more of Evanston bospital to Mr. and MNrs. vctofu ane t b lgPn b a hne i aefo h the* character of a ;fôrcigiu ba.,aar Tbeodore Werner, 1624 \Valîîut ave- the singing of "*Anuerica.". Club re- Arct.ic, to Af rica, alWays using bow than any Cbicago spot ba1 bd iie u.Mrs. Werner retturiie to bier porswr hx ie and wben and 'arrow i rfrnet iers the Xorld's Columbian Exositomoe ,wiitb tbe' baby last Satutrda% over, visiting presidents ivere intro- wvll be tbe lecturer. A special feature Poland bas sent, an officiai ovcr- fromu tbe bospital. gvri1f duced, and eacb b1)ougbit a message will bie a demonstration of arcbeyt muent exhibit, and tbe goods and art,-o frorn ber club.-Mrs. Arthur D. Dixolf ivnb M.Yun nterystge wokscotane i ueshpuen r- The mothers of the cbildren in tbe ,lpresident of tbe Xornans club o of, tbernusetimn theatre. His lecture, <uiré 00 feet of floor space. -A ncv-. kindergarten of.tbe. Logan scbooil Wilrnette, Mrs. C. ,-Howard Bent of1,cernlsadetrsoranex wvorlI flavor wili be presctt the held a. roorn tea- last F rida' in the Kenilwortlh, lresideuit of tlhc Neigh- p oeiiongs dvilbeilured on th coe- ùexhihit wbicb bas been arranged by kindergarten roorni. Assistng Mrs. bors, and Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber oi ored picturew flil .Hotse-a dispiav whiciî Will Cvde Srnith, rooni. mother, WerelXintka, chairman of .Arnericanl, occup% tbe sane amonit of floor Ms .F Crawvford, Mll1r s. R. C. citizeiisbip for tbe Tenith district Fooigartedtsubesan 5l)ace as tbe Polisli exiît, and xvilI Johnson, Mrs. 'W.. T. Fifer, and Mrs. Mrsý. Williami J. WVeldon, l)residen, 'speakers. for other lectures in the 4resent native Mexicaii'artiwais tct-: R. E. 'Daistroîiu. fof thle Friends in Cotincil of lEvan-i course: ulvengaged in spinning. eaviîng,- tn r. Vlin .Slîlgu. Otbr8-"Juigle EXu>crienees i British Gulaxia, South Aurt~po rmui l making, pottery and carding. NIr. and- Mrs. Charles W -re and of Evanston, president of the Nortfîij Harold D. Fish of Trroical Researeh Feature Art Section rs.EilMcua,.3 bbtSh ore Catbolic Xonan's Icague. werc i Board, Washington, D. C. Élie art: section of the shlov. Ille 'ord road, Keniilworth., entertainecl tbere, as were tbe presidemîts of Ev- i Otbe 5-Iset s i, and Môve-: first division to be seen 1w fIe vî.itor,.1 last Friday eveniîîg at a buiffet _ui asto ablcWna' lbthu 1 n fPats~oma clntock iýs to be Iiighly cosmiopolitan: in char- 1 per in bonor of NIr. andf Mrs. Vl Brownsoi ci rcle, th.e N\onatis Neiglb- Oter 22-,-Thé. Kirngdorn of the acter. (contemporar\- vorks fr nu 'iam , Jack of Peoria. Ill: Cofutract hood clu b 'of Rogers Park, the Glenl- Moors"-Captain Cail von~ Hoffinan of mnos 0ftherecgnied iviion 0fxva p1ave laer ii he venng. ola club, the Edgewater CathiolieNe or it' ___t ftercgie dvsoso a Ia d ae i:h vlig October 29-'B Air to Inea Land"' ;irtistic ýtrend wiiF be displav. I iiclti<(i o- Wolnani's club, the Rogers Park RbetShippeo of Red Bank, N. are thec Piuîe Tree Studios, With Ger- ~ra~ JsA .Biia uc Catholic Woinaii's cliii), the Rogers clader of the Shippee-Jolhnson Expot- aid Ernkin charge; the Yot.îuîg Gai- c_\Ilrnoa;ndeas. .1.eB* lan(d, Par oaiscub r.r k lionto the Peruia N ndes. leriesof GitlaeS\Goran Gall Nveerir -"s%-eau,--4sieAlsk- ai ouw he iran hows includ nd tht worsIf orinerly of GIe.ncoe, arrived Wed- Xray, second vîce-president of the -William L. Fiinle3, Director of Wild aniniss hidoiilbl,iss elc îedyt pu nnj vtîte~ Teiuth district. Mrs. LUeber and '.\r .LfeCnsration, State of Oregon of lls lila olblat.Nls.Jcftrevs each urged attcidaneai t ovenber 1i--Te Austiralian .&ur- flore junge, Gilbert *Siith. of 1 ln C. Mev'ers of 934 Eliiw\ood1 avenxue. confernce. for :tle first thirteen dis-. inrnen fAlitropologf, UnvrsityDe w w. and others. A on1e inai pot-wilette.. i trict clubs at the JIotel Shermian Oc- )f (Chicago. grah sow cosisin ofmor tan ~tober 13, notice of vhicb ppar Novenbt.r ]J-"Th. FDutch. East- th irtv subjects, is to be, preseiît b Mr. an Mrs David -,llaio elsewvlere and the formuer called at- Wondtrhe Unof en East."- Xv a t t 'rB. Brurnitt, 1roiniiuelitChicago bave ieased ithe .rtliur XW f tentin to )the Citizenship schooi I'EI Ovember of YonkesN. y. .va sotu scenic photographer. .\lu oea 0 letmt avnue Xinnetka October 27, aisco annoinccd nmarine Voyuhu--ýag of u 'ihe scliedule of the shîow -prQgr, Iinto hicb the\> :îîoved MolIidav. es-hr.CImusrit~ dyo itîcludes daiy performances 1)y one SaePeietSek or more of the participatiîîg nationst Donald S. Becker. of .27-43 A.,hllatndFATRIY ,EG -performances that ivill i dnonsl rate avenue. left Xediesdav of last weeký Mrs. Farrell spoke froini théesta g ü,RTENT PEG a.. liecolierene mI -Bof) Hess of 430 Ninth street bas the native dances of the, variolis! for \\'inter. Park.' FIa..-Ill li le at-j teiik udetail.,of t ecfieeneaxpedged Phi Delta Ibeta at the Uni- c otuntries, the songs amid the cosums eîds Rollinus college. tbe Sermaii. ug attendane versitv of etck tif tuepeople. . -e--tbere, and ini ber' frienidiv %va%- tinMr . m nu ils parents, oi t e p opi c e in g r. nd M rs. B . W .. H es , d ro ite h im , Patriotic Display; Mr. aind Mrs. M1. Il. Cottreil of .112 iîwreased activity 'iii club lifeau to exno airurdls wk \ot to be outdistanced by fthe for- Sxti street have returned froin a 1-c-nenbersbip during. this 'Recolnst ruc- at eitoneedweek spet tointe cign displays, nurnerous patrîotic andc tmto rl)aoui Lk richi- tioni" period wicili is bringing real Suh historical societies ini Chicago" àré gî-0-. 1,\valesàtor.eafore r . ,J.tit. cooperaing toarralîg an on. Nir.'l'li prograni of tlhe .afterîoon t s M' ~dMs .A Rathb me, 523 'a<i cg exha i oageatn 0107lktiîcii an(l,.Nrs, Staniev H. J pno. undovr.t ~e1rograni clair- i osfrd road, Kenilworth, have as \mîtnfeature of fteshîow. Tl i c 2 Fr ol ~nehv n~'îîn r. hre .Boau~terguest, Mrs. Rathbone's brother, uatnunahistortal fI~or ~ ,n.Stanlev David. bori October 2,i îîîtroduced Air. Chiapusso, %wiîo atK.A rniofeate Idýsl-iiouldat the -\ugil.,taiia îosptal. prescrit 15 lead 'of the Bush 'Con- ______________________ baticiar outtadng cîitnbu« io- tt ervatory ôf Music. His Prorr tIlle ~îîoaccording to Mr's î'd Te nlugdu fKnlnrtîwsFaa ws' a treat, both fronithe self, who in thern used -musical fig- ward Il Sniodprass, cl the .'eorgcv tntertajned ulrua.Spembr3 y1 tandpoint of the' interesting bc-ue rte Q b iu tn u W adî~gon ftntnîîalcouînlio) IX cd.'J. on F rt VO Ahhopt sfoib rd o frbc nosèascli-developed thern to see wlîatcould ,'bé Wbohingtobe n Bchareof ht.hîcornnu, ]hod'. d frth. hl Inu nship dcone with the piano tmusic for tha t Ameicn mslay " ****. Illese"' tlisgbedis bitia ns l~trumien~t, adding to it' réal dçpth C0peratuÏtdiii te i*pî r Mrs. Jacqjues'de Iab~ple132 pla.vi4g of Ille )t*alit), Itellect- Il f feeling, , Coopérating n Ille digpo -av ehu eK(uuiorth. enter- ualityý, ' enenuaifffuie uteîî Mî l iii'oiiainicldd"ýrla 2'r', iiaunda c ubW c-ke,to ; M nts oc e y a nu lier brige chlub last' w ek M rs;r niq ue, w ee t ere, aclh co ugp and thfi Pr e b tù a ch1 woî;ua1uand the "Choral PrMeltÇide oÏ~ r lf~ tae r~:dntnf n 'uîvor Wa4 d as the «ctof lîônor. 'ing th ot Û1îr.-A ringung, smliag 2mad te "Toccato by'Brahms, with Daîgliters o nin i Vte N I r O- ' tO*1C alit\ "mand' a til ltouch pi~ano arrangemenîtof the farst an E.l '.'on ittedb r, pre.sideit o tutM , nd M s. Frik reth& ' : """ due --,tl hij s~th A~ g io" or H composer ~ ~ p liegnstt'bs'ie tde u Srnd, h Wne Woian's club, andTrany tbrs.' hibic ehvd;teiueneyNr uet eane o h oriaor BEt .Wen75and 100 raniztn s, r(iArburIllarei 9thehlad olmpse i f eetanovnthe ms ie aoudlte lon te tbe wîiti Fovran ts, irseamsbhip and iroa avlie, chreuneharecioedîyf rom a1m1- of coamo titos "Si elfr eudepior oses iii fiutaransigerentofl"and liues and art groups will l)c in thle ton trip to. Fairfield, Iowa, to visit bier the music of Cbopin, :Whose etudes creamy yellow candies lu their silver sliuoW. niter vere stuidies for the.composer lîirn- holders.

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