*cnairman, has plans to reach all par- b ents, that tbcy may be privileged to ' * be active members. The program Ir chairman, Mrs. Martin Bickhani, an-- nounced a very fine and well-bal- anced prograni for the calendar whicb will 'be ini print for 'the first. meeting. Mrs: Paul Lang, .finance chairmnan.. * introduced Helen Caillouux Woolson the new director of dancing, to the! board inenîbers whcii she <rodllt lili for a few-minutes. The lîospitality. chairînan, N1 r.s. 'williaîii Horsting,' is anxious to lhav'e a real. get-acquaintcd programn in lier division and is mnaking lier plan.s %withl that in mmid 'Fhr< ,' gh the colirtesy o nictl vil- lage presidevt. C. P. Dubbs, the civie, chairinan, of t1ie Cetral-Iaur.el .P..-T. A., NI rs.. B. F. Lewis, was invited tt.- attend- the mieeting of the Výillagc <epartmnent, beacîs each, W*edniesda.%- afternooù-at .2 o'clock. EF'erv iclehr of the .. A. ex- reedudligbit ai bavilng th(: Wil- mette schools op)eted andt at being privilege(l to serve the commnunity in *their capacitv. A A tnost ifterestiflg and pleasant a ftî0r1o0n Yas enJo.yed lb' the twenty« menimbers present. 'The, irst etn ithe Central- L Iaurel 'Pare lit -Teach er -association wiîll beAiheld (ctoher l1$ ait1tht Stolp Capt, John W. Gorby Speaks at Highcrcst * Tecitv of Chicago may he.finan- cially tibarrassedl, but the Cenitury, of P~1rogrcss, a private corporation flot for profit and not connected w~ith the city of Chicago politically, or eco- *nolnicalIl-, las already sold $4,30000O in space to exhibitors throughout thue ]an (1, aid .70 percent of this ;.anuout has alrea(ly been i)aid. This %vas stress.ed by Capt. John V I iorbv, a- ineiber of the staff of the, Century of Progress, ini bis talk. X[ondas' nighit at the regular meeting of the WVilmette Chamiber of Con-. i nerce iii the Mas.onic temple. * Allong nativ other intcrestinlg swüre he' 1 ngelhab ier churc I. IRead the Want-Ads As itie as $ amonth' RENTSa gas. burner that Will Convert your. funceo bier into an automatic GAS IIEATING PLANT A new Public Serviceplnfineat£evyoe -Nowlyonu a enjoy 'al the comforts of' dlean, carefree gts heat in your home with.- out making any mnvestmnent in a new heating p lant. You eau rent a hurner from thé' Public Service Company that wiil convert your present fi*rnace or boiler into a mode er»pa heating plant. Rentais are as low . ........as $5 a mont. or the. average home. (>nly * . , a amall charge is madeo fort installation-and your heaiug-worries will tiien be over. No relit is charged for the burner during the. summer season-and, if you wish, you, can4l.gpply rentalpayrn:tstowardthe pi c'keôýteeýveio une tayýe Asic for, Detalis of homes in nortiie ru finding gas-heat the. soli Iilùois ution te an estimate Of what k Mir. and NIrs. George M.. Coale, 3221 Kenilworth avenme, have returned from an eastern trip. Mrs. Robert 0. Law, who went with thenm, e ,nlained at Scinate Beach, Mass., asi the guest of Ms Gertrude Pierce.1 SAddreua------------ ----- -- ---- -