Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 30

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et a.~ nAIKOL9 ian's Club The colorflt collection of caîxvases now hangiig. at the \Voina's club, of ,imette is the first of a series of exhibits to be presented hy the art departutent during-the comîng year. The- club openis this exhibi- tion to. the public, on Suindav after- noon October 9, beti%-vi thte lours of 3and.6. These- paintings have beeni loaned, b .iy artists both ini Chicago and* along9 the: north shore, andm'reflect niany ini- teresting. personalities as welli as show a wide variety of subjects. The artists contributing are: H-ar- riet B. Krawier and Walter Krawv- ier, Claude Buck, Berenice -SIM. New- man, Herb OIson, C'. R.. Kinghian, and William H. Stieber if Chicago, -n- M-- and Mrs. Frank. Pe3vraud, Mrs. Edna.Mae,.Johanse.i. Paul Von Kiieben, and Tom Wilduer of, the north shore. *. Mrs. Gordon. Hannah and Mr.. Chester Lawrence are ini charge of the October exhibit. Mrs. Ralphi T. Huff is chairman of, the' art depart- ment. The art exhibits as nionthlly e vents were inàugurated at the -club last year and. the interest in. tlxern in- creased steadiiy throughout the sea- son. Pictures are hulig on thie walls inturne for the first club day each month and are then ont exhibit 'ion to al interested in art the following Suiday afternoon. Last season's Sunday afternQon art' salons were exceediîxgly wel1 attend-' 'ed, those accepting the open-day in- vitation ntumbering into the hutndreds, N.S. C. I.Sisterho3od Reopens Octobért 17 The opeing meeting for the sea- son and a receptioti wil be given by the..North Shore Congregatioîx Israei Sisterhôood on Moîtday, Oc-, tober 17, at the temple, Lincolnt and Vernon avenues, Glencoe. The busi-' ness meeting wil start at 1 o'clocic and 'the programn at .2:15 proînptly. 1as one of the two vice-chair- 1 Mrs. . Richard CambrilI, Jr, of ton is one of the directors-at- it was recently announced. uive prograini uvting ri'ie- rew sea- s;on, Tuesday afternoon, October 11, af the Winnetka Womnan's club. ThéeJ. P. 1. trio mwill begin the pro. grai at .2 o'clock, playiîg. a Hlaydn composition. The threc yotung peo- pie making up this group are: Fran- ces Rauch, pianist; Israei Baker, irioliniit;. and Jecanne Baîter, ceilist. Through th ewl~sh eople's institute ea.ch of the three lias beept awarded a scholarship preséentcd by Rosa Raisa. -Mr., Baker woiian additional' honor, being voted the highiest rank- ngviolinist among, IiigI school stiu- dents ini Chicago.j Miss Rita Sith Il ill appear in. costume, presenting "Sonlgs and Stor- ies froin Sunny Spainý." 'She' wili ac- :company herseif on the guitar. Thé prograin %viIl close %vith ail- other num-ber by the j. 'P .L trio, and the serving of tea. ýEthel 'Milis NextSpeaker at Euening Gardon, Club, ,Miss Ethiel lM1ilîs is the speaker at the 0ctober meeting of the Eveiî,l Garden club of Wiimette to be held 'Tue-sday eveiling, 'October 11, in tuie lounge of the Womian's club'. Her subjeçt is "Gardens and Homes," ai wilI be, illustrated withpictures she hias taken in Engiand and elsew,ýhert- abroad. M~~iss Milis is weli known to iinanv,, nIorth shore people, hiaving appeared both before the a fternoon Gardenî club and the W\Noma.n's 'club of \Vil - mette.' "Sfic is an interesting- speak-> er 'and bier talks .are of lively inter- est to ail titose who love beautifuil gardens, which' includes just about 'all of us in . Wilmnette" the Evening Gar- den club announices. "This is an ini- vitatioîi to ail sucir to attend." Miss Anna Beachi will have a paper in the series on "Our Native Tree S' very appropriateiy, speaking of "Ti-.c Beech Tree." At Northridge Club Anna Wilmarth, Ickes of Iubbard Woods, state representative' of the Sqýenth district, is to 1)e the speaker at the meeting of. the' Northiriçlgc READING CIRCLE TO MEET The Wiimette 'Reading circle. is having its next Meeting at the resi- dence of Mrs. -A. C. Wen'bani, 90() lake avenue, Monday, October 10. *arts departmenit of .the \Vomiani' Cat'holic club~ of Wilmette, is plan- iig a 'honecorùing party ivith the members of the club and' their chl- dren taking part in a mother-dauigh- ter-son prograin. Sôine of those par- ticipating are: M11rs.. Harry' Barker and Eulalia Barker; Mfrs. C, Bartonl. NMrs. Thonmas Kulînan, and Suzanna Bartoît ; Mrs. Edward F. Cunxmiiiskey- and Ida Cath- erine Cumini.skey; Mrs. August Mey- er and Cecelia Meyer; Mrs. ýRusseII Flood and Bernard Flood, Nlrs.,WVal- ter Berminghiain and. Francis and Mary Maude Bermninghamn; Mrs. John Tracey and Josephine Tracey. A resuné of the tate books.by Mrs,. Ilarry SherWin, literature cliairinan, will conclude the l)rograin. Hos tesses for the afternoon are Cliii) mothers and lailglters, M\rs. P. B. Birong. Nlrs. Russell Flood, Mrs. johin Boylstony Mrs. Elieni James, Mrs. Hoilis Gleason, Mrs. Roy. Ren- ekaMrs.. Johnî Harris, ,Mrs. J. H. ~Vleand 'Mrs. HermaitLrsh Memibers of the flne arts depart- ment assisting Mrs. Flood are Nlrs.. Henry, Schmidt, M.rs. Baniford. Lari- gui, Mrs. Harry Bettingliaus, Mrs. Marshall KearnieN, Mûrs. Thoînas ,Mintz, . H:J. . Naper, M\Irs. F.J.; Rothing.. TeBook study ciass. lîo1ls itsý meetings on the first and thirdý Tues- days of. each m-nonth, at 10 o'iclock iîi tue' 1miornling1 at the homne of Mrs.. R. G.,Flôoil, 210 .Bro'adway avenue, Xii- muette. lThe chil). cliruis tunder 'the (iret- tioni of INrs. J3anford LaiguI, music chiairmnan, will mieet at lier honme. 615 Gregory avenue, on October 11, at 10 il the mnoriiing aîxd aiso on Octo- ber -15. Al of thec club m'enbers are inivite(I to attend. these classes. DinnerBridgeOpens Junior Aüxilia .1lîvj uîîor ;auxîiî*arv oi the Wt aù s club of XViîette lias tite i Mxeeting Of, its nlew seasoni tonq (Thtirsdav). 'The occasion. is a soc mie, a ditnner bridge' at 6:30 o'cko to wl-udt menxbeu-s may brinlg gtlc and at which Mrs, Arthuir J, ])]NO president 'of the nother 'club, vi'l! guest of honor. MIiss Jane .0wý 725 Greetwood aventue, is in 'hai T'he North Shore group, Woînen (f the 'Rotary Club of 'Chicago. had a basket picnic supper at the honme of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Fulton, 884 Hill road, Winnetka, Wednesday eve- ning of titis week.' A treasure hwit was the eveninigs diversion.* iry <ni- asx N--I.iviIg 1rOoni hu'un s, h!i'.i lrst ~q lwvs r'ol ids XI- îhadw lietui-e.s : original. ici (<o,îîlositioîî fl'w>eu-pictui-es ;fruit p- ý)cI~ lu res, original arrangement, vgtl<t ~st~1>i'tUi~~,orig-inalcopstn d-n still lfe in 'which art suvt ut Class ýXJI--window boxes-, both il- 'Cil d<or tnd ouitd4oor, ige t'laiçs XIII-Sun r1.oît11 exhibits, wilh laie -kgî-ounid; and foliage plants in pa i'-ý in sult;uhle holders sidngle entries. id onU ' 1of I., The Garden Club of Illinois 'has, set the tinte' for its aniual spring flower show from March 31 to April1 8, inclusive. The. locale of thi's vcar's exhibition isý the saine as last, the Navy Pier, which' lent itself ad(van- tgeously to a display of-the ingti tude of titis particular onc. 1lwc Icommittee for the show itself ai the members of the board sponsoring theu levent, incllude residents of the Il mrti §hore. Mrs. Warren W. Shocntal<er of Hubbard Woods7 is ticket chair- ,mant and a mtenîbers of the exeetit%- comipittee for the show, and is leg- islative chai-rran for thle boalrd 1of directors 'of tte, Gardent Club oif ItI nois, Inc. On this saine board Of dk- rectors is Mrs. Mark W. Cresap of Winnetka, chairman of conservatioi.- and Mrs. Daitiel E. Kissaîîî ot Glenl- coe, iii charge of revisionis. > Mrs. 'Williani Casselberry, Jr.. of I,ake Porest *is l'irst vice-president ati in charge of programs for the Gardeii club antd.Mrs. Robert M,\cKniiglit ài 'Raviniia is in charge of the speakers' bureau. MNrs.. McKiiigit ,is a st head of 'tite classification colntittue for thefloershow. Ent.ries for the flow ' r exhibitioïï are to )eý arranged into foulriern, classes. C1a"S T-tIou.se and Garde ii: lla.i 1 I-Special gardens, 02. <'lass III-English type of houîst,. (i- ýigntiv< alike ; Four C<i<mi»ial b I1ke design, Class IV-Oreeni gardens;' î.and -ryen gâlrdens. (lass IS~i1ehiis ald unustial plant.s or flowers au iii viaI intursting o)bjt (t ini keepinlg with anI oducational exhibit ; a, useed poid ,*xiîlbit ias VIII-Specîal oecCsiOIlIUih4' l;,blevfoi. six. (,Iis TX-rekfsttable,' s'. ,fr fouir, lbreakfast trays, (entui,%, (f l*fv,_ re-ss tables. Mvrs. (. H . iomlinson in iivanston 'Wednesday, October. 12, for luncheoit and a prograin. Kenneth Colegrov-e oif the politicai 'science departinent at Northwesterzr university wili. talk to the members abouit the Xoveinher élection.

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