Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 32

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for Scouts. of A rea The regular weekly swimi classes of the North Shore Area council started Iast Saturday morning at the Deerfi eid Shieldis High school tank. 'The camp waterfront director, Fenton Hopkins, wvith assistants Cal Gartîlev. and Dick Wichnian,. also, of the camup s taff, %Vil1 be in 'charge. The pool is available to alNorth Shore Area scouts wishing to get instruction in or. pass their first-classi swimming euients or swimming; and life-sàviig9* menrt badges. The Sat urday inlrning period, con- tinuing. every Saturday throughout the winter, is organized. as follows:: Washington was1 taîl and strong'. 9 to 10 o'ciock instruction ýand 'tes! His life in the open huilt steadv passing for s, vimmning mient badge, nerves, good -health andgréat powver. life-sa.ving mnent badge. and Junior Ever active 'and eagen for vi )nUS Red Cross life saving; .10 to 10:3() life, he seems,'to, have, sho . j~- o'cdock,. instruction andi test passing ýpatience or tendency to being irked In firstrclass, swimnming 'reqluiremutts. at the necessity of p ainstaking detail Scouts are instructed to corne only in bis surveying work and in his for the periodof instruction that thiey mnethodicaliy kept diary and aiccountI need. Each period of bis lufe'--as s"Me histoniati has pointed out-seeied tw Volunteer Usher Service be a schooling anda lrepâtration i'or IsSatgForhY r the one to follow: surveyor, fronitier warfare, in charge of 'theartnîy the I Seventy Boy ýScouts of, the- north weklier of a nation, Presi dent, Amienî- shore started regul ar voluteerusher ca's most beloved man. Each ou( service, for ail the homie football leads into and becomies a p)1ar .tofthe gamies of Northwestvrni at Dyche next episode. . stadium last Saturday when North- Much of our lack of titnderstand-,- western opened its season %it Mis- ing and failure to reallv knoN au(] souri. The scouts are. working with the vntnsotando«th love Washington is due to ilie ir-usevaso sot nd.dalth reparable compliment %vlîicli ýirtîst> u- irinig for the stadimni. This is the and writers of bis day tried t<ý pav l ourth year that tîorth shore scouts him. have given his service. Fach year they Artists Wrong Washington. have received praise for doing an cx- 'eitjob. In earily colonial tin.e&aàëçtrd in,ý to the conception of the artists of 1 that date, it, was imuch to b l)e eied, that great 'people should -be cold andjý dignifiecl, should always sit straigJit. and hold their. heads . igh.. Artist. consid-ered' it- "co.mmoni" to l)ebu man ; and to compliment th is inait so! býeloved. ly those who knew im , tbev set him apart on a pedestal -dte1 gave us fev pictures uhilîi h nîightý even hint of' the kindliness, the hu- mnan'friendliness of the man. Ehose powderedt wigs-and lace ioats lhaveI alniost prevented oun gettitig t n Two' Lake Forest Boyrs Deserve Veteran Honor *A list of, seven boys wvho biad. at- tîended each of' the..four:years at Camip la-Ka-ja-Wan was published: Iast week. Inadventenitly the niamesoôf two boys froin L4ake Forest were, oniitted: Dave Tibbe'tts, Trroop 45 and ian 1McPherson, Sea Scout Ship 62. 'rhese boys started scouting togethien n Trooan 45. MrPIersoii later bhpgin-. National Director to Give Pointers in Land Cruise" at Great Lakes Octo. ber 22, 23 Region Sevei,, according to Harry C. G ood, regional commodore, an- niouinces,aný entirely new progra ni for Sea Scout training-a "laid. cruise," fronm'Satuirday afternoon, October 22, fo Sunday, Octo,>ber 23, at the Great Lakes Naval Training. station to give the boy leader ýof every sea Scout sip ),and patrol an opportunity to ne- ceive special training from a corps of officers experiencedJn. practical sea- manship. The, Great. [.akes Naval Training station offers its equipmelit and personnel for the, course. Only four representatives %vill be a1lowe(l froin each registered shilp. Thev must be. accomi)ahied 1.vail aduit leader. either mate, skipper or ship comminitteetiani., Nationial' Sua Earn New Rankçs anid Merit Badges. Trhe iollowving scouts of Troop .3, Wilrnette, passed tests at the finonthlly boardof review September 22: Tr<ili Mac Morran, tenderfoot; F r ni e s t S chaperi menit badges: réading, first, ai(1 to animfals. The Camp Ma-Ka- Ja-Wan "M" was awarded Jiii An- derson, Tom MacMorran, Bol) Mac- Mxorran. Howard, Mouldinig. )a Haas and. Richard Spiegelhauer. On September 26, the board oi rtý- vicw, composed of W. Morr.is. W.V14. BartholomeW and H. Otto '<otîler- hofi passed the foillowing boys oft Troop 5 on the various tests,: Rodmnai Joyce, tenderfoot; Robert Hendcrson. second class; William Wells Nloo(Iv. first class;, William Beebe andi Ash- ton)t Taylor, star, and Phil Rogers, ie .Merit Badges A-Warded, Scout director, Thoinis J. Keane, will * Ny' ment badgeswer_ .. .1 hedthé faculty of this course and Toop 5 scouts - WIlliani ýwilIlhv satf h is experi- Beehe. pioneeninig, c ooking, lif e sav- enced Sea Scout officers of the r n, apng;GahmBuk,* ti gion and a select group of regiolnal iic pngCharm p ur e, mlerat jofces Ol 20Se couts W'11 bc Locke Rogers, pethfinýding: Phil admnittèd to-the course, and imniediate Rogers,-patlifiiditig, pionjeering, Ifirst registraticin at conneil hieadlqnarters s is nirged. . aetry snf Iy -lonr. ir<l study, atfnding; Richard Torrry. juoneering, _and Roder \ <.iîela.sen, .reading,, campig. Ten-Ye1 r rogram \\il"liam 'liBeebe and Graham Bur -é rt c eived th-eir Junior Red Cross life- ý.aving ,\,Lards. Phil Rogers. and -Wil- President Hoover, ini coopenation liai eeh became mnembers of ill>- withi the Boy Scouts of America'S (>rIcr oi* the Arrow. The MNa-Ka,- "ten .year. 'ro-granm of growvth" is "M"~Xa ~1 went. to William ni>e rnaking available an awar4 to be pre- 'I d ui i i iable, James Lamnb. ihil sented to ail scouting units reaching Roger-. Iick 'rorrey, Arthur Brur(,- a certain standard of growth. 'The ton. Richard Veneklasen, Chlev "ten year expansion programn" haft bllOtsr ahaBne.Rde its original impulse from P1reýiden1t Hnv~oiail\ila o 'Hoover himself when lie said.,àa f.e% Troop : Il Advancet years ago that there is material in 1" r,,1 Il reports, the * ill( êýi , Amrenica for 1'0000Scouts. .'lue i ýawards :, WeldoriP. Cody, lift, e1ir award will be in the form of a presi-,î;alg* --- Weldon P. Cody, Cookiiig dent's streamter suitable- for -attachl- F rancis Al. Kolh), public healtl . i- Th muent to thetroop's flag staff. 1 re fteArwmmesae'i Already. twenty-seven localunuits, 1-Iareya> \eldon .Cd.l including Cul)h packs, Sea Scout' ships ',a-Ka-jt-Vv.anil" went ti. Tad, and scout troops, have reàched the Hjarev, Jack Ler-sch, William 1l erscli. standard for the award, and provid- J. MNarin, J. R-owan, J. Scboî>en, W., mng they' cali continue to biold, theilr Krippes, J. Coyne, Richard Kent, F.' standard for the nest of the vear. will 1?JknD;é..Dlnr - ' . I tV. itz-Patrick and 1,. Drake. ar rtlmqti nrv%àir r I '-->~~YT F1I1I~~t SCOIUTS A D ry Goe steMen's Store m ji,*W R H i,'WiiteAe ert W. Tôwnley, athletic di- at the joseph Sears School in vorth, plans to drive to Ann Midih., for the Nothwestern- an football garne Saturdav of eek. Hie vill take with hlmii fiVe 'orth BON, Scouts. Dr. West's two books already pub- lislied have been immen-sely popular. The "Lone 'Scouts of the Sky" h-as, to date, sold 250,000 copies. "~The Boys' Book of flotior" has' bad a niost- gratifying reception and is 'still itni demiand. as a Real Boy JEdtor's note: The seventh anid con- cluding Installment of Walte-r Mac(- Peëeks vivid biography, "tGeorgea>h lngton - Real Boy,'" appear>x on this. page. «James. E. Wegit,.,chief -Scout ex- eëutive. Boy Scouts of. meica, Says o'f the biography . -1 like ...the way,,l1u which the author has deflnitely connevt- ed the Ideais of scoutlng and the lift,.'of t he scout- today with the ideal. and, life of thim great man (Washing ,tort Who cettainly typifies what we ln seout- Ing are trying to -build In American boys today-c,-haracter and eitizell-211p.- By Walter MacPeek (Contiinued froin last weeki

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