Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 43

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/8 26 28l 24 'o 51 'l'v aoveina nîiictt* tI~. oudares il ht arins il-t)evoing to1 cIo1 < s mth sitie) District No. 2(-. sto re building at 1222 Central tî-trictsi, Rl eidtnitheltcto o";Novet'" er 8. Vutecrs Whio did flot register avne Istriet No. 21", residence at 1443 Wilmette'avenuie;'District No. 28, unOctoher '1 aire. adflised 'that thvv have%-e !ll(ast ,opportunity. to do so on storermon at 1217 M'i1mette. avenue; District No.. store -roorn at 14 Il1(s.(Iav, Octoher Il1, Poils %will he opnif ront 6 a. nii. tr 9,p. i. ontliat day. Greenleaf avenue; m-DistrictNo130-cur l shoa iDistricNo 31, store Y. n nus reistr o v ,t ii Nwenhe 8!- romat 419 Fourth street. Pollillg pîEies ini tllw v%-arionts Wilmette districts are as follows Ail voters in the Village. of Kenilivorth nmu-st register at the Keniilwortlx l)i.dtrict Nir. 17Thlais store, Lake avehnue au4 Illinois roi-1.d ; District .I Assunblyý hall. N. 18, Ht .ffiail hall . i- en ~d;lititNo. 21. Fire statio;DsrcI Notê'. Dotîud 1î jiîietdii Dist4rît 2,13 show that the t rue bounidary 4)f ' !ý on ;Districtthat tlistf0rt "n hu'nort1h As south fr om the flrst alley ,south of Lake aveitue, N., 22. \Village hall ( t îrtlî side 1,J)istrict No. 23. Villag all (east si(e ni utesuh orhfoitefrtalY tot fWilinette, avenue. Il al I>i~ric. N. 2. B rttiiSt,*1~t 'h. u', ( ort (le >District N< .25, BvrN -01othe-r itl:dt t hie strî et.-; Indieated aàrûc the, trneitîithuna CaPt. John. Gorby Says Pair Progresses Rapidly *The regular mleeting of.thie High- crest Pareut-Teacher association will be held Tuesday evtening, Octiol>er Il. ini th school auditoriuîîmi at 7.:40 o'clock. In the absence of the. pre si- dent, Mrs. George Nfailfald, who rt- signe(l at the last Meeting becatise 1oi moving a.way from tule district, .Mr>.1 IEtta Reagan, vice 1resident, wvîll take *charge;- Capt., Johln W. Gorby.a ienibere of -the staff of the, Century> of Progress, Will speak .on tke Xorld's Fair of 1933. Another sptak, er will1 be WVarner B3. )ixon, balnu mnaster of the Elrnwood Park schQ1ols; and a jûdge of the nîusic contest o Division 3 for the past twb eas He will speak on music ithie ,chools. A social hour ini charge .'f Mrs. E. V.. Brownu and -Mrs. ut NEW BOOK AT LIBRARY il:allinckrodt Wilmette resideîît.s \wll nowv have - News cess to the Rosicrucian book at the News Wilmette public library. Mrs. A. H. ___________________________McConnel of 1220) LocISt road, a memnbers of theRoirca Order .\alllinckrodIt stuidents are still U11- (.AMORC),, hasjutrcie officiaI der:,theé spell of the thrill experienced notification f roin th.e organization headt- last wveek, mvheni thev, had the exceP-. quarters' iu Sanl Jose. ('alif., that the ti)tonal privilege of a visit froin tthe following book liasbet oae to tlhe Rev. Daniel' A. Lord, ýS, J., hose lil)rary -by thie order: interest iii the' Catholic yotlî,i of "Rosicruciam Questitons and Answers Aterica lias endeared hii to- the %with CoI It( listory of the Order," hecart of every 'Catlîolic -highi school1)HSpnelv 1 R.C and college student. PlyH SecrLei.111 ),F.R.C Repeated,,efforts had been nMade iii the past 1to have Father Lord'as a GUESTS 0F HONOR visitor or lecturer at Mallinckrodt, Mrs. \Villard H. Thayer, 121 Rohs- and hentce the neNvs of his comiig art rad, Ketiilworth, was hostess at was liailed with the gre.ateýst enthutsi-. Iceo ast Saturday to twenty- asiii.two nenbers of the. execuitive board Minthe fainous visitor entered of. thieWoiinan's society of the Wil- vfethodist churcli. The Dr. W. P. Goodsmith, Medical Leader, Dies D)r. WVilliam 1P. CGoomdsmithi, promnin- eut ini Chicago niedical circles for nianiy y-ears, di'ed, ea rly Monday morning at the homie of- his, daughter, Mrs. Arthur M; Lonig, 11 06 Green)wood avenue,. Wil-, mette. He wvas 74 vears old. Dr.. oodsuriiiw'as the founder of the Martha Washington hospital. iin Chicago. For fortv years he was the physician at the Chicago Home for In- curables, and was associated with Har- low M. Higginbo)ýthanîi in the work of this inistitutioni. Hs.son, 1Dr.. Howard .Goodsmith, road, enilwotii, litertitica smamof the Howard school. Th e g9an111e group of friends at lunicheoji Fridav CathIerine Tideman, 138 Abingdon will start at 2:45 o'clock. in honor of Mrs Arthur K. Lee. Tlh e Mr. and Mrs., Howard W. Hodg- avenue, Kenilworth, entertained a Lee's have leased the Tom Dix homec kins, 431 Abbotsford road, returned party of eigbteen friends on bier, Dr. and Mrs. Frankc B. Earle, 923 at 236 Oxford road.. to Kenilworth Tuesday of last weelc ninth birthday Monday of last week. lm-wood avenue, returned the mid from a visit with their daughter, _--- die of last week from. the north Mrs. Howard Fogg. 7 13 Greeni- Helen, who attends George WVashing- Mrs. Williami Band of Montreal. woods of Wisconsin, where they wood avenue, left Tuesday on a three ton university where bi'er grandfather, Canada, Jeft Friday after a we-ek' sà vacationied for three' weeks. They weeks' visit with friends andi rela- Dr. H. L. ýHodgkins, %vas deanat one visit with, the' R. IL. Nasons of 120X) were the -guests of Mrs. Millard B. ives in New York and Boston. 1tm. reenwood avemne. Rice of Chicago. -\7ý---"

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