Todoy ihere are new uses for E&or- greens. new colon, new1 shapes. new styles. Evergreens have be. corne a symbol of the up-to-date home grounds. NQW. IS THE TIME TO PLANT Ha iri Lvergreens DRIVE OUT ANY D'AY Opa, 50. varieties, ail shd!pet and celmer cand op., Largo geIec-, 00s ai S1.OO te $2.00. Viit the LARGEST EVERGREEN NURSERIES. IN AMERICA. Mato yo ur owfesasetin. Luge assortmenit of vaet*eties and sites frosh dug, rëady to take home. Prices and sites% to suit ev.ryone. Open 7 days in the. wee duriftg Mei planting 500500. No.w 1iSA,'the ts. toplant! HILL NURSERY On Routes 22 and 63 DUNDEE, ILLINOIS Only-39 miles from Chicago PLANT Take, adpantage of eOU Complèe .Landscape Service job -. ikîel , the man mwno aoes iie nsumfcient rakes, making plenty ol rnhey nave Consîuerable spread arn! work knows that lie is irnproperly extra work and practicing poor ccon.. the center 'of the bushi inay be far equipped, but hie does not dIo the buy- omy. The hunip backed steel leaf enough out from the wall or building ing of the tools and the ow-ner of the rakes are great things to comb ont so that it niay even get the benefil .grotind., who does the buying, is ini the scattered leaves 1nay a . f. the natural rainfail. The buslîez, too big a hurry to give theninatter a whichi has flot been closelv înio%%e(l. -n SUch areas will lie founid to . b mnoment's thorîglt, or imagines that And àt is often 'a iinistake to :nojv crippled on the, side next to the, ob- lie is practicing ecoiioûh iv,. ' getting 1aw!ns short this tinie in the year, striictioni, but this condition does not. along as best. lie can wvithotit biug especially with such a dry period as miar- the appearance of the planting. few tools just nw we have jusit now. and the. shrubs can.lie kept in heial- Wlhen we arc cleaning ting t hr i ralspd hc thy condition by regîîlar pruning. thé frwinter, the niew sîîap cat p.nn ay-adnr ie the loo ks 01ireinoving : f the canes and. twigs shears are NwonderfultY better than mnighty. well and the dealers reportdi ro sifi the best of ôther mnakes. They lookpety fsasofheesîlr These > nderprivileged I>aitiîng;, feeble and impossible but a few P1i1i- spades, but it'is wel to select sucil i m eheedlogw drflv1 te's 'til il Win any gardén er toI tools with. a littie thoughit as to tesiî the n thoroughly. Thev wvill the newer kind of trinîmiier. It a!-Ijlength of the handles as a short lian- befudt e eryaws dry, mnost .pays to throw awav the oh!de opl top n ae since the rains, cati reach themi front pruners, eveti if ithey arc goo(l. petyo bc ahs.Telong uon<'edirection. Justreinove thûe Then there is the iewe and'i îostj handled round pointed shovel is a nozzle front the hose and let it rul imiproved grass. trinmmier for edging inighty tool -for, deep cultivatii ga iid uîhinidered as long a., thte drv stril, owork, wýhiclî eliinates stoOp)ing or for ýa complete turn over qfth sil aeitrp icrawl.-iw on the knee. RBe sre to f .. ..A :, ..11. h.Co- 1:.dif w..d..: it - the otie which bas1 a device to pre- PACKING Phone Wd. 32 A , yit to the North Shor.'s Iargest and' fines+ Nurseries wiII b. to your 'odvantage.'Mer. you can mak. your- personal sedon from thlaIrges+ as- sortrnent of Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials ;,n the Chicago area. V1our CASH and CARRY' Départ-. menf. Here. are. humdreds-.of,.Ever- greens of various sizes and 1 varie6tes, each on. freshly dug, baII.di, and bur- Iaàppedj, ready to take borne at prices never- Iower for the :qublity, off ered. F. D. Clavey Ravinia Nuùrs eries, inc. For working up the z-ou I i prxlar- ing> new beds andc for general culti- vating of top- soul, the rapid cultiv-. tor, a sturdy littie depýth rake, j> real jov in garden-ing. It lias aî uses and ranks ainonig the be'st 'i1 the garden tools. IAIR.. CIRCULATION In working out the Laridscap.e pic-ý turc, there are mrany things ýset ül' as: screens, back grounýds, as -enclo- sures and to separate areas, %%hi1Ch greatly retard the natural growth tof Iplants in this sanie picture. jAnything which is tight enough i, greatl'y retard the passage of air. such as woven panel fences, wls grape arbors, buildings,;andd hedges. PAUL KRUPPJA.l HOW TO USE PEAT MOSS Sucix. materials as pvat,, rottvcd wood., leaf -mold ani Skokie top soi-, ail have their proper uses, but can bc used in ways that are 'detrimental to good gardening. The peat nxoss whichl is sold ini bales, as a inulch for new lawns, pro-. tects the lawn Ilrom tramping,_ wash- ing, haking and from injur.y by too violent 'watering throughi the xiozzle of, the hose. However, whilie it would Catch and hold mloisture ini a cloudv - rainy season, just about the opposite would hiappen ini a dry stunnyr sumimer stretch of wveather. A finely' puiver- zed topsoil, such as a %vell cultivated corn field, %vill break up the capillary action and prevent the escape 0of mnoisture ini the ground. But the op- 1)osite is trime if peat, or thle ordinàry, fairly 'well rotted compost is«-spread on toi) of the grotund( during a, drY 1)riod. 'Anv , of thése niaterials, if ro.,tted clovn or p.ulverized to the point where teyapproxinl 1ate jpuverize'J [soil, if *spaded into thei ground, ll soakup and retain moisture. .act'n l)oth as water reservoirs and helping to keep- the soil friable. - - Wood and leaf mnold when fullv rotted, have imniediate food Value for- plants and are not greativ acid ini 1 Mile West Phone Winn'etka 914, nI~ mai! a oep~ to