Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 41

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F'OR RENT --5 ROOMN FLAT, HOT watèr heat. $40 a month. 1826 Elm- wood Ave., Phi. Wilmet.te 4479. 56LT1,22-2tjp FOR RENT TWO ROOMI KITCUIEN- ette apartrneflt neari ti*ansnnrù titi. stiearn heat, electricai refrigeration 'Cali Wllmet4te 180>0. .561,TN9-tf< 2 ltOOM APARV"%I E NT, LARGE LIV- ing roomn. bedrooni. ,kitchenette, aiif bath. Private ýentrance,, gara.-ge."$5 11h. Wiliiette 80L. r61,TN22-Iti> 4 ROOMS AND BATH - HEATED; garage. $45. 515 Oakdale, Glencoe. Ph. Glencoe 1776.. 56L22-ltp.) 5ROOMS. SUN PORCH, ON QLJII,,l resldential street ln Hubrd, Wnnid>z Winnetka. 1127. 56LTN17,-tfc ONE 2 R».. ýAL.SO (>NE 4 .M. KITrII- enettealit. Humphireybuilding. Wln- netka 98 or '3928. 59LTN2O-tfe 57 FOR RÉNT-FURNISNED APTrS. FURNISHED 1 ANI) 4 ROOM APTS.,1 convenientiy located. Phone Wilmette 2399 or Wilmette 2427. .57LTN17-tfé 3 LAR1GE ROOMS. IlININO IUUE and bath : or 6 moins and bath. Near transi), Winnetka 1176. 5îlýTN22-ltpy 58 WANTED Tro RENMT-APARTrMENTrs WAýNTEI> TO RENT - ABOVE GA- rage a1mrtnient, hy young couple. Res.lent. Caîl University 5894. 58LTrN22-1t,, 00 FOR -RENIr-HousÉe FOR SALE-OR liENT ý- 5 100M. bulngaloW., Best bargin Gleneoe.. Fine.st nelghborhood(, adjoirinig Skokie: club. Low rent. Very low eost to heat. 'Apply to <)wer. Glencoe 1522, 60LTN?2-1 ti ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM BU1NGALOW *near Échools and tranisportation. 011 heat. Open porch. Garage. Winnetka *661). 60LTN22-1t(- 4 RM. STUCCO COTTAGE.. GARAGE. 2porches. FurnatŽe heat. Near schools andi station. 802 Cherry St., Winneika. -60LTN22-1,tl) 6 11OO2\ HOUSE IN GLENCOE, 2-CAR garage, for 6 mionthes or longer, fur- nislied or unfuriiished. Glencoe 1052. 60LTN22-tf(- FOR RENT-6 R34. BOUSE. SLEEP- ingý porch, sunroom. hot water heat. zarage.; 2111 Wilmnette Ave. :Ph. Wilmettc 4518. 6OLTN21-tfp INWINNETKA, 7 ROOMS, OIL heat, frigidaire, garage, nn agents. .978. Elm St. -Ph. Winnetka 1686.. 60LTIZ17-tËc V V" .1.4. .Li#.<1N J.1 11N. BUILDING, 952 AND 954 LINDEN AVE., H., ,W., FOR MERCAN- TILE, RE AL E.STATE. OR 'BANKJNGPUR- POSES.CALLO WNER,, GLEINCOE 49. lJ-NE isTORE Roo..501 CHESTNUrt St.. Wlnnetka. aur iss street frnm yUîb. lie schni.Wlnnptka 690. 66LTN51-tfe 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES To kl LOCATEL) IN BEST SECTION 0F Xilînette, 1itures(iue and well con- utructed. 6* bedrooinv. 4 tile batha, loggia and mtudy. Owner wants offer, iiinmediate action. See MR. AT 1071 Skokit, llidge Drive, GLENCOE. 72LTN22-1te OUTStANDING HOME BUY Almost.. neiv red brick Englishi type residence-5 bedrnis.; 3 fine baths and. lav.-toil.' first floor: hot. water heat with best type oil burner; large liv.1 rmn.; fireplace; open porch to South; plastered basernent with cÉold xoorn: Qteel "P" heams; metal weather strip- ped; property, in fine shape, yard. shrubbed well: two-car brick garage:* miust be sold-best offer under $20,000 goes. Hill & Stone. TeIli.W. 1544. 72LT22-.ltc 7ROOMS, 3 BATHS BEA,ýUTIFUIL MODEPN R A VI N IA home, large rooins. tie baths. ravine on grou'ids. :1 blocks fromi transp)or-; tation and lake. Rent, $100.ý sell $20.000. 1071 SKOTIE RIIGE ]DR. Glencoe, 721,TN22-lte CGreenIeaf 1855. 72LTN22-ltc > \7innietka Home. WHITE COLONIAL WITH -t ; REN shutters. 9- roomnS, à3' baths, 2-var garage, near transpoirtation, 1 lOO 7. large oak trees. Drastically redueud. to$30,000! irs. Fuller & Wrn Piekard 1618 Chicagoý Ave. Greenleaf 7220 12LTN22-te, FOR SALE-MODERN AND ATTRA'-. tive 6 rmn. house.. sun porch,. garage. W'..l ocated in S. E. Highland Park. SMT1- & 0 0 S, INC. 725 Elni -St. Winnetka 142 72LTN22-lte 73 WANTED TO UUY-HOU9S$ WANTED - BEST BARGAIN IN A house that $25,000 cash will býuy. No brokers. Write B-185. Box -40. WtI- mette, 111. 73L22-ltp) 74 FOR SALE-VACANT WILMETTE-BEAUTIFUI,50 PT. LOT. Cost $3,900. Will seli at exactly one- third. Ail improvernents in. A trernendous bargain R. M. JOHNSTON & Co. Opposite "L" terminal Wilmette 68 74L22-ltc as 1ZXCHANGE-REAL, ESTATE - Modern Brick Residence With beautiful lo t, 7 rooms, 2 baths. Owner will seli at sacri- fice or exchange for North Shore resldefltial or business vacant or smaller home. McGUIRF, & ORR 1505 Chicago Ave., Evanston Gre. 1080 85LTN22-lte 86 FOR SALIE-HOUSIÉHOLD GOODS LOVE SEAT, LIVING ROOM CHAIR, reed c'hair, pool table. work bench, eiectric saw. office desk, lamips,,ve trola, etc. Ph. Wilmett ee255. 86LTN422-ltc M1AHOGANY DINING ROOM TABLE and six chairs. William and Mary period. Very reasonable. Giencoe 737. 86LTN22-ltc wilmette 1600O Dtween1 .BOY'S AND GI1RL'S Ji cycle. Like new. Reai Glencoe 119. CALLED TO, MT. VE RNON L.Raymus Murphy, principal of the' Hikhcrest sehool.ý was. called to. Mt- Vernon. Ill.. Tuesday of this. week for the funeral of bis graùidmother; Mrs. Marie Murphy, whodie* Snay at her borne tbere. 'Mrs Murphy, wbo was about 70 years old, had. been ill with hearttr'ouble. Sbe is survived by three daughters, two sons, and eight- een grandcbildren. The -funeral serv- ices and burialtook place at Mt.. Ver- flon Tuesday.> MARRIED FIFTY YEARS When Mr. and Mrs. Clemn Kilinian of Green Ray, Wis., celebrate their golden wedding amhiversary tomor-, row evening there. will be among tht, guests the Killman's nepliew and hi.s wife and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Ë. Corliss and Johnx Corliss of 1533 Washington avenue, Wilmette, andi aiso Mr. Corliss' parents, Mr. andI Mrs. J. A. Corliss, of Chicago, whc> ail inotored to Green Bay today. GIVE FAMILY DINNÈR PARTY Mr. and Mrs. John M. Paver, 1042 Isabella §treet, entertained at a farn- ily dinner party September 30 iin honor of Mr. Paver's sister, Mrs. Guilford Beck of Chicago, and his cousin, John D. Christie (wbo is mov- ing to Duluth), and for Mr. Christie's fiancé, Miss Arnielia Richmond of Virginia. Mrs. V. K. Spicer 0f 31 Esse>: road, Kenilworth, and ber mother, Mrs. Higginson, are motoring bomne fro m their place in southern Mas-. sachusetts. They will arrive thi'4 week.. Gilbert:Keitb, son. of the Clifton L. Keiths, bas entered Duke university at Durham,. N. C. ILME LJFUE Phone WILMETTE 4300 à a I * .FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS.,THE, HOME PAPER 0F THE, COMMUNITYPP - 1 t

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