Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 38

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Ope, i :3o-Show Stoe* 2 P. M. SEuminga Duing Wnek Doona Ope6:30-Shbow StarU 7 p.,, NEW PRICES ATALL TIMES Aduks, 25c Children. loi F ri.. , O4cQt. 7-8 1Wn.. PowelI--Kay Francis i "111E JEWFL ROBBERY"' mtarte Fr1. 7:50o; 9.48 Starti; Sat. 4:18; 8:24; 8:22; 10:.20 Walter FtergCarlos1ty Hollywood on Parade ... 'TIiar- toon . .. News . .. Organ soieo Sut. Matine OnlI "The Crooner" DIavid Mannersu-Ahn Dvorak Sat. Matlnee, Only-Chapter 8- "THE àUNGLE MYSTERY"P wlth TOM. TYLE~R Sn", Non- <et..I-I Sturtus$un. 2; 4:04; 6:08; Mt:12.- 10:Iê-Starts Mon. 7456t 10,00 SltIm Summerville Cornedy... Tirayeloorue .. . News . Krazy NaIt Kartoon .. Organ Solo rhe INSIDE Story of the > UTID <i:1 i Ho1ywoodý- "Mis RoYal Shynèesa" A ady C1h-de Comiedy ...Cuarloblty News Travelogue ...Organ Solo T Il urs, Fr1., Sat.. <Jt. .-.i "SPEAK EASILY" cL,)mpietey present aIi tmlpo *andq1 fis .proadest sinjjîe,ý %w illupos;n'g. wth j~ai.ungl<e ttrrn:s Nrili rie Ue- treatmrti, "Rebecca of Sunnyhvlrogok Pitcher Lon \%Varnc(k u i.,t before the P lt rienced righit here on1 the' north short Fam,,n,"pying at the WVilii.ettc' thcater1 fatal Iast gaine of the World Series iun-in the comfortable Wilmcttc theater-- - Tursday,,Friday and Satnirdai. Octo- Chicago, wiIl be at Conmunity House firdy rdyadStra 4tt« ber ,1 and 15, is an oattnding on Thtidy rdy.ndStra brsday, Friday and Saturday of ti * example of screen adaptation. "og this week in "The TenCiderfoot." week wbien Frank Buick's "Brinig 'En: the book and play have-l)eten enjloyed J The n:irth of this inerry pictitre will Back Alive," amazing and absolutely c by illions,ý the production:lFOX lias erase ail bitter Series, memiories and autheiitic,* ill be shown for h111r1P given the love story, which c, o-iea t tres what-have-youi, wheii Joe E. Brown', o as oar on ohave the tex- * Marial! -Nixon and Ralphi Bellamv'. ise. in ot a en-a nla, cavorts on einsoftirlv. reported as the most humai) and con-1 Broadway during a imad rodeo of peiceoftiries vincüigl- realistic of théin.ail. Alfred iiaps. each one funilier thaln the onle Three actual death grapples -lac Santel directed froi the adaptation hy preceding. Red-eed ige Rogers tween a python and a tiger, a tiger andl I . .ehrman and SonvYa Ievietî. is thé girl, and no ls favorite, than, a crocodile, a crocodile and a python- Lewv ody plays the« part of on,1 of i llbviwdnhsflm urig t: the high-pressure producers mv1îo enti-e primitive. drama.. Filin 'Wil Show- Inside 'e into the. theatrical ganle.ý Ü-ere's antother situation from -Bring WNorkings of HoIlymawood Saigteporm il:tihe-'mBack Alive": A stalking, preving. Thefetue hOi ig tttut'tearochaser ilI be ant S, S. Vani Dine pic- frotin faml tige usatiyv b dhe eatuet Tucsd at atdhedetrôtre,,'*The Cole Case"; a novelt ,elephant off f rom its mother. '['lhe de ay i oIy usdaSpeand,"Colunbi Cnp: Sii, n ansre. tiger, relentlss, tireless, intent on the picturé huilt around the- inside ivork- .kllpsaog h e lpaî u ings wof *;and that. It türils. . . . ig (ftne motion picture mdustry 'Spencer Charter 'Starts tisva scanmpers tu the l)rtish wild with lerra ar Getievieve 'robin and Pat O'Býrien1 Heavy.ý and Ends Light The outconié of this suspensefui pur.it, hlead a large cast, wvhich incid Rita scranywrl eig S-ýpencvr Chiarters. Wlvho lias the role scratl ot eig La Roy. *Lei ýSteligel. l.uciel 1 Privailof ô z the pri vatç .police. agent 0ii 1OnSaturday afiernoon of th is xk -aM--al-Haole.[t~va (irCt(l y eîcîRobberv,," the \Warnier Bros chapteri- 1of a new serial, fJht lur-ri-. the erstw-hile musical coniedv star, i-.11 iEddie Buzzell, froîi a story 1w- Nor- ctr osarg iia Po ll n cneEre,'wilbsh n.Jd KaanFrncisnal -hcornecs Fi- Wiiir\ayne, Shirley Grey, CnwyTearh- iri rsaan(]-Jo()Swerling. yFrciwihriaan Sandvto the Tcatr-o del Laga>, start- and. I Tlly Marshall art aana iw4 1 ed lais stagc carter h 1)plavying heavies. stars.» AWAIT ýSERIAL THRILLS liefore 'tlie first sca:on was ovcr, the: H-e's a New Sensation, 'l'lcire anaer aif hofcnthe tod, 1 This ('hiarles Lauighton -iwha tai 'l'le tist capte of he ation- Charters that lie vamrissing Ibi' al atr cranînîied serial, "'l'lie Hurricane Ex- 'Ilg(h flot chaaîgilig over ýtu coînedt. ":t ht\litelarls~ilb press." will hle sceni at thitWilinette eîe oloe iý (vc titleaiesigaftrt he sepaton:vil nd t dluaer, i: anra'aienaa.Octo- atrtc ber P. lieof tluilloaiisnc-sfaic 'ied Dc )ep- Stifndat- and M,;'nday. Octîal1r tit \nerc~:v1)ge 9ald 10. I .angh.Itoniprry a jeal- ROYL BT ASHUL ils, eraz-ied suhanlarinie officcer ý1îucar ROYL BT ASHULESKIMO "*WATER BOY"~ ries'his wifc and her lover to the bot- -His Royal Shyvnes-,," anildyClve hce ~ l~î~kîî~cm otn a u o eeg.Tallnlala c"nledy, %vill show at thu uatraî del fu imte 'tlwat1trl hrsaFn- BIiîkliculad an Gary' Cooper also givu l.ago on 'ritesdax' and Wed-da.dantltra <i k\ vek iii tue Ille pra'uan-s ithis ahsnrhinIg Oct. <ber and 12 ~leading role (ifi lo. Uiea's- r. draina (,if tht-Ar-tc.at <mieti:ne sup- - ()î i 'la and Wcednesday, Octaîhar-É Pn11-~1bm£Kasplied w~ater i flache aeotlsl4Iders -of1 Il amuid12, the \Wilmette offers "G:m*.Iii- Candie. A];!>kt, svIlIIîg the pein a i-hI and <l tranger ii . owma.' fuid at>,the raw "f two h bimkets for two ilî h-sade tainous on the stage, hl- cents.k Cravemi and Thomas' Mitchell. Enso-Poe n. 90BIG OVERGROWN KIID! tor, îclýaglen lu "Guilty 'as. Hell," il V AS T Yliii aper in aail«m Ir ~ace.as sarng hyhtr' i lal l'osaiam f Vinu coinedv- at the iinterestia:g Teatro del -re ad diueAines. l'nteraia maent ait ILago prograini Sandav anmd Moan(lay'., Devotees of "Chic" Sale will likc Oct )e 9and 10, the "old feller" better than ever wbeni Reduoed Prlces -__ I they see him as :the Postmaster aiac *'%MEICAN Walter "iIOVIE CRAZY" Hfarold Lloyd 'i ESS*l enter- the

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